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 Post subject: Go books library to sell
Post #1 Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:25 pm 
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Hi all,

It is with a heavy heart that I need to put my Go books library to sell.
I will be accepting offers (for the collection as a whole) via DM. If you have any questions, I will be glad to try to answer them.

PS: Some of the Japanese translations aren't correct. I used Google translator to hide my laziness. :-)

List of books:

Books that I have are marked with: --

Ishi Press books: (books with the * symbol at end of the title, are reprinted by Kiseido)

-- G1 Modern Joseki and Fuseki, Volume 1
-- G2 Basic Techniques of Go *
-- G3 Modern Joseki and Fuseki, Volume 2
-- G5 The Middle Game of Go
-- G6 Strategic Concepts of Go
-- G7 The 1971 Honinbo Tournament *
-- G8 Go for Beginners
-- G10 In the Beginning *
-- G11 38 Basic Joseki *
-- G12 Tesuji *
-- G13 Life and Death *
-- G14 Attack and Defense *
-- G15 The Endgame *
-- G16 Handicap Go *
-- G17 Kage's Secret Chronicles of Handicap Go
-- G18 Test Your Go Strength
-- G19 The Breakthrough to Shodan
-- G20 reserved for a book of proverbs, but not for a reprint of Go Proverbs Illustrated
-- G21 Dictionary of Basic Joseki, Volume 1 *
-- G22 Dictionary of Basic Joseki, Volume 2 *
-- G23 Dictionary of Basic Joseki, Volume 3 *
-- G24 Enclosure Josekis
-- G25 Appreciating Famous Games
-- G26 The Direction of Play *
-- G27 Kato's Attack and Kill
-- G28 Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go *
-- G29 Reducing Territorial Frameworks *
-- G31 The Second Book of Go *
-- G32 The Power of the Star Point
-- G33 The Chinese Opening *
-- G34 All About Thickness (softcover)
-- G35 The Great Joseki Debates
-- G36 Opening Theory Made Easy *
-- G37 Beyond Forcing Moves
-- G40 The Go Player's Almanac *
-- G41 The Magic of Go
-- G42 All About Life and Death, Volume 1
-- G43 All About Life and Death, Volume 2
-- G44 The 3-3 Point Modern Opening Strategy *
-- G45 Positional Judgment *
-- G46 Cho Hunhyun - Life and Master Games

Ishi Press was a distributor, not the publisher of the following volumes:

-- H2 The Treasure Chest Enigma
-- H3 Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Volume 1 *
-- H4 Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Volume 2 *
-- H5 Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Volume 3 *
-- H6 Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Volume 4 *
-- H7 Mathematical Go Endgames

Kiseido Publishing books:

-- K01H: Invincible: The Games of Shusaku (hardcover) compiled and edited by John Power
-- K02: Basic Techniques of Go
-- K07: The 1971 Honinbo Tournament
-- K10: Volume One: In the Beginning
-- K11: Volume Two: 38 Basic Josekis
-- K12: Volume Three: Tesuji
-- K13: Volume Four: Life and Death
-- K14: Volume Five: Attack and Defense
-- K15: Volume Six: The Endgame
-- K16: Volume Seven: Handicap Go
-- K21: Dictionary of Basic Joseki, Volume 1
-- K22: Dictionary of Basic Joseki, Volume 2
-- K23: Dictionary of Basic Joseki, Volume 3
-- K26: The Direction of Play
-- K28: Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go
-- K29: Reducing Territorial Frameworks
-- K31: The Second Book of Go
-- K33: The Chinese Opening
-- K36: Opening Theory Made Easy
-- K40: The Go Player's Almanac 2001 edited by Richard Bozulich
-- K41: 21st Century Dictionary of Basic Joseki, Volume 1
-- K42: 21st Century Dictionary of Basic Joseki, Volume 2
-- K45: Positional Judgment
-- K46: Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Vol. 1
-- K47: Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Vol. 2
-- K48: Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Vol. 3
-- K49: Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Vol. 4
-- K50: Go: A Complete Introduction to the Game
-- K51: Get Strong at the Opening
-- K52: Get Strong at Joseki, Volume 1
-- K53: Get Strong at Joseki, Volume 2
-- K54: Get Strong at Joseki, Volume 3
-- K55: Get Strong at Invading
-- K56: Get Strong at Tesuji
-- K57: Get Strong at the Endgame
-- K58: Get Strong at Life and Death
-- K59: Get Strong at Handicap Go
-- K60: Get Strong at Attacking
-- K61: Volume One: 300 Life-and-Death Problems 5-kyu to 3-dan
-- K62: Volume Two: 300 Tesuji Problems 5-kyu to 3-dan
-- K63: Volume Three: 300 Joseki Problems 1-dan to 3-dan
-- K64: Volume Four: 300 Life-and-Death Problems 4-dan to 7-dan
-- K65: Volume Five: 300 Tesuji Problems 4-dan to 7-dan
-- K66: Volume Six: 300 Joseki Problems
-- K67: Volume Seven: 256 Opening and Middle Game Problems 1-dan to 7-dan
-- K69: Cosmic Go: A Guide to Four-Stone Handicap Games
-- K70: The World of Chinese Go
-- K71: Volume One: 501 Opening Problems
-- K72: Volume Two: 1001 Life-and-Death Problems
-- K73: Volume Three: Making Good Shape
-- K74: Volume Four: 501 Tesuji Problems
-- K75: Volume Five: The Basics of Go Strategy
-- K76: Volume Six: All About Ko
-- K77: Volume Seven: Attacking and Defending Moyos
-- K78: Volume Eight: Fight Like a Pro -- The Secrets of Kiai
-- K79: Volume Nine: An Encyclopedia of Go Principles
-- K80: Volume Ten: Close Encounters with the Middle Game
-- K81: A Dictionary of Modern Fuseki: The Korean Style
-- K82: Handicap-Go Strategy and the Sanrensei Opening
-- K83: The Basic Principles of the Opening and Middle Game
-- K84: The Basics of Life and Death
-- K85: A Survey of the Basic Tesujis
-- K87: Volume Eleven: Sabaki — The Art of Settling Stones
-- K88: Volume Twelve: Attacking and Defending Weak Groups
-- K91: Modern Master Games, Volume One by Rob van Zeijst and Richard Bozulich, with historical notes by John Power
-- K92: The 2014 Ten-Game Match between Lee Sedol and Gu Li - Part One: Games One to Five
-- K93: The 2014 Ten-Game Match between Lee Sedol and Gu Li - Part Two: Games Six to Eight
-- PP01: Tournament Go 1992 A yearbook of Japanese professional go translated and compiled by John Power

Yutopian Enterprises books:

