Life In 19x19

Kita Fumiko and the Outline of Modern Go
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Author:  Ferran [ Fri Sep 13, 2024 2:57 am ]
Post subject:  Kita Fumiko and the Outline of Modern Go

Like I mentioned somewhere else I recently got some Japanese books. Being the books they are, I'm considering trying to index the games. Little by little. That's something that'll take... a while.

Thing is, I was testing waters, and I got the vol. I of "Women's Selected Games Collection". And the very first game... I think it's not on GoGoD. It's not on Waltheri's pattern search, and I haven't been able to find it in my updated copy of GoGoD, but I only checked the decade it was played on (April 7th, 1906, if I read it right; Meiji 39).

In any case, I'm uploading the first 50 moves, just in case someone has the time and databases to check.

Take care.

PS: Sorry about the extra crap in the SGF. I created it on my mobile.

KitaFumiko.sgf [3.67 KiB]
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