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 Post subject: FMzd Self-Review
Post #1 Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:45 am 
Dies with sente
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Location: Arizona, United States
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Rank: 2k Kaya
IGS: Exologist
Kaya handle: Exologist
I don't play very many online games these days, so I thought for some of the ones I do play it may be a good idea to rewind and see why I played what I did and what I could have done better (whether I win or lose). I don't really have a study plan other than just play some games, read through some books (probably gone through 8 or so by now), and do some problem/random study every now and again. So this isn't going to be a journal like most of the others, just collection of self-reviews, but this seems to be the best section for such a thing.

Maybe this'll help some other people out more than it does me. Feel free to give your own comments.

PS: And I haven't gotten to know anyone around here! So hit me up if you ever want to play a game.

Here's a game I played yesterday. I'm 3k on KGS currently, but I'm most likely under-ranked simply because I don't play online all that much. I feel a little bad about it, always whooping the other 3k players, but it'll fix itself eventually.

RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[600]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]
PW[Exologist]PB[keyakinao]WR[3k]BR[4k]DT[2010-09-24]PC[The KGS Go Server at]C[Exologist [3k\]: hi
keyakinao [4k?\]: hi
;W[ec]WL[585.245]C[Something I don't usually try, thought to put a little more variation on things.]
;W[qg]WL[468.215]C[I was expecting some response followed by me taking the corner at R17...]
;B[cq]BL[542.258]C[An interesting tenuki, but nothing I was afraid of.]
;W[cd]WL[431.675]C[Thank you for letting me take the enclosure...]
;W[og]WL[384.43]C[Of course you had to know this cut was coming.]
;B[ra]BL[454.638]C[I have a feeling I could've attacked this corner more severely, but it didn't bother me too much since he lived so small and I got such strength along the outside--M14, N13 are pretty much useless as long as the L15 is still open. Plus, there's the fact that B had a stone in this corner first.]
;W[di]WL[253.057]C[Breaking some things up trying to get an attack going.]
;B[fi]BL[447.531]C[To me, this cap seemed useless. It is much easier to go for a connection underneath a 4th line stone. And if he were to connect, my D11 would then become pretty useless.]
;B[bj]BL[420.337]C[Keep them stones heavy. :)]
;W[fe]WL[129.119]LB[ic:A]C[Surround D15 and threaten to attack G17. ]
(;W[bq]WL[116.101]C[Perhaps a bad idea to let C10 off the hook like this, but I was interested in making my group safe rather than persist in some attack while I had a relatively weak group. Or maybe it wasn't relatively weak. hehe]
;B[ml]BL[324.598]LB[po:B][qo:A][nq:D][qq:C]C[My only chance to do something about the moyo in the bottom right. I had no idea which was really the best method.]
;W[oo]WL[22.855]C[I always remember from books I've been reading to keep groups light and flexible while heavily pressured/surrounded.]
(;W[kl]WL[30]OW[5]C[Overplay? I was thinking I could attack O9, but as the saying goes you should be stronger yourself before you attack something.]
;B[mp]BL[193.487]C[Excellent kikashi on the part of my opponent. Seems vital I should have gone here first.]
;W[jl]WL[30]OW[5]LB[io:A]C[A would probably work better to run away.]
;W[im]WL[30]OW[5]C[This situation was really complicated and I didn't have nearly enough time to figure out what would happen. Let me see what some variations say...]
(;B[kj]BL[152.094]C[B instead played here. He might have been nervous that I was going to capture all of P9, which maybe I would have having looked at some variations.]
;W[jj]WL[30]OW[5]C[Doing some more pressure.]
;W[ki]WL[30]OW[5]C[Definitely overplay, I had a moment of blind greed. :) Well actually this might not have been a bad idea, but the follow up was blind greed.]
(;W[kf]WL[30]OW[5]LB[kg:A]C[Maybe if I played at A, something could have come of it.]
;W[jg]WL[30]OW[5]C[To me it looked like he still had yet to get an eye, so I thought to keep pressure up.]
;W[if]WL[30]OW[5]C[I believed that this was sente to his top group, but he didn't respond.]
;B[hl]BL[30]OB[5]C[And he saves everything at last.]
;W[ic]WL[30]OW[5]C[Except for the top group... Meanwhile I should've played to strengthen my bottom group, since it had one eye maximum.]
(;B[bm]BL[30]OB[5]C[B wanted to avoid any ko madness.]
;W[hq]WL[30]OW[5]C[Me foolishly pooping stones in what seem to be cool places to invade.]
;B[gp]BL[30]OB[5]C[Now I see the trouble.]
(;W[gr]WL[30]OW[5]LB[on:A]C[This was almost the game losing what 6 points? Why would I risk that? Just play A.]
;B[jm]BL[30]OB[5]LB[pn:A]C[Why not take 3 stones and remove liberties in sente for B?]
;W[ip]WL[30]OW[3]C[Timesuji ftw.]
;W[gm]WL[30]OW[3]C[This was a non-move (me trying frantatically to figure something out). I don't think B even had to respond.]
;W[ls]WL[30]OW[3]C[But I saw a light at the end of the tunnel (just in time too). :D]
;W[oq]WL[30]OW[3]C[Saving move at 218 is really quite necessary. But other than the result of this game was ok. It appears B set up too many weak groups for me to attack.])
;W[if]C[B looks to be in a bind here.]))
(;B[in]C[I was expecting this move...]
;W[mi]C[Looks like this starts a giant semeai.]
;W[rm]LB[io:A]C[M4 is actually bad for B because of the tesuji for W at A. So B would have to go to K4. See earlier varation. But even if that tesuji weren't available, it appears w may still have the upper hand.]
;B[ro]C[Fierce Ko.])
;W[ip]C[Looks like I'm safe.]))
;W[fm]C[This does not appear like it will work, although it is starting to look like another capture race.])
;B[io]C[W fail, although maybe back to that huge capture race in the upper variation.])))))
;B[es]C[Hard to attack C10 effective I would think.]))[/sgf-full]

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