-- Y1 Killer of Go by Sakata Eio (out of print)
-- Y2 A Compendium of Trick Plays by the Nihon Ki-in (out of print)
-- Y3 Nie Weiping on Go by Nie Weiping
-- Y4 Fighting Ko by Jin Jiang
-- Y5 100 Challenging Go Problems for 100 Days of Study by the Nihon Ki-in
-- Y6 Tesuji and Anti-Suji of Go by Sakata Eio (out of print)
-- Y7 Utilizing Outward Influence by Jin Jiang and Zhao Zheng
-- Y8 The Thirty-six Stratagems Applied to Go by Ma Xiaochun ***
-- Y9 The Art of Connecting Stones by Wu Piao and Yu Xing
-- Y10 Dramatic Moments on the Go Board by Abe Yoshiteru
-- Y11 Master Go in Ten Days by Xu Xiang and Jin Jiang Zheng
-- Y12 Golden Opportunities by Rin Kaiho
-- Y13 Pro-Pro Handicap Go by the Nihon Ki-in
-- Y14 Yang Yilun's Ingenious Life and Death Puzzles, Volume 1 by Yang Yilun
-- Y15 Yang Yilun's Ingenious Life and Death Puzzles, Volume 2 by Yang Yilun
-- Y16 Igo Hatsuyo-ron by Inoue Dosetsu Inseki
-- Y17 Beauty and the Beast by Shen Guoson
-- Y18 Rescue and Capture by Yang Yilun
-- Y19 Intermediate Level Power Builder, Volume 1 by Wang RuNan
-- Y20 Cho Hun-hyeon's Lectures on Go Techniques Volume 1 by Cho Hun-hyeon
-- Y21 Winning a Won Game by Go Seigen
-- Y22 Essential Joseki by Rui Naiwei
-- Y23 Proverbs (The Nihon Ki-in Handbook Series, Volume 1) by the Nihon Ki-in
-- Y24 Strategic Fundamentals in Go by Guo Tisheng and Lu Wen
-- Y25 The Art of Capturing Stones by Wu Dingyuan and Yu Xing
-- Y26 Lee Changho's Novel Plays and Shapes by Lee Changho
-- Y27 Galactic Go Vol. 1 by Sangit Chatterjee and Yang Huiren
-- Y28 Fuseki (The Nihon Ki-in Handbook Series, Volume 2) by the Nihon Ki-in
-- Y29 Tricks in Joseki by Yang Yilun
-- Y30 Star Point Joseki (The Nihon Ki-in Handbook Series, Volume 3) by the Nihon Ki-in
-- Y31 Go for Kids by Milton Bradley
-- Y32 Galactic Go Vol. 2 by Sangit Chatterjee and Yang Huiren
-- Y33 Handicap Go (The Nihon Ki-in Handbook Series, Volume 4) by the Nihon Ki-in
-- Y34 A Scientific Introduction to Go by Yang Yu-Chia
-- Y35 Intermediate Level Power Builder Volume 2 by Wang RuNan
-- Y36 Even Game Joseki (The Nihon Ki-in Handbook Series, Volume 5) by the Nihon Ki-in
-- Y37 Step Up to a Higher Level by Abe Yoshiteru
-- Y38 Dictionary of Basic Fuseki Volume 1 by Rin Kaiho
-- Y39 Whole Board Living Tesujis by Sangit Chatterjee and Yang Huiren
-- Y40 Dictionary of Basic Fuseki Volume 2 by Rin Kaiho
-- Y41 Weiqi in Culture Vol. 1 by Wu Song Sheng 9 dan
-- Y42 New Go Proverbs Illustrated by Milton Bradley
-- Y43 A Journey in Search of The Origins of Go by Shirakawa Masayoshi?
-- Y44 Cho Hunhyun's Lectures on the Opening Volume 1
-- Y45 21st Century New Openings Volume 1 by Kim Sung-Rae
-- Y46 Dictionary of Basic Fuseki Volume 3 by Rin Kaiho
-- Y47 Magic of Placements
-- Y48 Cho Hun-hyeon's Lectures on Go Techniques Volume 2 by Cho Hun-hyeon
-- Y49 21st Century New Openings, Volume 2 by Kim Sung-Rae
-- Y50 Dict. of Basic Fuseki v. 4 by Rin Kaiho
-- Y51 Cho Hun-Hyeon Lectures on Go Techniques v. 3

Baduktopia books:

-- Commented Games by Lee Sedol vol. I by Lee Sedol
-- Commented Games by Lee Sedol vol. II by Lee Sedol
-- Commented Games by Lee Sedol vol. III by Lee Sedol

Go Game Guru Books:

-- Relentless: Lee Sedol vs Gu Li by Go Game Guru Team

GoGoD Vintage Series:

-- Meijin of Meijins: The Life and Times of HONINBO SHUEI by John Fairbairn
-- Peerless Pioneer: Games of the Great Senchi: Yasui VII Senkaku by John Fairbairn

Slate & Shell books:

-- 200 Endgame Problems Winning Tactics by Shirae Haruhiko
-- 200 Tesuji Problems by Shirae Haruhiko
-- 400 Years of Go in Japan by Andrew Grant
-- 9 Dan Showdown by John Fairbairn
-- ABC's of Attack and Defense by Michael Redmond
-- All About Joseki by Ming Jiu Jiang and Guo Juan
-- The Best Play: In-Depth Game Analyses by Feng Yun
-- Brilliance Jowa's 'Ghost Moves' Destroy Intetsu by John Fairbairn
-- The Chinese Opening by Yuan Zhou
-- Come Up to Shodan by Rin Kaiho
-- Counting Liberties and Winning Capturing Races by Richard Hunter
-- Cross Cut Workshop by Richard Hunter
-- Deep Thought: Extremely Thorough Commentaries on Pro Games by Yuan Zhou
-- Deep Thought: Extremely Thorough Commentaries on Pro Games vol. 2 by Yuan Zhou
-- Dictionary of Basic Tesuji, Volume 1: Tesuji for Attacking by Fujisawa Shuko
-- Dictionary of Basic Tesuji, Volume 2: Tesuji for Defending by Fujisawa Shuko
-- Dictionary of Basic Tesuji, Volume 3: Tesuji for the Opening, for Capturing Races, and for Life and Death Problems, Part 1, by Fujisawa Shuko
-- Dictionary of Basic Tesuji, Volume 4: Tesuji for Life and Death Problems, Part 2 and for the Endgame by Fujisawa Shuko
-- Final Summit by John Fairbairn
-- The Fundamental Principles of Go by Yilun Yang
-- Go as Communication -- The Educational and Therapeutic Value of the Game of Go by Yasutoshi Yasuda
-- The Go Companion by John Fairbairn
-- The Go Consultants by John Fairbairn
-- Go Problems for Kyu Level Players Volume 1: Life and Death by William Cobb
-- Go Problems for Kyu Level Players Volume 2: Uplifting Exercises by William Cobb
-- Go Problems for Kyu Level Players Volume 3: Whole Board Opening Problems by William Cobb
-- Go Problems for Kyu Level Players Volume 4: Whole-Board Problems by William Cobb
-- Go Proverbs by David Mitchell
-- How not to Play Go by Yuan Zhou
-- How to Play Handicap Go by Yuan Zhou
-- Improve Your Intuition Volume 1: Intuition in the Opening by Takagawa Kaku
-- Improve Your Intuition Volume 2: Intuition in the Middle Game Part 1: Attack and Defense by Takagawa Kaku
-- Improve Your Intuition Volume 3: Intuition in the Middle Game Part 2: How to Reduce a Moyo by Takagawa Kaku
-- Invasions by Iwamoto Kaoru
-- Kamakura by John Fairbairn
-- Keshi and Uchikomi: A Study of Reduction and Invasion in Go by Iwamoto Kaoru
-- Key Concepts in Life and Death -- Inside Moves and Under the Stones Techniques
-- Learning from Pro Games by Yuan Zhou
-- Let's Play Go!: A Simple Introduction to the Game of Go by Yasutoshi Yasuda
-- Life and Death -- Intermediate Level Problems by Maeda Nobuaki
-- Liping Huang's Problem Series, Volume 1 by Liping Huang
-- Magic on the First Line
-- Masterpieces of Handicap Go Volume 1, Second Edition
-- Masterpieces of Handicap Go Volume 2
-- Mastering Ladders
-- Mastering the Basics of Go by Eugene Lim and Herve Dicky
-- Master Play: Seven Top Pros by Yuan Zhou
-- Master Play: The Style of Go Seigen by Yuan Zhou
-- Master Play: The Fighting Styles of Kato Masao & Seo Bong Soo by Yuan Zhou
-- Master Play: The Territorial Styles of Kitani Minoru & Cho Chikun by Yuan Zhou
-- Master Play: The Style of Lee Changho by Yuan Zhou
-- Master Play: The Style of Lee Sedol by Yuan Zhou
-- Master Play: The Style of Takemiya by Yuan Zhou
-- Master Play: The Style of Iyama Yuta by Yuan Zhou
-- AlphaGo VS Lee Sedol: The Match that Changed the World of Go by Yuan Zhou
-- AlphaGo vs. Ke Jie 9P by Yuan Zhou
-- Playing AlphaGo's Early 3-3 Invasion by Yuan Zhou
-- Rethinking Opening Strategy - AlphaGo's Impact on Pro Play by Yuan Zhou
-- Pocket Sized Problems For On The Go Study Volume 1
-- The Meijin's Retirement Game by John Fairbairn
-- Modern Masters: Redmond on Pro Games by Michael Redmond
-- Monkey Jump Workshop by Richard Hunter
-- New Moves by Alexander Dinerchtein and An Younggil
-- Old Fuseki vs New Fuseki by John Fairbairn
-- Patterns of the Sanrensei by Michael Redmond
-- Playing the Endgame, A Brief Introduction? by William Cobb
-- Power Honinbo Shusai Defends the Nihon Ki-in by John Fairbairn
-- * Punishing and Correcting Joseki Mistakes by Mingjiu Jiang and Adam Miller
-- Reductions by Iwamoto Kaoru
-- Reflections on the Game of Go: The Empty Board 1994 - 2004 by William Cobb
-- Simple Tesuji by Glynn Forsythe
-- Single Digit Kyu Game Commentaries by Yuan Zhou
-- The Treasure Chest Enigma, second edition by Nakayama Noriyuki
-- Understanding How to Play Go by Yuan Zhou
-- Understanding Dan Level Play by Yuan Zhou
-- Whole Board Opening Problems by Yuan Zhou
-- The Workshop Lectures Volume 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 by Yilun Yang
-- Yilun Yang's Go Puzzles Volume 1: Life and Death by the Numbers by Yilun Yang
-- Yilun Yang's Go Puzzles Volume 2: Life and Death in Chinese Characters by Yilun Yang
-- Young Chinese Masters, vol. 1 by Yuan Zhou

