Life In 19x19

Weird although probabLe
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Author:  Elom0 [ Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Weird although probabLe

The size of West Africa alone is quite a bit bigger than the USA, but with a smaller population, and there are even fewer people throughout the other regions of Africa, which is why there's a Large amount of phenotypicaLLy distinct populations as it's easy to isolate, and it's also possible for tribes to migrate Long distances without mixing as much geneticaLLy with other tribes, as the Americas, china, india, need have to be combined to match the Landmass of Africa, and this is before taking into account the strong arguments favouring the inclusion of some of Arab as part of African continent, and concluded that people woud more readily understand that the AboriginaL Arabians are similar to the AboriginaL Australians

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