Life In 19x19

AaronB #3. 22 stone dragon. enough to win?
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Author:  AaronB [ Mon Jan 07, 2019 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  AaronB #3. 22 stone dragon. enough to win?

Here's another interesting game:

19-1-7_AaronB-JohnK38.sgf [4.22 KiB]
Downloaded 564 times

Author:  Tapani [ Mon Jan 07, 2019 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AaronB #3. 22 stone dragon. enough to win?

First, I am a few stones weaker than you so my comments are rather a "reverse" review. There are some moves where I feel you played differently than I would have - which means one of us might have something to learn (likely me).

:w28: Is this move sente? Is black really dead if he does not respond? I would have played something like Q10, since I would have thought black can live. (And as black, maybe played Q10 myself).
:w32: As white I would have played at Q11 instead, it just feels much bigger. Maybe Q10, not sure about spacing.
:w36: My move would have been M17, take the points and make black run. Not let black make a base.
:w38: My move would have been M16 to develop the center.
:w42: For me P18 feels better, and is a pattern I think. Maybe I am wrong here?
:w48: Still feeling white needs a stone round Q10 instead, but even if not, my preference would have been N13 to stay more connected with P14.

Author:  ez4u [ Mon Jan 07, 2019 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AaronB #3. 22 stone dragon. enough to win?

A few thoughts...
:w10: Good!
:w14: Not good now! There is no way this is the largest, most urgent point on the board. Lucky for you, Black pretty much wastes :b15:, giving you a chance to redeem yourself. If Black had played something like K4, what would you have done?
:w34: Shouldn't this be in the opposite direction? Q13 looks about right to me. We should want Black to invade the top so that we can use the low stone on G17 to attack.
:w36: Fun idea but very difficult to put into practice because the top is too wide to seriously threaten Black while the right side is too wide to successfully enclose with one more move. Tapani's idea of M17 looks much more reasonable. With :b45: Black gets behind :w36: anyway.
:w46: Slack. N14 instead to continue with the basic idea of enclosing the top? Test Black's response to a White play at L16 first?
:w50: Too thin. Note that this play does not really threaten Black's left side so Black can reply aggressively. It is time for White to back up and defend somewhere. Also note how :b49: weakened White's top left group while making Black's top completely safe.
:b65: If Black had simply played say R11 to live on the right side, what would you have done?
:b77: If Black had played H9, what would you have done? Right now Black should want to avoid anything that closes White's gap at E15. If Black gets to play E15, something must fall.

In the final position on the left side, note that Black can play A8 and capture the upper stones.

Author:  EdLee [ Tue Jan 08, 2019 2:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi Aaron, Tapani,

Some ideas, up to :w28::

Author:  ez4u [ Tue Jan 08, 2019 4:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AaronB #3. 22 stone dragon. enough to win?

Does 212 at K3 hold everything and kill Black? Looks like it to me.

Author:  Joaz Banbeck [ Wed Jan 09, 2019 12:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AaronB #3. 22 stone dragon. enough to win?

ez4u wrote:
Does 212 at K3 hold everything and kill Black? Looks like it to me.

It does.

That causes me to realize that white still has a ko fight for the game.

Click Here To Show Diagram Code
[go]$$ Position at move 212
$$ ---------------------------------------
$$ | . . . O . . . X . . . X O O . . . . . |
$$ | . X X O X . O O X . X . X O . . . . . |
$$ | . X O O O O O X . X . . X O . . . O . |
$$ | . X O O X O X X . X . . X O . O . . . |
$$ | X O O X X O . . . O X X O . . . . X . |
$$ | . X X X . O O O O O O X O . O . O X O |
$$ | . O X . . . X . X . X O . O . . O O X |
$$ | . O . X . X . . X X X O O O . X X X X |
$$ | . O O . . . . X O X O X X X X . X O . |
$$ | O X O X X O . X O , O X . O X O O . O |
$$ | . X X O O X . X O . O O X . X X O O . |
$$ | . . X O . X . X O . . X . X O X O X . |
$$ | . X X O O X X O O . O X X O . O . . . |
$$ | . O O O X . . O . X X X O O O . O . . |
$$ | . O . O X X . . . X O O X X O . O . . |
$$ | . O O X . X O 4 3 O 1 2 . . X X X O . |
$$ | X O X . . X O . O 5 6 O . X . X O O . |
$$ | . X X . X O O . . 7 . O X . X X X O . |
$$ | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X O O . |
$$ ---------------------------------------[/go]

Edit: Not an easy fight, but still he has a chance.

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