Other books distributed by Slate and Shell (but published elsewhere):

-- A Way of Play for the 21st Century by Go Seigen (Whole Board Press)
-- Whole Board Thinking in Joseki Volume One: 3-4 point, low kakari by Yilun Yang (Fourth Line Press)
-- Whole Board Thinking in Joseki Volume Two: 3-4 point, high kakari & far kakaris by Yilun Yang (Fourth Line Press)

Hinoki Press:

-- H01 Vital Points and Skillful Finesse for Sabaki Yoda Norimoto
-- H02 Pure and Simple: Takao's Astute Use of Brute Force Takao Shinji
-- H03 Vol-1: Perceiving the Direction of Play Kobayashi Satoru
-- H04 Vol-2: Catching Scent of Victory O Rissei
-- H05 Vol-3: Otake's Secrets of Strategy Hideo Otake
-- H06 Vol-4: Changing One's Conceptions: Awaji's Aphorisms Awaji Shuzo
-- H07 Vol-5: The Way of Creating a Thick and Strong Game Naoki Hane
-- H08 Vol-6: Zone Press Park O Meien
-- H09 Vol-7: Breakthrough Attacking Power Keigo Yamashita
-- H10 This is Go the Natural Way! Takemiya Masaki
-- H11 The Only Move Vol-1: Joseki / Fuseki Collection Fujisawa Shuko
-- H12 The Only Move Vol-2: Fighting Middlegame Collection Fujisawa Shuko
-- H13 The Best of Kido: The Art of Positional Analysis -various-
-- H14 The Best of Kido: The Ins and Outs of Life and Death -various-
-- H15 The Theory and Practice of Vol-1: Tsumego Valery Shikshin
-- H16 The Theory and Practice of Vol-2: Semeai Valery Shikshin
-- H17 The Theory and Practice of Vol-3: Shapes Valery Shikshin
-- H18 The Theory and Practice of Vol-4: Analysis Valery Shikshin

Nihon Kiin books (in English):

-- The Vital Points of Go, by Takagawa Kaku.
-- How to Play Go, by Takagawa Shukaku.
[ The previous two books are sold together as -- Go! by Shukaku Takagawa -- ]

-- Go Proverbs Illustrated, by Segoe Kensaku.


-- Outside the Board: Diary of a Professional Go Player by Haijin Lee
-- Invisible: The Games of Alpha Go Compiled, Edited And Translated by Antti Tormanen
-- Shape Up! Paperback by Mr Charles Matthews (Author), Mr Seong-June Kim

Chinese Books in English:

-- Xuanxuan Qijing by Yan Defu and Yan Tianzhang
-- Go Book of Peach Blossom Spring by Xiping Fan / Original Title: Taohua Quan Yipu (桃花泉弈譜) by Fan Xiping (范西屏)
-- Games of Wonder by Jun Wu / Original Title: Yi Miao (弈妙) by Wu Jun (吳峻) and Wu Jiong (吳駉)
-- Three-Stone Games by Guo Bailing / Original Title: Sanzi Pu (三子譜) by 過百齡
-- Four-Stone Games (Volume 1) by Guo Bailing / Original Title: Sizi Pu (四子谱) by 過百齡
-- Four-Stone Games (Volume 2) by Guo Bailing / Original Title: Sizi Pu (四子谱) by 過百齡
-- The Celestial Arsenal / Original Title: Xianji Wuku
-- Go Fundamentals / Original Title: Yili Zhigui by Shi Xiangxia
-- Path to Go / Original Title: Yi Cheng by Zhang Yabo and Shi Xiangxia

Korean Books in English:

-- After Openings by Kim Sung-Rae
-- This is Haengma by Kim Sung-Rae
-- Train Like a Pro by Kim Sung-Rae vol. 1 and 2
-- Creative Life and Death by Cho Hye-Yeon (Oromedia) vol. 1-5.
-- Think Like a Pro Haengma by Youngsun Yoon (Oromedia)

Korean Books in Japanese:

-- Lee Changho Name Stations by Lee Changho (3 vol.) / 李昌鎬名局撰集 by 李 昌鎬
-- Lee Sedol Name Stations by Lee Sedol (Same book as Commented Games by Lee Sedol) (3 vol.) / 李世〓名局撰集 by 李 世〓

Other Books in English:
-- Imagination of a Go Master by Takemiya Masaki
-- Winning Go: Successful Moves from the Opening to the Endgame by Richard Bozulich and Peter Shotwell
-- Go by Example: Correcting common mistakes in double digit kyu play by Neil Moffatt
-- More Go by example: Improving single-digit kyu play by Neil Moffatt
-- Games of Go by Neil Moffatt
-- ENDGAME 1 - Fundamentals by Robert Jasiek
-- ENDGAME 2 - Values by Robert Jasiek
-- EASY LEARNING: JOSEKI by Robert Jasiek
-- LIFE AND DEATH PROBLEMS 1 - Basics by Robert Jasiek
-- POSITIONAL JUDGEMENT 1 - Territory by Robert Jasiek
-- POSITIONAL JUDGEMENT 2 - Dynamics by Robert Jasiek
-- FIRST FUNDAMENTALS by Robert Jasiek
-- JOSEKI 1 - Fundamentals by Robert Jasiek
-- JOSEKI 2 - Strategy by Robert Jasiek
-- JOSEKI 3 - Dictionary by Robert Jasiek
-- CAPTURING RACES 1 - Two Basic Groups by Robert Jasiek
-- TACTICAL READING by Robert Jasiek

Chinese Books in Chinese:


-- Guanzi Pu by Guo Bailing. Chinese Title: 官子谱


-- Lee Changho's Selected Life and Death Go Problems (6 vol.) / 李昌镐精讲围棋死活 by 李昌鎬
-- Lee Changho's Selected Tesuji Go Problems (6 vol.) / 李昌镐精讲围棋手筋 by 李昌鎬
-- Weiqi Life and Death 1000 Problems by Wang Zhi Peng and He Jun Ping (Authors/Editor) / 围棋死活1000题 by 王志鹏 and 贺君平

