NordicGoDojo wrote:
why abstract value calculations should have nothing to do with situational factors such as who is ko master.
What examples like yours show is that value calculations can become arbitrarily complicated and impractical. However, kos do depend on environments and their ko threats. Komaster is an abstract model of an environment with ko threats. More specifically, it is a simplified model of one player being able to win the ko due to enough large enough ko threats, due to which one enables such local evaluation regardless of the exact kinds and shapes of ko threats.
There are also models without komaster (or komonster) for environments when neither player has enough large enough ko threats but typically has simple (gote) plays elsewhere. This does not mean that such models would also model well environments in which one player has enough large enough ko threats.
Ko evaluation can be abstract or practical, general or for a specific example position, exact or approximative.
If ko evaluation is abtract and, as you suggest, avoids environmental considerations, it still has to relate and compare different possible local outcomes. In the simplest case, there are exactly two possible outcomes: Black wins and dissolves the ko or White wins and dissolves the ko. Either outcome is reached by some number of local excess plays. So an approximative, naive local evaluation assumes that each such local play has the same, constant gain and we would calculate this gain, a move value and an initial count accordingly, like we do for an ordinary ko (and like my naive first evaluation attempt did for a corner stage ko). As approximation, such may be good enough in practice. For theoretical consistency of values, such can fail (as we have seen for a corner stage ko).
As the example shows, a ko can have more than two possible outcomes. Therefore, comparing two particular outcomes may not be good enough. The environment and its ko threats matter! In abstract evaluation, komaster is a possible model and does make sense but we also must not just consider the two possible wins due to enough large enough ko threats calculating some sort of weighted average; we must also consider outcomes achieved without ko fights.
Different outcomes and choosing them do depend on the environment! Unlike placid kos, hyperactive kos are not sufficiently characterised by only one move value, only one count and only one gain! (Even a simple sente is not sufficiently characterised by only one gain - the gain of Black's first play and the gain of White's first play are unequal.)
The environment can, and often does, contain ko threats. For a local ko to be evaluated, one must also taken into account ko threats of environments. If one player has enough large enough ko threats, a simple model for such is having a komaster.
Local ko evaluation is much more meaningful if environments are considered. Abstract local ko evaluation is very meaningful if also cases of environments with one player having enough large enough ko threats are considered. The name for some simple such cases is "komaster". Hence, abstract value calculations should consider situational factors, such as who is komaster.
This does not mean that abstract models would always be the most practically useful. If your example occurred in an actual game, komaster evaluation would be a great way of wasting thinking time.
Komaster evaluation of hyperactive (and therefore difficult) kos, although the model is relatively simple, tends to be very time-consuming because there might not be enough shortcuts to algebra or its visual representation by thermographs. Therefore, hyperactive kos or positions with them as follow-ups are best evaluated between games. Then one can apply calculated values for typical environmental cases like one can apply learned josekis or life-and-death shapes.