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 Post subject: Malweth's thoughts on 囲碁
Post #1 Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:23 pm 
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I like this forum. I'm going to figure that nobody will read this and whether or not anybody does, I won't be disappointed. Isn't that how we think about our 囲碁? I know I downplay the game right before I play. I'm here to learn, I'm here to have fun, I'm here to play 囲碁. Then the game starts. I'm still in that mood, but it's lessening. The play draws me in and once the first fight breaks out, or often even before then in a rough fuseki, my heart is beating faster and I'm living in 19x19.

First, a warning. I started out using the Japanese characters for Go: 囲碁. I will not continue this, and won't use any other Japanese, Chinese, or Korean characters. I will, however, use many Japanese terms (romanized). This is a game popularized in the west by Japan. Some easy terms you will find in English: thickness, for example; it's not a hard and fast rule. I have found, however, that if you search in Google for "define: tsuke" where "tsuke" could be any Japanese Go term, you'll get an understandable definition in English. Sometimes you'll have to ask for "more" where other definitions exist, for example: "define: aji" which is also a type of Chili Pepper.

I have a long history with this game. At some point in the distant past (high school) I found the Go computer program Nemesis installed on school computers. What with the news about Chess, and the fact that I knew nothing else about the game, I figured this program was pretty strong. Eventually I beat the computer fairly easily and since I couldn't get anyone else interested in the game I forgot about it.

I have no idea how I found the game again. I assume I was surfing the web a few years after I graduated from College and saw something about Go. I knew I'd played before and was pretty good (I'd beaten the computer) and so I came across KGS. I found a couple of great people who were willing to help out a beginner and the addiction began. The first thing they asked me was if I found Go through Hikaru no Go. They were surprised when I said I'd played before and didn't know how strong I was (I wasn't)! This has been a good reminder to me, so I left words of thanks to Skadi and Woll999, two German players that helped me on my first day. These first two games are posted below.

SZ[19]RU[Japanese]KM[6.50]TM[2700]OT[15x60 byo-yomi]
PB[woll999]PW[malweth]BR[9k]DT[2003-07-05]PC[The Kiseido Go Server (KGS) at]C[woll999 [9k?\]: have fun
;B[pd]BL[2686.354]CR[pd]C[malweth [?\]: Thank you... I'm beginning... should be interesting ;)
;B[]BL[2339.826]TB[ra][sa][rb][sb][fc][rc][sc][fd][gd][rd][sd][ee][fe][ge][re][se][af][bf][df][qf][rf][sf][ag][bg][cg][qg][rg][sg][ah][ih][ph][qh][rh][sh][oi][pi][qi][ri][si][aj][oj][pj][qj][rj][sj][ak][pk][rk][sk][al][pl][ql][rl][sl][am][bm][cm][pm][qm][rm][sm][an][bn][dn][on][pn][qn][rn][sn][ao][bo][no][oo][po][qo][ro][so][ap][hp][kp][lp][mp][np][op][pp][qp][rp][sp][hq][iq][jq][kq][lq][mq][nq][oq][qq][rq][sq][hr][ir][jr][kr][lr][mr][nr][or][pr][qr][rr][sr][gs][hs][is][js][ks][ls][ms][ns][os][ps][qs][rs][ss]TW[aa][ba][ca][da][ia][ja][ka][la][ma][na][ab][cb][jb][kb][lb][mb][nb][ob][bc][cc][lc][mc][md][nd][me][ne][lh][dj][ek][fk][gk][hk][ik][jk][fl][gl][hl][il][jl][kl][gm][hm][im][jm][km][lm][dq][dr]C[woll999 [9k?\]: thank you
malweth [10k?\]: good game... thank you :)
malweth [10k?\]: what would you estimate my level?
woll999 [9k?\]: taking territory on the sides is easier than in the middle
Skadi [12k\]: :)
malweth [10k?\]: Yeah... I seeem to have lost the bottom right corner battle by not playing it ;)
woll999 [9k?\]: difficult question How are you ?
woll999 [9k?\]: strong
woll999 [9k?\]: I have won by about 70 points
Skadi [12k\]: really hard question
woll999 [9k?\]: perhaps you are 7 kyu weaker than me
Skadi [12k\]: hmm
woll999 [9k?\]: okay thank you
malweth [10k?\]: :) Well... I need to play a few more games KGS, I think :) - I used to play a few years ago
malweth [10k?\]: haven't played in a while, but recently...
malweth [10k?\]: thank you for the game!
Skadi [12k\]: what was you rank then?
malweth [10k?\]: Never played online ... that's why I stopped - my opponents were gone
Skadi [12k\]: hmm
Skadi [12k\]: have fun on kgs then :)
malweth [10k?\]: thanks!! I'll keep learning, for sure
woll999 [9k?\]: in which country do you live?
malweth [10k?\]: USA. There aren't any clubs near me, but I joined the online club
Skadi [12k\]: many players in the us have this problem
woll999 [9k?\]: I can go about one hour by car and there are strong players
Skadi [12k\]: haha
Skadi [12k\]: ~.~
Skadi [12k\]: i can't
malweth [10k?\]: The go players are too spread out. I could find something in Boston, but it's 2 hrs away
Skadi [12k\]: ~.~
malweth [10k?\]: I don't like Cities ;) so I try to live far away from them
Skadi [12k\]: hehe
malweth [10k?\]: Thank you for the game... I'm sure I'll see you both around sometime
woll999 [9k?\]: Skadi you want to play with him?
Skadi [12k\]: hmm
Skadi [12k\]: ok
malweth [10k?\]: :) cool
Skadi [12k\]: which room are you in?
Skadi [12k\]: O_o
malweth [10k?\]: English and Wings
Skadi [12k\]: :)
Skadi [12k\]: ok
Skadi [12k\]: wings then
malweth [10k?\]: sounds good :) see you
woll999 [9k?\]: thank you
Skadi [12k\]: you want rated?
Skadi [12k\]: :)
malweth [10k?\]: sure :) I will lose, but that shouldn't matter for me ;)
malweth [10k?\]: give me 5-10 min?
woll999 [9k?\]: bye

