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Drago 4.10 release available - fuseki game trees
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Author:  Gilles [ Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  Drago 4.10 release available - fuseki game trees


Drago 4.10 release is now available. The installer and portable versions can be downloaded here and the content of the version can be checked in the release notes. Check also the main page if you don't know all features of Drago.

This is mainly a maintenance release but it includes some new features which could be useful. Just check the release notes.

The main new feature enables to construct fuseki game trees. This has been inspired by Arno fuseki database. It is possible to construct game trees from any collection or folder. As an example, the game tree made of the first 8 moves of all games in the latest GoGoD CD is included. Thanks a lot to GoGoD team to allow me to use their database.

The game trees give for each move its frequency (how many times it has been played) and efficiency (ratio of won games).The number of games with no result is given as well. For instance:

Q16 #:53%(31532) !:52% ?:109
R16 #:43%(25548) !:54% ?:540

This gives a lot of information in a very condensed way and I am sure it can help a lot of us.

edit: fix url

Author:  zinger [ Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drago 4.10 release available - fuseki game trees


Drago is a great, definitely my preferred sgf editor. Gilles has put a lot of work (surely an understatement) to make a fine program, and free too, for the good of the community.

Great job Gilles!

Author:  Gilles [ Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drago 4.10 release available - fuseki game trees

Hi Zinger, thanks a lot.

Drago is a great [] sgf editor

I agree :-)

Gilles has put a lot of work (surely an understatement)

Let's say one hour a day for the last 5 years. This gives a ridiculous amount of time. But I had a lot of fun and learned a lot of things.

to make a fine program, and free too, for the good of the community.

Well, the initial goal was to have a training tool to improve my skills. I have the tool but not yet the skills!

Author:  danielfox [ Tue Oct 05, 2010 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drago 4.10 release available - fuseki game trees

I recall trying Drago some years ago - I'm not sure why I didn't care for it at the time, but I wound up using MultiGo for the past few years. I must say though I have installed the latest version of Drago - and it looks very likely to replace Multigo as my editor/viewer of choice.

Very good job, it is obvious you have poured a lot of work into this. It is also obvious I've been missing out all this time :D

The libkombilo integration is a great feature. I'm a heavy Kombilo user, and it is good to see you've made some very innovative improvements, such as search results as board icons. That made my jaw drop.

However I do miss a few things with the search functionality I am used to from Kombilo. I did not see a way to click on a search result move and automatically generate a new search. It's a small thing, but a big convenience. Maybe I am overlooking it, but it appears that to follow a line of play through the database one must search, play the move he wishes to follow, reselect the search area and search again? Kombilo's '1-click' mode automates this.

Kombilo also shades search result letters from black to white by frequency, this is helpful visual aid when you are interested in results for both colors for a position (I can see if I defend, where I should play, but if I tenuki, where white might follow up, at a glance.) In Drago, all the result letters are black which means one must look over to the search dialog and look at the little bar graphs, but unfortunately the little results pane appears to only hold a few results at a time. Uppercase/lowercase letter frequency vs Kombilo is also reversed, but i'm sure I'll get used to that.

I hope I do not offend with this criticism. Overall I am very excited to have a new SGF editor. Thank you for your hard work!

Author:  Gilles [ Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drago 4.10 release available - fuseki game trees

danielfox wrote:
Kombilo's '1-click' mode automates this.
This one is really missing.
danielfox wrote:
but unfortunately the little results pane appears to only hold a few results at a time.
Have you tried the split bar between board and results?
danielfox wrote:
I hope I do not offend with this criticism.
Not at all :-)

Author:  Sneegurd [ Fri Mar 25, 2016 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drago 4.10 release available - fuseki game trees

OMG! I was searching for Fuseki Game Tree databases because I thought, the included one may be based on too few matches... Now I see Drago can create them itself...! Great tool, Drago is my #1.

Author:  GoRo [ Sat Mar 26, 2016 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drago 4.10 release available - fuseki game trees

Gilles wrote:

Drago 4.10 release is now available. The installer and portable versions can be downloaded here

Thanks a lot, but why does it say 4.22 there?


Author:  Sneegurd [ Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drago 4.10 release available - fuseki game trees

Because the threads first posting is from 2010 and I replied to it.

Author:  GoRo [ Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drago 4.10 release available - fuseki game trees

What a nice explanation, got it :-)

Author:  Sneegurd [ Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drago 4.10 release available - fuseki game trees

For making studying even better, I wish the Fuseki Game Tree SGF (I created one from 80k pro games) could be merged with Kogos Joseki Dictionary.

This way we had % of play and % of win together with the dictionaries commentary. I had a look at SGFs, seems not easy to accomplish this. I wish the variations commentary could be somehow addedd to to the moves comment...

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