Life In 19x19

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Author:  PlaySlow [ Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

Bill Spight wrote:
PlaySlow wrote:
@Edlee, You are right but i generally die at these kind of invasions:/

Typically with these invasions, if successful, some of the invading stones die. If you lose all of your stones, it may be because you are trying to save all of them. :)

I hope someday i'll manage these kind of invasions:) Generally when i try to imitate sabaki or something like that i give more territory :)

Author:  skydyr [ Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

In the first game, vs. pchien, the group at the top is dead at :b35:. White just connects, and then has miai of the throw-in and extending to make a false eye.

At :b49:, E and H are better than D, to give body to the moyo, but white does need to think about the group on the top living too. Right now, I think you have miai between getting into the center and living in the corner.

:w52: is on the wrong side. You're destroying your own potential in the bottom left.

At :w68: just extend and black has issues.

:w76: connect at E15 and watch black die in the corner.

In the later fight surrounding the top group, white needs to look for black's weaknesses to counter attack rather than just getting bullied. White also needs to pay attention to broken shape, which comes up far too often.

Author:  skydyr [ Thu Jul 07, 2016 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

For the last game, :w4: is poorly placed against the chinese, IMO, because it's not low on the bottom side. The proper punishment, such as it is, for :w12: is to let white need to come back to it later. Trying to do something directly is too much and gets black in trouble. Black could also extend along the bottom side with a two-space jump at some point, and white needs to defend, though maybe not right away.

:b25: is problematic, but the biggest issue is first, jumping in right away, and second, strengthening white with the peep, etc. to hurt the corner group. Black really should have let the :b25: stone go later on rather than trying to save it.

:b45: I dislike. First, locally, it feels too close and should be a keima from the corner. Second, jumping out with a knights move puts a lot more pressure on the white group. Black doesn't need to worry about the upper right if white's right side group is in danger of dying.

:b49: You can't play terrible shape like this. White can crush black into a horrible shape and cut off the two stones.

:b65: J15. Where's white going to go? Further back, though, why play M15? It's both too far and too close (from the side and wall respectively).

:b73: White M18 is so gigantic unless white dies, that you should play it unless you are sure you can kill the whole. Aiming to have your groups cut apart is a terrible strategy. You lose territory on both sides, and you then have to think about how to live.

You've mentioned doing a lot of tsumego recently... Tsumego are good in a way, but don't matter too much compared to more basic things: you don't need to be good at tsumego if your groups don't get cut, because you won't have to worry about life. Anytime you are in a tsumego situation, your group is potentially being bullied, giving free strength or points to your opponent in exchange for living. Better to avoid it except when necessary.

Author:  PlaySlow [ Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

skydyr wrote:
In the first game, vs. pchien, the group at the top is dead at :b35:. White just connects, and then has miai of the throw-in and extending to make a false eye.

At :b49:, E and H are better than D, to give body to the moyo, but white does need to think about the group on the top living too. Right now, I think you have miai between getting into the center and living in the corner.

:w52: is on the wrong side. You're destroying your own potential in the bottom left.

At :w68: just extend and black has issues.

:w76: connect at E15 and watch black die in the corner.

In the later fight surrounding the top group, white needs to look for black's weaknesses to counter attack rather than just getting bullied. White also needs to pay attention to broken shape, which comes up far too often.

Reading your comments it is so clear right now.. But when reviewing the game i couldn't see these points (which some of them are very easy to find out) and that frightens me.

Author:  PlaySlow [ Fri Jul 08, 2016 6:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

skydyr wrote:

:b49: You can't play terrible shape like this. White can crush black into a horrible shape and cut off the two stones.

Thanks for detailed review but i couldnt understand :b49: letting 2 black stones cut off. I have read it as i connected these.

Author:  dfan [ Fri Jul 08, 2016 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

PlaySlow wrote:
skydyr wrote:

:b49: You can't play terrible shape like this. White can crush black into a horrible shape and cut off the two stones.

Thanks for detailed review but i couldnt understand :b49: letting 2 black stones cut off. I have read it as i connected these.

The first thing that occurs to me is after :b49: is :w50: at L6, then K6 J5 K5 K7 J6 K8.

Author:  skydyr [ Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

dfan wrote:
PlaySlow wrote:
skydyr wrote:

:b49: You can't play terrible shape like this. White can crush black into a horrible shape and cut off the two stones.

Thanks for detailed review but i couldnt understand :b49: letting 2 black stones cut off. I have read it as i connected these.

