Life In 19x19

BChamps snuff?
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Author:  Elom0 [ Wed Aug 24, 2022 5:51 am ]
Post subject:  BChamps snuff?

I heard that Matthew McFadyen gave up on playing in the British Go Champs giving a lack of challenging competition as a reason (now I imagine Iyama Yuta not competing in title matches during 2016-1018 because he wants the challenge of international titles, and it sounds pretty funny). However, if I'm correct, the very next year or at least less than a few years afterwards, the winner was a 5 dan, arguably stronger than him since newer ranks are stricter than during the time period he aquired his 6 dan rank. He hasn't been the best british player anymore by a longshot for a while. So is there some other reason that players aren't playing in the Champs? Forgive if I'm being rude and a knucklebrain here . . .

Author:  Uberdude [ Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BChamps snuff?

At the risk of putting words in Matthew's mouth, though I do know him fairly well, I wouldn't say the lack of competition is why he gave up playing in the championship. It's because he recognised he wasn't as strong as he used to be and didn't have the focus and drive to regain his strength, and didn't want to play below his previous high standards. The event which triggered this was the 2011 London Open where he did badly, losing to some 3 and 4ds he would have easily beaten before. He then didn't play in the 2012 championship or since. It would have been nice for one of us new generation like Andrew Kay to beat him in the title match as a passing-the-torch moment, but alas. I would say if Matthew did play in the 2012 championship I would still favour him to beat Andrew Kay ~60%, and ~80% vs me or Nick Krempel. Daniel Hu is the first player I would bet on to beat Matthew in a title match. I think Matthew is still stronger than both Bruno and Gaoge in this years match. His experience of playing in long games still counts for a lot: a title match is quite different to a regular 1 hour tournament game. I'm not playing anymore because I'm now busy being a dad.

Author:  Kirby [ Wed Aug 24, 2022 10:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BChamps snuff?

Uberdude wrote:
I'm not playing anymore because I'm now busy being a dad.

If you're willing to share more, I'd be happy to hear more about how that's going :-)

Author:  Elom0 [ Wed Nov 02, 2022 6:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BChamps snuff?

During the time he wasn't playing in the British Championship he still played and plays in European Go Congresses. So it's not because he thinks he's not good enough anymore. I wouldn't want it to be some Lee Sedol type situation where he's not satisfied with the BGA or something . . . I'd have to ask myself but that might be a bit rude even for me and my temporarily impaired prefrontal cortex, haha! :lol:

Author:  Elom0 [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BChamps snuff?

Uberdude wrote:
At the risk of putting words in Matthew's mouth, though I do know him fairly well, I wouldn't say the lack of competition is why he gave up playing in the championship. It's because he recognised he wasn't as strong as he used to be and didn't have the focus and drive to regain his strength, and didn't want to play below his previous high standards. The event which triggered this was the 2011 London Open where he did badly, losing to some 3 and 4ds he would have easily beaten before. He then didn't play in the 2012 championship or since. It would have been nice for one of us new generation like Andrew Kay to beat him in the title match as a passing-the-torch moment, but alas. I would say if Matthew did play in the 2012 championship I would still favour him to beat Andrew Kay ~60%, and ~80% vs me or Nick Krempel. Daniel Hu is the first player I would bet on to beat Matthew in a title match. I think Matthew is still stronger than both Bruno and Gaoge in this years match. His experience of playing in long games still counts for a lot: a title match is quite different to a regular 1 hour tournament game. I'm not playing anymore because I'm now busy being a dad.

Very Sure Vanessa Wong was stronger than Matthew when she won the title

Author:  thirdfogie [ Wed Apr 24, 2024 1:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BChamps snuff?

I also know Matthew a bit, having been a regular at the Leamington Go Club
for 10 years, until poor health intervened this year.

There is no sign that he is annoyed with the BGA: he still does occasional
commentaries on British Championship games. He is a life-time member of
the BGA, so there are no costs or duties imposed on him, which is probably
very different to Lee Sedol's situation.

Matthew mentioned that he won the British Championship 25 times and the
European 3 times, so one can readily understand why that would be enough. He
is modest about his own strength: saying that he is really amateur 4-dan now.
And he has other interests: his family, wildlife (especially birds), music, his
hydroelectric installation and cultivating his own garden.

Matthew still plays a mean 9-stone game, as many victories against me testify.
The one time that I managed to kill most of the board against him, it was such
a surprise that I took a photo of the final position. Ever rational, he
pointed to the board and said "I missed a kikashi there".

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