Chinese Books in Japanese (Classics):

-- Xuanxuan Qijing 玄玄棋经 (xuán xuán qí jīng), alias 玄玄集 (xuán xuán jí), author 严德甫, 晏天章 helped the author, published in 1349. Japanese title: 玄玄碁経
-- Guanzi Pu (官子谱 Hanyu Pinyin: guānzǐpǔ) is a classic, Chinese problem collection originating from the mid-seventeenth century. The first author/editor was Guo Bailing in 1660. The collection was edited again by Tao Shiyu in 1689. Japanese Title: 官子譜抄
-- Guanzi Pu (官子谱 Hanyu Pinyin: guānzǐpǔ) Commented, edited and signed by Go Seigen (4 volumes)

Japanese Books (Classics):

-- Igo Hatsuyoron (Igo Hatsuyōron, literally "Generating Yang, Analysis") is a collection of 183 tsumego. It was written in 1713 by Dosetsu Inseki, the fourth head of the Inoue go school, and was designed for the training of the highest caliber students at the school. It was kept secret from all but a few of them, who studied the book under the direct supervision of the Inoue. Japanese Title: 囲碁 発陽論 . (I also got it in Chinese)

-- Gokyo Shumyo (Brilliancies from Go Classics) is a famous collection of 520 tsumego, written by Hayashi Genbi in 1812. Japanese Title: 碁経衆妙

-- Gokyo Shumyo (Brilliancies from Go Classics) commented by Go Seigen (5 volumes). Japanese Title: 呉清源の碁経衆妙 by 呉清源

-- Gokyo Seimyo (Gokyō Seimyō, Best of the Go Classics) is a classic, 4-volume series written by Hayashi Genbi in 1835. He intended it as a sequel to Gokyo Shumyo. Japanese Title: 碁經精妙

-- Tesuji and Shape – New Revised Katsugo Shinpyo (1956) 2 volumes. This modern version was published in 1956 and includes new explanations by Hasegawa Akira (長谷川章). Japanese Title: 筋と形〈上〉―新訂活碁新評 (1956年) and 筋と形〈下〉―新訂活碁新評 (1956年)

-- Shikatsu Myoki (New Life & Death Brilliant Stratagems) is a classic problem book by Honinbo Shusai in 1910. The original contains 120-problems with problem variations. Newer versions add the problem variations to the original set, bringing the total up to 168-problems, and divide the book into four thematic sections. The intended audience is 5d and above, with a difficult slightly below that of the Igo Hatsuyoron. Japanese Title: 新案詰碁死活妙機 (sometimes written as 新案詰碁 死活妙機)

-- Igo Myoden by Inoue Gennan Inseki / 囲碁妙伝 by 井上幻庵因碩

-- Commented Shiqing-lu by Go Seigen / 適情録解説 上下巻揃

Seibundo Shinkosha Dictionaries:

A series of dictionaries from the 1970s published by Seibundo Shinkosha (誠文堂新光社) comprises much very good material. It included:

-- Tesuji Encyclopedia by Segoe Kensaku and Go Seigen (2 volumes) / 手筋事典 by 瀬越憲作 and 呉 清源
-- Small Joseki Dictionary (2 volumes) by Suzuki Tamejiro and Kitani Minoru / 定石小辞典 by 鈴木 為次郎 and 木谷 実
-- Fuseki Dictionary (2 volumes) by Takagawa Kaku / 布石辞典 by 高川秀格
-- Ko Dictionary by Murashima Yoshinori / コウ辞典 by 村島誼紀 誠文堂新光社
-- Strategy (or Combat) Dictionary by Segoe Kensaku / 作战辞典 by 瀬越憲作
-- Handicap Go Dictionary by Maeda Nobuaki / 置碁辞典 by 前田陳爾
-- Yose Dictionary by Kano Yoshinori / ヨセ辞典 by 加納嘉徳 誠文堂新光社
-- Modern Joseki Application Dictionary (3 volumes) by Go Seigen / 現代定石活用辞典(上中下 by 呉 清源 誠文堂新光社 1976
-- Famous Tsumego Dictionary by Hashimoto Shoji / 名作詰碁辞典 by 橋本昌二
-- Masterpiece Tsumego Dictionary by Sekiyama Riichi and Sekiyama Toshio / 傑作詰碁辞典 by 関山利一 関山利夫 (I have a new version with 38 extra tsumegos: 傑作詰碁事典)
-- Small Joseki Dictionary by Kato Masao 2 volumes / 定石小辞典 by 加藤正夫
-- Small Life and Death Dictionary by Kato Masao / 死活小辞典 by 加藤正夫

Nihon Ki-in Encyclopedia Series:

Introductory Level

New Quick Study Small Dictionary Series (10 books)

-- New Quick Study Small Dictionary of Life and Death / 新・早わかり死活小事典
-- New Quick Study Small Dictionary of Tesuji / 新・早わかり手筋小事典
-- New Quick Study Small Dictionary of Fuseki / 新・早わかり 布石小事典
-- New Quick Study Small Dictionary of Even Game Joseki / 新・早わかり互先定石小事典
-- New Quick Study Small Dictionary of Handicap Go / 新・早わかり置碁小事典
-- New Quick Study Small Dictionary of Star Point Joseki / 新・早わかり 星定石小事典
-- New Quick Study Small Dictionary of Proverbs / 新 早わかり格言小事典
-- New Quick Study Small Dictionary of Hamete / 新・早わかりハメ手小事典
-- New Quick Study Small Dictionary of Go Terminology / 新・早わかり 用語小事典
-- New Quick Study Small Dictionary of Endgame / 新・早わかり ヨセ小事典

Middle Level

It consists of ten books with two volumes each for fuseki, joseki, life and death, tesuji and handicap go.

-- Basic Fuseki Encyclopedia by Rin Kaiho (基本布石事典)
-- Basic Handicap Go Encyclopedia by Otake Hideo (基本置碁事典)
-- Basic Joseki Encyclopedia by Ishida Yoshio (基本定石事典)
-- Basic Life-and-Death Encyclopedia by Cho Chikun (基本死活事典)
-- Basic Tesuji Encyclopedia by Fujisawa Hideyuki (基本手筋事典)

Updated Versions

-- Basic Fuseki Encyclopedia by Yoda Norimoto
-- Basic Joseki Encyclopedia by Takao Shinji
-- Basic Tesuji Encyclopedia by Yamashita Keigo
-- Basic Life-and-Death Encyclopedia Cho U

Top Level

-- Great Fuseki Encyclopedia (布石大事典)
-- Great Joseki Encyclopedia (定石大事典)
-- Great Tesuji Encyclopedia (手筋大事典)

Japan Go Federation

-- Joseki Dictionary (2 volumes) by Japan Go Federation / 定石事典 全2冊 by 日本囲碁連盟発行

-- Encyclopedia of Tesuji (7 vol.) by Japan Go Federation / 実戦手筋の百科 全7巻 日本囲碁連盟刊


-- Tsumego Dictionary (Segoe Kensaku) / 詰碁辞典 (瀬越憲作) (See )
This should be rare out of print life and death book for professionals by Segoe Kensaku that Kobayashi Koichi has worked through 20 times (as of Go World 37, Autumn 1984).