The first thing that occurs to me is after :b49: is :w50: at L6, then K6 J5 K5 K7 J6 K8.

Exactly. Black gets an eye, but the group is cramped and surrounded by strong white positions. This sequence shouldn't be too hard to read, as it's a one-way street of ataris, and the basic question of 'what if white pushes in?' absolutely needs to be considered.

Author:  PlaySlow [ Sat Jul 09, 2016 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

Now I understand thank you for explanation.

Author:  PlaySlow [ Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

Here's another game of mine that i made many mid game mistakes. Thank you for your comments!

wretched-toshi - Copy.sgf [6.29 KiB]
Downloaded 272 times

Author:  EdLee [ Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:13 am ]
Post subject: 

:b13: Q17

:w38: K3. Why the kosumi ?

:w58: Connect. Count. W is doing well so far.
B doesn't have so much. No reason to let B connect like that.

:w62: Yes, you want the outside.

:w70: Did you consider B11 ?

Author:  PlaySlow [ Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re:

EdLee wrote:

:w38: K3. Why the kosumi ?

You are right, now reviewing i can just extend down and split.

:w70: Did you consider B11 ?
I always forget that option even I see that move after shoulder hit in Dan level games in KGS. I'll try to remember next time.

Author:  EdLee [ Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

:w70: I'll try to remember next time.
If you notice that B can play at the same point B11 and take your cash and help settle himself in sente -- :b73: -- then you see it's a shared vital point.

Sometimes your opponent's vital point is the same as yours (not always true); if you see from their POV, sometimes it helps. :)

Author:  Knotwilg [ Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

"mistakes" with the biggest impact: 100, 122 & 188
overall feeling: improve shape for middle & end game. Opening & endgame ok, sense of direction ok.


18 Good. Black made a mistake in the opening and you're ahead. Normally now all you have to do is play simple moves

34 When reducing, try to stick to reducing or you'll be under attack

58 Good tenuki. Think about tenuki again at 60 (I think you can let Black connect here)

middle game

68-77 Too easy life for Black in white sphere of influence. Game is even again. See Ed's suggestion

81 Black takes the key point between spheres of influence. Black is ahead

83 And then throws it away again

88 When thinking attack, don't reduce instead

93 Black self defeating move

100 play shape moves to win the middle game fighting

122 L&D


142 White got all the big endgame

147 Black aji keshi

156 I thought the game was practically over here, but it still gets close

188 & 190: two great opportunities missed

full review:

wretched-toshi - Copy.sgf [8.88 KiB]
Downloaded 304 times

Author:  PlaySlow [ Tue Jul 26, 2016 4:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

Thank you for the comments Knotwilg.

Today I was about to beat a 6 kyu first time, but he left the game after I kill one of his big groups..

Also I started streaming my games on!

arakan10-wretched.sgf [1.53 KiB]
Downloaded 279 times

Author:  PlaySlow [ Tue Jul 26, 2016 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

Knotwilg wrote:
188 & 190: two great opportunities missed

I know there is something with these cuts but i read so slow and it was byo yomi. After seeing your review it's like DDK question.

Author:  Uberdude [ Tue Jul 26, 2016 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

PlaySlow wrote:
Knotwilg wrote:
188 & 190: two great opportunities missed

I know there is something with these cuts but i read so slow and it was byo yomi. After seeing your review it's like DDK question.

So don't play anything there! Play some normal move somewhere else and use the extra time to read. If your tenuki move is sente and he goes back to fix the problem you follow up your sente threat. If your tenuki is a gote move and he fixes then you can play another valuable move. Both are better than ruining your aji there.

Author:  PlaySlow [ Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

I didn't think it like this way Uberdude, you are right about that. I need to manage the time better.
20 sec is really hard for me to do anything. Maybe I need to push myself to read faster in L&D questions. I generally solve them in a relaxed manner reading every logical variation one by one slowly.

Author:  Knotwilg [ Tue Jul 26, 2016 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

There is nothing to say about this game as far as your play is concerned.

It was a moyo contest with 1 huge moyo against 1 superhuge moyo and the invasion in the superhuge one failed.

OK, there are a few remarks on the opening perhaps, in that going for huge moyos is not always the biggest move, but there is plenty of opportunity to make such comments.

Author:  Shaddy [ Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

What do you mean by "nothing to say"? I see plenty of slow moves, weak moves, at least one missed opportunity to kill, etc.

Author:  Knotwilg [ Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: PlaySlow

One missed opportunity to kill? But he killed, right?

I mean, what can one learn from such a game, as Black?

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