Life In 19x19

Rating matches question
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Author:  DrQuantum [ Sun Dec 29, 2013 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Rating matches question

Hi -

I've got a question about rating matches... Is it the case that a game between someone who is in the Beginners Class and someone with a solid rating is a "rating game" for the person in the BC but is not a "rating game" for the person with the solid rating? The info on the pandanet site is not clear on this...


Author:  oren [ Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rating matches question

A quick guess after reading their page is that it would give rating points for a 15k.

Author:  DrQuantum [ Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Rating matches question

Doesn't seem to be quite that simple. But it doesn't matter much - I'm simply trying to figure out why some games get added to my 'rating match' total and others don't.

Author:  asura [ Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rating matches question

My information is a few years old - so I don't know if it's still true.

If the person from the BC wins then it has no effect to the rating of the other person.
If the the person with the solid rating wins then he gets 50 (?) points.
I don't know wheter the match is considered to be "rated" or not.

Author:  SmoothOper [ Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rating matches question

If you don't type a greeting, it won't give you the full value of the match.

Author:  xed_over [ Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rating matches question

SmoothOper wrote:
If you don't type a greeting, it won't give you the full value of the match.

hahaha.. now that's your best post ever

Author:  Progenitor [ Sat Jan 04, 2014 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rating matches question

Having just come from the beginners class and now in the provisional rating stage, I know that none of the games are considered rated with these players. For the beginner you basically need to win 5 games regardless of who you are playing including teaching bots. Once you win 5 games you get promoted to 17k provisional. Once provisional you are in a 20 game adjustment period in which they adjust your rating every 5 games based how you do against your opponents and their rank. The provisional player does not gain or lose points until they are out of the provisional period and have been assigned a rank and starting total.

Although the games are not rated, the person who has a solid rating playing the beginner or provisional player will get 50 points counted towards rating point total if they win. If the rated player loses no points are subtracted as the provisional rank might not be accurate. The exception is that if you have played two consecutive games that aren't rated games, if you play a 3rd non rated game even if you win you will not receive the 50 points. This is to minimize someone who might be taking advantage of beginners to pad their point total. Also once you reach 9k+ you will not receive the points regardless of the outcome.

The final determinations are playing people that are within a 3 stones of your rating higher or lower. Outside of that range and they don't count. Also only 19x19 games and at least 2 moves have to be made.

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