Life In 19x19

Scoring - Answering Newbie Questions
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Author:  RobertJasiek [ Wed Jul 14, 2021 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Scoring - Answering Newbie Questions

In the Redditt thread , Leia_Ko asks:

Area scoring does not take prisoners into account in contrast to Territory scoring. But doesn’t that mean depending on the used scoring system you can just sacrifice as many stones as you want to get the bigger area whereas with the other system you have to be very cautious about how many stones you lose?

But then it’s said that both scoring systems are equivalent so it doesn’t matter which one you use?

Since Redditt's bugs prevent my answer there, I reply here:

Under area scoring, sacrifices end due to passes, ko rules or possibly no suicide rules.

Under area scoring, dead opposing stones are removed by agreement, short alternating play or long alternating play with resistance. Regardless, the same intersections score for the player. Regardless of whether they are empty or occupied. Therefore, numbers of sacrifices or approach plays are immaterial as long as the player's regions remain the same.

Under territory, in general, sacrifices are not just meaningfully possible because they might be dead due to the rules without the defender's reply. Such additional sacrifice stones become additional prisoners. Hence, under territory scoring, many sacrifices should not occur at the end. (Sente sacrifices aka virtual ko threats are possible but disliked.)

Under area scoring, one also has to be cautious about not playing superfluous sacrifices when meanwhile the opponent gets the remaining endgame moves, which include 1 point per dame occupied by his stone. Only after the endgame (or when the number of remaining dames is even), superfluous sacrifices do not incur an endgame loss. A gote sacrifice stone gains 0 but a dame gains 1.

Not the scoring systems are equivalent but it is area scoring if area counting and territory counting with, e.g., pass stones are equivalent, e.g., under AGA Rules. Area scoring and territory scoring are different with in particular these strategic differences:

It matters which scoring system one uses. As a start, see

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