Life In 19x19

Unusual board grain (masame floor board)
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Author:  Canuck [ Thu Sep 10, 2020 6:10 am ]
Post subject:  Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

Hello, I thought people might be interested in this floor board and its unusual grain. The board is 17.5 cm (7 in.) thick, and there are about 300 rings. I bought it in Japan 15 years ago and it is in remarkably good shape, still with a glossy wax finish.

The masame grain has "veining" running through it at 90 degrees. This is a rare phenomenon in a variety of trees. These thin black veins rise to the surface of the board, where they appear as tiny black dots.

Hope you enjoy, any comments welcome.

a8_12_sb.jpg [ 24.14 KiB | Viewed 10204 times ]

Author:  Canuck [ Thu Sep 10, 2020 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

OK, only one photo was posted, not showing thegrain, sorry. Will write an administrator and find out what happened.

Author:  Canuck [ Thu Sep 10, 2020 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

A waste of time all round. No apparent way to contact an administrator and my previous message, like my initial one, was moderated for approval without the moderator appearing to notice what my comment was about, do anything about it or reply to my e-mail. Nothing in the forum rules about posting photographs. Ciao.

Author:  Bonobo [ Fri Sep 11, 2020 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

Canuck wrote:
A waste of time all round. No apparent way to contact an administrator and my previous message, like my initial one, was moderated for approval without the moderator appearing to notice what my comment was about, do anything about it or reply to my e-mail. Nothing in the forum rules about posting photographs. Ciao.

Yeah, that’s because we all pay US$ 1 per day for the mods to be online 24/7, while you don’t yet do that ;-)

Author:  Mike Novack [ Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

Careful, attitude indicates he might not get the humor.

"Canuck", with the moderators being volunteers, you need to be MUCH more patient awaiting a response. Days, not hours, is a more reasonable expectation.

Author:  Joaz Banbeck [ Fri Sep 11, 2020 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

Canuck wrote:
OK, only one photo was posted, not showing thegrain, sorry. Will write an administrator and find out what happened.

We're not sure exactly what the problem is. I'm going to try adding multiple random photos.
File comment: Photo #!
Copper Stinger.png
Copper Stinger.png [ 998.44 KiB | Viewed 10094 times ]

File comment: Photo#2
Cats in baskets 1.jpg
Cats in baskets 1.jpg [ 453.66 KiB | Viewed 10094 times ]

It appears to work just fine. OP, if you are still here, PM me about this.

Author:  bogiesan [ Fri Sep 11, 2020 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

I use imgur.

Author:  Canuck [ Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

Mike Novack wrote:
Careful, attitude indicates he might not get the humor.

"Canuck", with the moderators being volunteers, you need to be MUCH more patient awaiting a response. Days, not hours, is a more reasonable expectation.

Oh, so that's what passes for humour in these parts, is it? You guys should be on TV. I don't recall anything being said, by me, about "24/7". I submitted the post in the morning and waited patiently; it was posted in the evening, after someone got home from work I assume. Moments later I saw it and noticed the missing photos and looked for a way to send a message to an administrator. Couldn't find one, maybe I missed it. But I posted a reply to my own post apologising to eveyone for the missing photos, and moments later this reply was approved and posted - read, but its words about mysterious missing photos not absorbed, apparently. I found that odd. Approve and post a reply about a technical or other problem that a new user is having problems with, but don't try to help out.

It's too bad. Hirotaka Kuroki told me that he has never seen a finer masame grain pattern on the cutting edges of a goban. Of any goban, anywhere. I thought you all might enjoy seeing it, but belittling newcomers seems to be the preferred pastime.

Author:  Canuck [ Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

Canuck wrote:
Mike Novack wrote:
Careful, attitude indicates he might not get the humor.

"Canuck", with the moderators being volunteers, you need to be MUCH more patient awaiting a response. Days, not hours, is a more reasonable expectation.

Oh, so that's what passes for humour in these parts, is it? You guys should be on TV. I don't recall anything being said, by me, about "24/7". I submitted the post in the morning and waited patiently; it was posted in the evening, after someone got home from work I assume. Moments later I saw it and noticed the missing photos and looked for a way to send a message to an administrator. Couldn't find one, maybe I missed it. But I posted a reply to my own post apologising to eveyone for the missing photos, and moments later this reply was approved and posted - read, but its words about mysterious missing photos not absorbed, apparently. I found that odd. Approve and post a reply about a technical or other problem that a new user is having problems with, but don't try to help out.

It's too bad. Hirotaka Kuroki told me that he has never seen a finer masame grain pattern on the cutting edges of a goban. Of any goban, anywhere. I thought you all might enjoy seeing it, but belittling newcomers seems to be the preferred pastime.

Naturally, if I had found a way to send a message to an administrator, I would have waited the required "days" for a response. I did reply to an e-mail notifying me that my original post was approved, describing my problem, but I got no reply to that.

Author:  EdLee [ Fri Sep 11, 2020 6:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

I did reply to an e-mail notifying me that my original post was approved, describing my problem, but I got no reply to that.
The approval email was sent by a bot, not a human, so the reply was sent back to a bot.

These days, bots are quite ubiquitous. If I find myself new to a venue, whether IRL or online, I assume there are certain "characteristics," some hidden, not obvious, and/or counter-intuitive, and it may take days or even months for me to digest the nuances.

Within 36 hours, five different non-OP replies account for the total 10 posts. My time frame is 7 days or more, for a new venue; but that's just me. YMMV.