-- Go Encyclopedia / 囲碁百科辞典

-- The Book to Increase Your Fighting Strength at Go (Segoe Kensaku) vol. 1 and 2 / 囲碁の力を強くする本 上 下 (瀬越憲作)

-- Specially Selected Tsumegos by Cho U / 張栩の特選詰 by 張 栩
-- Cho U's Tsumego - Making Difficult Tsumego Simpler / 張栩の詰碁―難しい詰碁を簡単に by 張 栩

-- Sakata Tsumego Gems by Sakata Eio / 坂田 珠玉詰碁 by 坂田

-- Six steps in Combat Tesuji Takemiya Masaki / 六段挑戦の実戦手筋 by 武宮 正樹

-- Maeda Tsumego Collection by Maeda Nobuaki vol. 1, 2 and 3 / 前田詰碁集 by 前田 陳爾

-- The God of Tsumego – Maeda Nobuaki Masterpiece Collection (2 volumes) by Maeda Nobuaki / 詰碁の神様 前田陳爾傑作集 (全2巻) by 前田陳爾

-- Hashimoto Tsumego Masterpiece Collection – Moves to Attack and Protect by Hashimoto Utaro / 橋本詰碁傑作集 ― 攻めるも守るもこの一手 by 橋本宇太郎
-- Hashimoto Tsumego Masterpiece Collection – Moves to Attack and Protect by Hashimoto Utaro (Hardcover) / 橋本詰碁傑作集 ― 攻めるも守るもこの一手 by 橋本宇太郎

-- Basic Life and Death Dictionary by Eba Hiroki / 基本死活辭典 by 江場弘樹

-- Beautiful Dan Level Tsumego 100 (2 books) by Rin Kanketsu / 美の有段詰碁100 (上下巻) by 林漢傑

-- Practical Life and Death Training Drill by Aragaki Takeshi, is devoted to life and death problems. While innumerable such collections are available, this one is different: the problems consists entirely of misplayed or incompletely played common joseki or side invasion sequences. / 新垣武の実戦に役立つ死活反復トレーニング (NHK囲碁シリーズ) by 新垣 武

-- Kobayashi Koichi Go Winning Course (3 volumes) / 小林光一 囲碁必勝講座 by 小林光

-- Showa Tsumego by Nihon Kiin (Editor) (3 volumes) / 昭和の詰碁 全3巻 by 日本棋院

-- The Long-Lived Stone Is Not Old – Go Seigen Tsumego Collection by Go Seigen / 寿石不老―呉清源詰碁集 by 呉清源
-- Striving Constantly For Self Improvement – Go Seigen Tsumego Collection by Go Seigen / 自強不息-呉清源詰碁集 by 呉清源
-- Go Seigen’s Tsumego Dojo (2 volumes) by Go Seigen / 呉清源詰碁道場 (上下) by 呉清源
-- Go Seigen’s Tsumego Collection (2 volumes) by Go Seigen (volume 1 is elementary kyu problems and volume 2 is advanced kyu problems) / 呉清源の詰碁集 (全2巻) by 呉清源

-- Kada Katsuji Tsumego Masterpieces Vol 1-8 by Kada Katsuji / 加田克司傑作詰碁1-8 by 加田克司

-- Kada Katsuji Tsumego Brilliances Vol 1-4 by Kada Katsuji / 加田克司衆妙詰碁1-4 by 加田克司

-- Goban and Shogiban – Creating Game Equipment by Yoshida Torayoshi / 碁盤将棋盤(棋具を創る) (Goban, Shogiban – Kigu O Tsukuru) by 吉田寅義

-- Yi Chang-ho (Lee Changho) My Positional Judgement / 李昌鎬 我的形勢判斷
-- Yi Chang-ho (Lee Changho) Elucidation of My Epidemic Fuseki / 李昌鎬 流行布石の解明
-- Yi Chang-ho (Lee Changho) Elucidation of My Combat Fuseki / 李昌鎬 実戦布石の解明
-- Yi Chang-ho (Lee Changho) Elucidation of My Epidemic Joseki / 李昌鎬 流行定石の解明
-- Yi Chang-ho (Lee Changho) This is Tesuji / 李昌鎬 これが手筋だ
-- Yi Chang-ho (Lee Changho) My Middle Game Strategy / 李昌鎬 私の中盤戦略

-- Tsumego Joy Books (10 volumes) published by Nihon Kiin / 詰碁ジョイブックス by 日本棋院

-- Joseki Problem Collection by Shoji Hashimoto / 定石問題集 by 橋本昌二
-- Tsumego Problem Collection by Shoji Hashimoto / 詰碁問題集 by 橋本昌二
-- Tesuji Problem Collection by Shoji Hashimoto / 手筋問題集 by 橋本昌二

-- First Glance "Suji"... by Monthly Go-gaku (Author/editor) / ひと目でわかる「本筋・俗筋」対照表 (マイコミ囲碁文庫シリーズ) by 月刊碁学
-- Tsumego at First Glance and Repeated Practice Friendly Problem by Cho Chikun / ひと目の詰碁―やさしい問題を反復練習 by 趙 治勲
-- Tesuji at First Glance and Repeated Practice Friendly Problem by Cho Chikun ひと目の手筋―やさしい問題を反復練習 by 趙 治勲
-- Yoses at First Glance by Cho Chikun / ひと目のヨセ by 趙 治勲
-- You Do Not Strike Without Knowing A Strategy by Ushikubo Yoshitaka / マイコミ囲碁文庫シリーズ 碁は戦略 知らずに打てない19の秘法 by 牛窪 義高
-- Fuseki at First Glance (basic) by Cho Chikun / マイコミ囲碁文庫シリーズ ひと目の布石 ~やさしい問題で基礎体力アップ by 趙 治勲
-- Tactics in Go by Ushikubo Yoshitaka / 碁の戦術 (マイコミ囲碁文庫シリーズ) by 牛窪 義高
-- Joseki at First Glance by Cho Chikun / マイコミ囲碁文庫シリーズ ひと目の定石 by 趙 治勲
-- 360 Tsumego to Inspire Reading by Monthly Go-gaku (Author/editor) / ノータイム詰碁360 ヨミからヒラメキへ (マイコミ囲碁文庫シリーズ) by 月刊碁学
-- Tesuji at First Glance - Collection of 600 Problems by Cho Chikun / ひと目の手筋 問題集600 (マイコミ囲碁文庫シリーズ) by 趙 治勲
-- More Tsumego at First Glance by Cho Chikun / もっと ひと目の詰碁 (マイコミ囲碁文庫シリーズ) by 趙 治勲
-- 270 Problems of Contact Training by Monthly Go-gaku (Author/editor) / マイコミ囲碁文庫シリーズ 石の連絡トレーニング270 by 月刊碁学
-- Fuseki at First Glance (first stage) by Cho Chikun / 初段突破! ひと目の布石 by 趙 治勲


-- Cho Hun-hyeon's Special Lectures on Opening Vol 1-3 / 布石学特別講座 1-3 by 曺 薫鉉

-- ABC of Attack and Defense (Original in Japanese: Foundations of Attack and Defense by Michael Redmond) from Michael Redmond / マイケル・レドモンドの攻め・守りの基本

Nihon Ki-In Dan Level series

-- Title: 1-dan Life and Death 150 Problems / 初段合格の死活150題
-- Title: 1-dan Joseki 150 Problems / 初段合格の定石150題
-- Title: 1-dan Tesuji 150 Problems / 初段合格の手筋150題
-- Title: 3-dan Life and Death 150 Problems / 三段合格の死活150題
-- Title: 3-dan Joseki 150 Problems / 三段合格の定石150題
-- Title: 3-dan Tesuji 150 Problems / 三段合格の手筋150題
-- Title: 6-dan Life and Death 150 Problems / 六段合格の死活150題
-- Title: 6-dan Joseki 150 Problems / 六段合格の定石150題
-- Title: 6-dan Tesuji 150 Problems / 六段合格の手筋150題
-- Title: 7-dan Life and Death 150 Problems / 七段合格の死活150題
-- Title: 7-dan Fuseki Perception / 七段合格の布石感覚
-- Title: 7-dan Tesuji 150 Problems / 七段合格の手筋150題
-- Title: 7-dan Middlegame Battle / 七段合格の中盤戦
-- Title: 7-dan Joseki 150 Problems / 七段合格の定石150題
-- Title: Dan Level Perception of the Opening 100 Problems / 有段者の序盤感覚100題


