Life In 19x19

Finrod Felagund, King of Nargothrond, tries to reach 1dan
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Author:  cyndane [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finrod Felagund, King of Nargothrond, tries to reach 1da

Bill Spight wrote:
I don't know about KataGo's winrate estimates, but maybe it will rate :b15: as around 4% worse than its top choice. Just a guess. :)

A good guess. The version of Kata-go I have suggests 3%.

Author:  FinrodFelagund [ Mon May 04, 2020 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finrod Felagund, King of Nargothrond, tries to reach 1da


So, I bought six of Robert Jaisek's books. So far so good. They have the feel of a textbook, which is nice. Some of the principles are easier to say than to follow, like "Do not play superfluous moves" in Endgame Fundamentals. This is certainly good advice, but no one would play a superfluous move if they KNEW it was superfluous. The examples of such moves are useful though, if a bit basic for my level.

On to the main event of this updates, some recent and serious games. I have returned to playing on my OGS account, with some anxiety. I expected to lose a few ranks before stabilizing. Instead, I have actually ranked up to 1k (0.4k to be too exact). Some of that feels like luck at this point, since I have won a few games by strange timeouts. Here's a game that I was initially proud of. Katago ruined that pride, but it still seems instructive. If anyone has any advice on my weak areas or on specific moves, I'd love to hear it.

Author:  SoDesuNe [ Thu May 07, 2020 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finrod Felagund, King of Nargothrond, tries to reach 1da

Bots ALWAYS ruin games, that's why I - nowadays - only check with them on direction of play questions.

:b7: As far as I kow the split has pretty much vanished in high level play because the other player is often the one choosing the direction of the checking extension, thus your opponent can use his initiative first to play elsewhere and return at a more appropriate time. I'd approach White's komoku.

:b11: Yep, the first time a bot recommended this extension, I was also mildly baffled. Feeling-wise I'm still not accustomed to it but I play it, too, all the time.

:b13: First feeling would be 3*3. Second feeling would also be the lower side (widest open area). You have a solid two-space-extension on the left and access to the corner. There is no weakness.

:b15: Yes, attachment. Again, the group on the left is solid, there isn't much to do. Settling in style, tacking territory and also getting sente - what more to wish for? ^^

:b17: I can understand the urge because - right now - I deliberately "overplay" (kyu/dan-level what's not overplay, anyway?) to produce fighting in my games. Here, my urge to just take points comes through again: O4. That's of course not a highly enterprising move but my question/reasoning would be, how does White get shape at the bottom? There no one move, which makes a solid formation so I can enter later anyway from my strengthened corner.

:b29: My first feeling is shoulder-hit on G4. But that might turn out bad because the left has some standard invasion points. Two-point-jump, second feeling. Third feeling G3 attachment, because jumping does only run and not separate - settling seems better.

The fight, yeah, was kind of hard for Black. You already spotted the moves that need improvement ; )

:b47: In my opinion less to do with tactics but with pattern recognition.

Nice kill : )

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