Author:  Canuck [ Fri Sep 11, 2020 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

No, the approval of the original submission took 8 hours, and then approval of my follow up note about the missing photos took 5 minutes. And the ridicule was instantaneous.

Author:  Bonobo [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

Canuck wrote:
[…] the ridicule was instantaneous.
Uhm, my reply 10 hrs 30 minutes after your last post is not what even slow-thinking I would call instantaneous.

So… you’re new to the ’net? In that case I apologize. For me, it was just a tongue-in-cheek answer.

And for future navigation of the internet I’d suggest patience, patience, patience, and acknowledging that “the net” has kind of a whacky humour sometimes. I admit that it took me a few months, 30+ years ago, to get used to it. The humour is a bit abrasive sometimes if you’re on the short end of it.
And re: getting acquainted to the “certain characteristics” of a new venue that Ed mentioned—rest assured that I have done MUCH worse back then (like using High Bit characters äöüß„“”’ in newsgroup posts, which garbled the digests for a few thousand other users).

So… welcome to this fine forum :) I think there are very few unfunny crackpots like me here ;) (And maybe it’s an excuse that I’m German :) )

Author:  Canuck [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

Bonobo wrote:
Canuck wrote:
[…] the ridicule was instantaneous.
Uhm, my reply 10 hrs 30 minutes after your last post is not what even slow-thinking I would call instantaneous.

So… you’re new to the ’net? In that case I apologize. For me, it was just a tongue-in-cheek answer.

And for future navigation of the internet I’d suggest patience, patience, patience, and acknowledging that “the net” has kind of a whacky humour sometimes. I admit that it took me a few months, 30+ years ago, to get used to it. The humour is a bit abrasive sometimes if you’re on the short end of it.
And re: getting acquainted to the “certain characteristics” of a new venue that Ed mentioned—rest assured that I have done MUCH worse back then (like using High Bit characters äöüß„“”’ in newsgroup posts, which garbled the digests for a few thousand other users).

So… welcome to this fine forum :) I think there are very few unfunny crackpots like me here ;) (And maybe it’s an excuse that I’m German :) )

Vulgarity removed. -JB

Author:  bogiesan [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

Canuck wrote:
Hello, I thought people might be interested in this floor board and its unusual grain. The board is 17.5 cm (7 in.) thick, and there are about 300 rings. I bought it in Japan 15 years ago and it is in remarkably good shape, still with a glossy wax finish.

The masame grain has "veining" running through it at 90 degrees. This is a rare phenomenon in a variety of trees. These thin black veins rise to the surface of the board, where they appear as tiny black dots.

Hope you enjoy, any comments welcome.

Post using imgur or one of the dozens of other photo linking sites. We’d enjoy seeing your board. Wood is so fascinating. Buddy of mine has Japanese quince bowls. The wood is a beautiful deep mahogany with constellations of strikingly unusual white pores between rings.

Author:  Uberdude [ Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

OP's quickness to anger/frustration seems to have come in part from the incorrect assumption that a human moderator saw and read his post and deemed it pending for approval, rather than the reality that all posts from new users are automatically placed in the pending approval state before any human reads them as an anti-spam measure. Can we alter the automated message to make this and expected timescale clearer?

Author:  tchan001 [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

If you are trying to upload a series of photos, you need to do it one at a time.

Press "Choose File" and choose your photo, then press "Add the file".

After you uploaded the photo you want, repeat until all the photos you want to upload have completed uploading.

Now you can use the "Place inline" button to attach individual uploaded photos into the message body.

Press "Preview" to see if the result is what you want. Then "Submit" when you are satisfied with the result.

Author:  Canuck [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

Uberdude wrote:
OP's quickness to anger/frustration seems to have come in part from the incorrect assumption that a human moderator saw and read his post and deemed it pending for approval, rather than the reality that all posts from new users are automatically placed in the pending approval state before any human reads them as an anti-spam measure. Can we alter the automated message to make this and expected timescale clearer?

This is tiresome in the extreme, but there was no mistaken assumption, and I wish a moderator would step in and clarify this. After submitting my original post half a day went by, while I patiently waited, for it to be seen and approved by a human (not a bot). That was entirely as I expected. It was posted on the morning of a weekday, and I didn't expect there to be anyone at the switch anxiously waiting to approve new memer posts. When I saw the error that later occurred when the post was approved in the evening - and the site gives no instructions or indication of restrictions on posting photos - I posted a reply to my own post within minutes of it appearing to apologise to people, and this was approved by a human minutes after that - because he was still "on duty". But this post was approved without noticing what my reply to my own post was about.

What I got in return for my effort was smarmy sarcasm and ridicule - yes, instantaneous, because the bozo who first did this, in Germany, was in bed when all of the above happened, and he posted his little bit of humour first thing out of bed in the morning. Then, in his non-apology a day later, he asked me such penetrating and prescient questions, a.k.a. new insults, as "new to the Internet?"

I made a mistake - that of stumbling into this den in the first place. In my experience they are places of inbreeding and stupidity, especially if they involvce such narcissistic and socially maladjusted people (these are the top five of such, in my experience) as go/chess nerds, bicycle racers, musicians and theatre actors.

Enjoy your folding plywood "gobans".

Author:  Joaz Banbeck [ Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unusual board grain (masame floor board)

I'm locking this thread because the OP has been a tad confrontational.

The OP says that multiple photos do not work.

I've demonstrated in a prior post that multiple photos do work. So the problem is the OP's problem.
I've invited him to talk to me about it. So far he has not.

So I'm inclined to keep this thread locked until he does.

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