Go Reader for True 5 Dan Books by the Editorial Committee of the Japanese magazine Igo / 実力五段囲碁読本 by
-- Vol1: Considering Kikashi (キカシを考える)
-- Vol2: Counter-measures To Big Moyo (大模様対策)
-- Vol3: Playing Thickly (厚く打つ)
-- Vol4: Getting Strong In The Corner (隅に強くなる)
-- Vol5: How Fights Work (戦いの仕掛け方 実力五段囲碁読本)
-- Vol6: The Tenacity of Ko (コウのねばり)
-- Vol7: Counter-measures To Tricky Plays (悪力対策)


Series: Go Super Books (Original Series 50 volumes)
Publisher: Nihon Kiin 日本棋院
Published: 1969 to 1975

-- Title: Vol 1 – The Nadare Joseki (Fujisawa Hideyuki)
ナダレ定石 藤沢秀行

-- Title: Vol 2 – Test Your Go – 9 kyu to 5 kyu [Elementary level] (Rin Kaiho)
たのしい囲碁テスト (9級から5級まで/初級) 林海峯

-- Title: Vol 3 – Introduction to Trick Play (Maeda Nobuaki)
ハメテ入門 前田陳爾

-- Title: Vol 4 – Test Your Go – 4 Kyu to Shodan [Intermediate level] (Sakata Eio)
たのしい囲碁テスト (4級から初段まで/中級) 坂田栄男

-- Title: Vol 5 – Beginner’s Blind Spots (Magari Reiki)
初心者の錯覚 曲励起

-- Title: Vol 6 – Tormenting the Weaker Player (Hayashi Yutaro)
下手いじめ 林有太郎

-- Title: Vol 7 – How To Play Against The Stronger Player (Sakai Michiharu)
上手はこわくない 酒井通温
Translated into English as “How To Play Against Stronger Players Vol 1 and Vol 2″

-- Title: Vol 8 – The First 30 Moves (Takagawa Kaku)
序盤の30手 高川秀格

-- Title: Vol 9 – The Modern Taisha Joseki (Yamabe Toshiro)
新しい大斜定石 山部俊朗

-- Title: Vol 10 – The Niken Takabasami Joseki (Shimamura Toshihiro)
二間高バサミ定石 島村俊宏

-- Title: Vol 11 – Amateur and Professional, part 1 (Kageyama Toshiro)
素人と玄人 景山利朗
Translated into English as “Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go”

-- Title: Vol 12 – The Direction of Play (Kajiwara Takeo)
石の方向 梶原武雄
Translated into English as “The Direction of Play”

-- Title: Vol 13 – The Next Skillful Move (Maeda Nobuaki)
次の妙手 前田陳爾

-- Title: Vol 14 – Shimari Josekis (Okubo Ichigen)
シマリの定石 大窪一玄

-- Title: Vol 15 – Kada’s Tsume-go Class (Kada Katsuji)
加田詰碁教室 加田克司

-- Title: Vol 16 – Tesuji to Make You Stronger (Fujisawa Hosai)
強くなる手筋 藤沢朋斎

-- Title: Vol 17 – The Magic of Sacrifice (Iwamoto Kaoru)
捨て石の魔術 岩本薫

-- Title: Vol 18 – Amateur and Professional, Part 2 (Kageyama Toshiro)
続・素人と玄人 新置碁必勝法 景山利朗

-- Title: Vol 19 – The Focal Point of Large Moyo (Ohira Shuzo)
大規模の焦点 太平修三

-- Title: Vol 20 – Improvement Without Tears (Kano Yoshinori)
ひとくち上達法 加納嘉徳

-- Title: Vol 21 – Pre-Joseki Study (Ishida Yoshio)
定石以前 石田芳夫

-- Title: Vol 22 – Magic Sword Joseki (Hasegawa Akira)
妖刀という名の定石 長谷川章

-- Title: Vol 23 – Tales of Go History (Tamura Ryukihei)
物語り囲碁史 田村竜騎兵

-- Title: Vol 24 – Introduction to Go Theory (Takagawa Kaku)
囲碁学入門 高川秀格

-- Title: Vol 25 – Go Instruction Point by Point (Sakata Eio)
囲碁ワンポイント指導 坂田栄男

-- Title: Vol 26 – The Winning Chance (Rin Kaiho)
勝局へのチャンス 林海峯
Translated into English as “Golden Opportunities”

-- Title: Vol 27 – Unusual Happenings on the Go Board (Abe Yoshiteru)
対局ハプニング集 安部吉輝
Translated into English as “Dramatic Moments on the Go Board”

-- Title: Vol 28 – Appreciating Famous Games (Ohira Shuzo)
名局鑑賞室 大平修三
Translated into English as “Appreciating Famous Games”

-- Title: Vol 29 – 18 Hints for Improving Your Style (Masubuchi Tatsuko)
筋がよくなる18のヒント 増淵辰子

-- Title: Vol 30 – Easy Trick Plays for Even Games (Maeda Nobuaki)
やさしい互先のハメ手 前田陳爾

-- Title: Vol 31 – Inside Joseki (Fujisawa Hideyuki)
定石道中 藤沢秀行

-- Title: Vol 32 – The ABC’s of Tsume-go (Shinohara Masami)
詰碁のいろは 篠原正美

-- Title: Vol 33 – Kajiwara Style – Living Joseki (Kajiwara Takeo)
梶原流 生きた定石 梶原武雄

-- Title: Vol 34 – Honinbo’s Hoshi and San-San (Ishida Yoshio)
本因坊の星と三々 石田芳夫

-- Title: Vol 35 – Building the Foundation of Shodan (Miyashita Shuyo)
初段の基礎作り 宮下秀洋

-- Title: Vol 36 – The Only Move (Abe Yoshiteru)
この一手 盤上のドラマ 安部吉輝

-- Title: Vol 37 – The Psychology of Go Made Easier (Mihori Sho)
楽しい囲碁心理学 三堀将

-- Title: Vol 38 – Kage’s Secret Chronicles of Handicap Go (Kageyama Toshiro)
影さんの置碁秘伝 景山利朗
Translated into English as “Kage’s Secret Chronicles of Handicap Go”

-- Title: Vol 39 – How to Make the Breakthrough to Shodan (Sakakibara Shoji)
初段の壁を破る法 榊原章二

-- Title: Vol 40 – The Takamoku Joseki, or Win in the Centre (Otake Hideo)
背中で勝つ高目定石 大竹英雄

-- Title: Vol 41 – The Next Move in the Middle Game (Kano Yoshinori)
中盤作戦この一手 加納嘉徳

-- Title: Vol 42 – The Techniques of Invading (Kuwahara Munehisa)
侵略のテクニック 桑原宗久

-- Title: Vol 43 – Introduction to Opening Play (Nakamura Yutaro)
布石入門 中村勇太郎

-- Title: Vol 44 – Joseki Variants (Yamabe Toshiro)
定石無法地帯 山部俊朗

-- Title: Vol 45 – If You Play Go, Here is How (Sugiuchi Masao)
あなたならどう打つ 杉内雅男

-- Title: Vol 46 – How to be Stronger at Lightning Go (Otake Hideo)
早碁に強くなる法 大竹英雄

-- Title: Vol 47 – How to Fight and How to Kill (Kato Masao)
石の攻め方殺し方 加藤正夫
Translated into English as “Kato’s Attack and Kill”

-- Title: Vol 48 – Simple Fighting Techniques (Sakata Eio)
やさしい戦術一問一答 坂田栄男

-- Title: Vol 49 – Beginners’ Go Encyclopedia (Murashima Yoshinori)
初級囲碁百科 村島諠紀

-- Title: Vol 50 – Utilizing the Handicap Stones (Hasegawa Akira)
置石の生かし方 長谷川章


New Go Super Books Series (2000)
Publisher: Nihon Kiin 日本棋院
Published: 2000 to 2003

