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 Post subject: Where to buy Go stones in Ukraine? Could someone advice site
Post #1 Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 3:48 pm 

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Online playing schedule: Now i am learning GO
Hello,many sites not sent go sets and boards to Ukraine, maybe someone know a couple site? (would be better if price will be nearly 100-200$ for Yunzi, Shell and Slate, Agate and Onix or less than 100$ for glass go stone)

This post by DarkRoyale was liked by: Elom0
 Post subject: Re: Where to buy Go stones in Ukraine? Could someone advice
Post #2 Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:24 am 
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Sorry it's not a solution, I don't have any, but bumping this because the least we can do is make sure we can offer Ukraine stones and a board

 Post subject: Re: Where to buy Go stones in Ukraine? Could someone advice
Post #3 Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:21 am 
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DarkRoyale wrote:
Hello,many sites not sent go sets and boards to Ukraine, maybe someone know a couple site? (would be better if price will be nearly 100-200$ for Yunzi, Shell and Slate, Agate and Onix or less than 100$ for glass go stone)

Again, not in itself a solution. But we need to know more for possible indirect solutions. How might persons outside of the Ukraine send a box of X's to somebody in Ukraine? Or know anybody who is regularly going back and forth across the border who could take them.

This post by Mike Novack was liked by: Elom0
 Post subject: Re: Where to buy Go stones in Ukraine? Could someone advice
Post #4 Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:55 am 
Lives in sente

Posts: 732
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Rank: BGA 3 kyu
KGS: Elom, Windnwater
OGS: Elom, Elom0
Online playing schedule: The OGS data looks pretty so I'll pause for now before I change it.
Mike Novack wrote:
DarkRoyale wrote:
Hello,many sites not sent go sets and boards to Ukraine, maybe someone know a couple site? (would be better if price will be nearly 100-200$ for Yunzi, Shell and Slate, Agate and Onix or less than 100$ for glass go stone)

Again, not in itself a solution. But we need to know more for possible indirect solutions. How might persons outside of the Ukraine send a box of X's to somebody in Ukraine? Or know anybody who is regularly going back and forth across the border who could take them.

I don't have a board and stones at the moment, but we could organise people buying a board and stones and sending them to Ukraine, or better yet, the EGF should help organise mass donations to Ukraine. I'm also pretty angry Ukraine never got the European Go Congress they deserved.

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