-- Title: Vol 1 – Mysterious Life and Death

-- Title: Vol 2 – Go Special – Progress with 5X5 Go (Fukui Masaaki)
囲碁特訓 5×5 五道盤上達法 福井正明

-- Title: Vol 3 – Studying Basic Tesuji (Chinen Kaori)
基本の手筋を学ぶ 知念かおり

-- Title: Vol 4 – The Mindset of Meaningful Play (Hashimoto Yujiro)
した手の心構え 橋本雄二郎

-- Title: Vol 5 – First Steps to Life and Death

-- Title: Vol 6 – Combatting Tricky Plays (Ishida Yoshio)
これで万全 ハメ手対策 石田芳夫

-- Title: Vol 7 – Proverbs Which Add Strength (Kanda Ei)
力をつける 格言運用法 神田英

-- Title: Vol 8 – Eighteen Hints to Better Suji
筋がよくなる 18のヒント

-- Title: Vol 9 – Go Culture (Mizuguchi Fujio)
囲碁の文化誌 起源伝説からヒカルの碁まで 水口 藤雄

-- Title: Vol 10 – Studying the Fundamentals to Win More at Go (Takagawa Kaku (later Takagawa Shukaku)xs)
基礎から学ぶ 勝てる囲碁の法則 高川秀格


-- Hashimoto Utaro Famous Creations Three Hundred Selections by Hashimoto Utaro / 橋本宇太郎 名作三百選 by 橋本宇太郎


-- 100 Frequent Tesujis and Changes Vol. 1 and 2 by Kano Yoshinori / よくでる100の手筋と変化 上下巻揃 by 加納 嘉徳

-- Sakata's Go (6 vols) by Sakata Eio / 坂田の碁 by 坂田 栄男
-- Sakata's Go Continued (3 vols) by Sakata Eio / 続坂田の碁 by 坂田 栄男
-- Master of Decisive Moments (3 vols) (or The Fiery Games of Master Sakata Eio) by Sakata Eio / 炎の勝負師 by 坂田 栄男

Modern Go Name Game Series / 現代囲碁名勝負シリーズ (12 volumes)

-- Takemiya Masaki vol 1 / 武宮 正樹

-- Kobayashi Koichi vol 2 / 小林光一

-- Cho Chikun vol 3 / 趙 治勲

-- Kato Masao vol 4 / 加藤正夫

-- Otake Hero vol 5 / 大竹英雄

-- Ishida Yoshio vol 6 / 石田 芳夫

-- Kajiwara Takeo vol 7 / 梶原 武雄

-- Fujisawa Hideyuki vol 8 / 藤沢 秀行

-- Sakata Eio vol 9 / 坂田 栄男

-- Hayashi Umimine vol 10 / 林 海峯

-- Go Seigen vol 11 / 呉 清源

-- Takagawa Shukaku vol 12 / 高川秀格

-- Go Seigen 21st Century Go (10 books) by Go Seigen / 呉清源21世紀の碁(全10巻)by 呉清源

-- Shape and Tesuji (2 vols) by Iwasa Kei / 形ちと手筋 (Katachi to Tesuji) by 岩佐銈

Hashimoto Utaro Collection by Hashimoto Utaro (by 橋本 宇太郎)

-- Go Tsumego Collection / 囲碁詰碁集
-- Go Fuseki Collection / 囲碁布石集
-- Go Invasion Collection / 囲碁打込集
-- Okigo Strategy Collection / 置碁作戦集
-- Go Tesuji Collection / 囲碁手筋集
-- Go Joseki Collection / 囲碁定石集
-- Go Proverbs Collection / 囲碁格言集


-- Intermediante Tsumego Collection by Honda Kunihisa / 中級者の詰碁入門 by 本田 邦久

-- Study of Tesuji to Become Stronger (2 vols) by Kano Yoshinori / 強くなる手筋の研究 by 加納 嘉徳

-- Invasion countermeasures beyond the ken of amateurs: large boundary-play dictionary by Awaji Shuzo / アマの知らない打ち込み対策 大ヨセ事典 by 淡路 修三

-- Blow of Tesuji by Lee Changho and Shu Shu Chang / 手筋の一撃 (碁楽選書) (日本語) 単行本 by 李 昌鎬 (著), 成 起昌 (著)

Go Name Stations (10 vols) / 現代の名局
-- Vol 1 and 2: Hashimoto Utaro / 橋本宇太郎
-- Vol 3 and 4: Kitani Minoru / 木谷実
-- Vol 5 and 6: Go Seigen / 吳清源
-- Vol 7 and 8: Takagawa Kaku (later Takagawa Shukaku) / 高川格
-- Vol 9 and 10: Sakata Eio / 坂田 栄男

-- Hideyuki Tsumego Creation Masterpiece Collection by Hideyuki Fujisawa / 秀行創作詰碁傑作集 by 藤沢秀行


Tsumego for the Millions / 100万人の詰碁
Publisher: Kodansha 講談社

-- Volume 1 Maeda Nobuaki / 前田陳爾
-- Volume 2 Hashimoto Utaro /橋本宇太郎
-- Volume 3 Go Seigen / 呉清源

Series: Igo Club Special Supplements (50 volumes) / 別冊囲碁クラブ [Bessatsu Igo Kurabu]
Publisher: Nihon Kiin 日本棋院

-- No. 7 Delightful Tsumego by Maeda by Maeda Nobuaki (1976) / 痛快 前田の詰碁 前田陳爾 (昭51)
160 tsumegos from the God of Tsumego, Maeda Nobuaki. This book is highly prized by collectors (i.e. very expensive) and extremely difficult to find.


-- The Moments of the Wind – Hashimoto Utaro’s Famous Tsumego Collection (Vol 1-3) by Hashimoto Utaro / 風と刻―橋本宇太郎詰碁名作選 (上中下) by 橋本宇太郎

-- All about Sonoda's proverbs by Sonoda Yuichi / 苑田流格言のすべて by 苑田 勇一
-- Understand easy positional judgement in 30 seconds by Mizokami Tomochika / 30秒でわかる! やさしい局面判断 by 溝上 知親
-- A book on the pitfalls of thickness by O Rissei / 手厚さの罠 by 王立誠
-- A book on establishing the right conditions to make reductions work by Mizokami Tomochika / 消しの成立条件: ボウシ・カタツキなど、模様削減の手法がわかる by 溝上 知親
-- Reduce enemy's territory like this! by Yamada Norio / 敵の陣地はこう減らせ! by 山田 規三生
-- The ultimate way to change 400 years of Go History by Yoda Norimoto / 筋場理論 囲碁400年の歴史を変える究極の打ち方 by 依田 紀基
-- Endgame, absolute calculation full version - Do you understand the "at a glance"? by O-Mein / ヨセ・絶対計算 完全版 ~あなたは「一目」を理解していますか? by 王 銘エン
-- Recollection of Eighteenth Matches of Go Seigen by Go Seigen / 呉清源思い出の十八局 今ならこう打つ by 呉 清源


Takagawa Go readings - 1 to 5 books by Takagawa Shukaku / 高川囲碁読本著者 . 1~5冊 by 高川秀格
-- (1) Joseki Showa 15th Edition issued February 10, 50 years / (1)「布石」昭和50年2月10日第15版発行
-- (2) Joseki Showa 14th edition issued 50 July 1 /(2)「定石」昭和50年7月1日第14版発行
-- (3) "muscle" and Shape 1975 issued on July 1, 15th Edition /(3)「筋と形」昭和50年7月1日第15版発行
-- (4), "the middle of the strategy" 1975 July 1, 12th edition issue /(4)「中盤の戦略」昭和50年7月1日第12版発行
-- (5) Yose and Life and Death 1975 July 1, 10th edition issued /(5)「ヨセと死活」昭和50年7月1日第10版発行

Collection of All Games:

-- Honinho Shuei Complete Works - All three volumes / 本因坊秀栄全集 全三巻
-- Honinbo Shusai Complete Works limited 2000 - All six volumes assortment Go with addendum Nihon Ki / 本因坊秀哉全集 限定2000 全6巻揃 補遺付 囲碁 日本棋院
-- Honinbo Shusaku Complete Works / 本因坊秀策全集 全五巻
-- World Go Master Collection: Nie Weiping Complete Works (Set of 4) / 世界围棋大师精选集:聂卫平全集(套装共4册) (In Chinese)


 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #2 Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 9:27 pm 
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Multiple whys run through my head

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 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #3 Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 11:37 am 
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edit: deleted as posted multiple times.

'The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself'

Last edited by Just Go already on Mon Apr 15, 2019 12:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #4 Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 12:08 pm 
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If you would be willing to ship to the Uk, I would be interested in:

-- Lee Changho's Selected Life and Death Go Problems (6 vol.) / 李昌镐精讲围棋死活 by 李昌鎬
-- Lee Changho's Selected Tesuji Go Problems (6 vol.) / 李昌镐精讲围棋手筋 by 李昌鎬
-- Weiqi Life and Death 1000 Problems by Wang Zhi Peng and He Jun Ping (Authors/Editor) / 围棋死活1000题 by 王志鹏 and 贺君平
-- Maeda Tsumego Collection by Maeda Nobuaki vol. 1, 2 and 3 / 前田詰碁集 by 前田 陳爾

'The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself'

 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #5 Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 2:34 pm 
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Just Go already wrote:
If you would be willing to ship to the Uk, I would be interested in:

In both go and in other aspects of life, good reading is essential.
He wants to sell it as a collection, as a whole.

 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #6 Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 5:27 pm 
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sybob wrote:
In both go and in other aspects of life, good reading is essential.
He wants to sell it as a collection, as a whole.

Sadly I don't have thousands available to spend on go. I can't imagine what the complete list is worth easily 20-30k I would imagine. Anyone that serious about go to buy the complete list on offer in one purchase likely already owns many of those books.

I recently started with go, and I already own:

Graded go problems for beginners 1-4
Baduktopia Level up 1-10
Jump level up 1-5
Davies Elementary series 1-6
Mastering the basics 1-9
Opening theory made easy
Lessons in the fundamentals

I have more than enough books to last me a year and longer with mutiple rereads, I'm just looking to get more tsumego and tesuji books. My offer still stands :)

'The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself'

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Post #7 Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 10:57 pm 
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Hi Just Go already,
Graded go problems for beginners 1-4
Thoroughly digesting GGPfB is very helpful. :tmbup: Enjoy.

 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #8 Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 5:43 am 

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Just Go already wrote:
sybob wrote:
In both go and in other aspects of life, good reading is essential.
He wants to sell it as a collection, as a whole.

Sadly I don't have thousands available to spend on go. I can't imagine what the complete list is worth easily 20-30k I would imagine. Anyone that serious about go to buy the complete list on offer in one purchase likely already owns many of those books.

I recently started with go, and I already own:

Graded go problems for beginners 1-4
Baduktopia Level up 1-10
Jump level up 1-5
Davies Elementary series 1-6
Mastering the basics 1-9
Opening theory made easy
Lessons in the fundamentals

I have more than enough books to last me a year and longer with mutiple rereads, I'm just looking to get more tsumego and tesuji books. My offer still stands :)

You have enough books to get you to dan level :) Good study habits will help. Just reading a book is not enough. Reading a book such as "In the Beginning" by Ishigure will give you some ideas about playing the opening. After reading the book try to use the information in games and go over the games with the goal of seeing where you succeeded or failed in using the information from the book. Repeat this process. Think, not just imitate. Do this with "Attack and Defense" and other books. As for tesuji and tsumego books, until you get to single digit kyu rank you haven't outgrown "Graded Go Problems for Beginners". It doesn't hurt to have more books, but just having books does not automatically make you a better player, you have to use them actively. There are pretty good books that are in print and available commercially that can supplement what you have. The "Get Strong" and "Mastering the Basics" series from Kiseido could be useful. I would specially recommend just one tsumego book, "1001 Life and Death Problems" from Kiseido. There are many tsumego problems (and solutions) available free online on Sensei's Library. Finally, the best way to improve is to play slower games, when you have enough time to think about your moves, and review them by yourself or with help from a stronger player. Good luck!

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 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #9 Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 8:40 am 
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Yes, ggpb seem very good so far. I'm reading the first one after level up 1-5 to ensure that I don't have any gaps or bad habits before I move onto the 10kyu stuff. The problem I am having with 1001 life and death book is that the book only has a few hundred problems at any one level before the difficulty increases. I'm not sure that repeating the same problems again and again is optimum for my learning. Sure, if I read out all the variations then my reading ability will improve, but eventually I will see the solution to these problems without having to read through simply because I instantly recall doing the same problem before. I feel like if I had a lot more tsumego at my disposal, I could cycle the problems or even make 1000s of flash cards that I can shuffle.

Ggpfb and level up & jump level up should last me for quite some time though and I have life and death by davies and the few hundred problems suitable for me from 1001 life and death too that I can work on at the same time. For the most part, the tesuji davies book seems a little advanved for me from what I have seen so that one will have to wait a while.

'The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself'

 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #10 Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 2:46 am 
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If I had several spare rooms in my house, and I had thousands of pounds, I would.

Let us know if you decide to split up the collection, there are some books that I would like, that I can spend a few hundred on.

It's not every day a library this wide comes up for grabs. It's pretty impressive.

12k: 2015.08.11; 11k: 2015.09.13; 10k: 2015.09.27; 9k: 2015.10.10; 8k: 2015.11.08; 7k: 2016.07.10 6k: 2016.07.24 5k: 2018.05.14 4k: 2018.09.03 3k: who knows?

 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #11 Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 1:48 pm 

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Maybe one of the "official" go centers, like the US Go Center in Washington, or one in another country, could raise enough money to buy the collection and create a library at one stroke that can be used by a large number of people.

This post by gowan was liked by 5 people: Bill Spight, Bonobo, dfan, PeterHB, sybob
 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #12 Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2019 8:07 pm 

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Is there any books left? I got in late. Will you be willing to ship to USA?

Thank you for your time,

 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #13 Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 6:30 pm 
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Nekoninja wrote:
Is there any books left? I got in late. Will you be willing to ship to USA?

Thank you for your time,

Yutopian is liquidating their remaining stocks of go books along with Kiseido's. Their website is notoriously unreliable for reflecting inventory.

David Bogie, Boise ID
I play go, I ride a recumbent, of course I use Macintosh.

 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #14 Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 6:28 pm 

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Bogiesan, agreeing with others above, if you decide to break up your collection, I would happily purchase some.

In regards to Kiseido/Yutopian, if they stop printing their books, will another company print them thereafter? Or will we doomed to search for ever-fewer secondhand copies?

 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #15 Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:03 am 
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Is the book about kobayashi's games still available ?

 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #16 Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 5:02 am 
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Hello, wondering if some books are still available?

 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #17 Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 9:29 pm 

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Hi, is the following still available? Thank you.
-- Y42 New Go Proverbs Illustrated by Milton Bradley

 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #18 Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 9:32 pm 

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Hi, is "Y42 New Go Proverbs Illustrated by Milton Bradley" still available? Thanks.

 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #19 Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 11:08 pm 

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Hello Sir,

Do you still have this book “Whole Board Thinking in Joseki Volume Two: 3-4 point, high kakari & far kakaris by Yilun Yang (Fourth Line Press)”? I don’t mind paying for international shipping.

If you have it what would be the total?

 Post subject: Re: Go books library to sell
Post #20 Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 4:15 am 

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Are your books still available, please ?

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