SZ[19]RU[Japanese]KM[0.50]TM[1650]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]
PB[malweth]PW[Skadi]BR[10k]WR[12k]DT[2003-07-05]PC[The Kiseido Go Server (KGS) at]C[Skadi [12k\]: have fun :)
malweth [10k?\]: thanks ... you too!
;W[ed]WL[1604.902]CR[ed]C[malweth [10k?\]: getting busy around here... people are waking up ;) I'm used to being home alone :)
Skadi [12k\]: =)
;B[gg]BL[1027.266]CR[gg]C[Skadi [12k\]: ...
;B[mo]BL[1022.674]CR[mo]C[Skadi [12k\]: it nearly lived ^^
;W[if]WL[781.619]CR[if]C[malweth [10k?\]: yeah... I need to count my liberties :(
;B[hf]BL[1009.831]CR[hf]C[Skadi [12k\]: no
;B[gh]BL[1000.936]CR[gh]C[Skadi [12k\]: you should learn live and death :)
;W[dp]WL[753.725]CR[dp]C[malweth [10k?\]: :) I haven't really studied much of it
;B[ra]BL[900.752]CR[ra]C[Skadi [12k\]: n4 group is dead :\\
;B[]BL[814.173]TB[aa][ba][ca][sa][ab][bb][db][sb][ac][bc][cc][sc][ad][bd][rd][sd][ae][re][se][bf][cf][ef][gf][fg][gp][aq][eq][fq][ar][br][cr][dr][er][fr][gr][as][bs][cs][ds][es][fs]TW[ga][ha][ia][ja][ka][la][ma][na][oa][gb][hb][jb][kb][lb][mb][nb][ob][ic][jc][kc][lc][mc][nc][jd][kd][ld][nd][je][ke][le][me][oe][jf][kf][lf][mf][of][ig][jg][kg][lg][mg][ng][ih][jh][kh][lh][mh][nh][oh][ph][ai][bi][ci][ii][ji][ki][li][mi][ni][oi][pi][qi][ri][aj][bj][cj][hj][jj][kj][lj][mj][nj][pj][qj][rj][sj][ak][bk][dk][gk][hk][ik][jk][kk][lk][mk][nk][rk][sk][al][bl][cl][dl][el][fl][gl][hl][il][jl][kl][ol][pl][sl][am][bm][cm][dm][em][fm][gm][hm][im][km][lm][mm][pm][qm][sm][cn][dn][in][jn][mn][nn][qn][rn][sn][jo][lo][mo][no][ro][so][mp][np][op][qp][rp][sp][kq][lq][mq][nq][qq][rq][sq][lr][mr][nr][or][qr][sr][ks][ls][ms][ns][os][ps][qs][rs][ss]C[Skadi [12k\]: ~.~
Skadi [12k\]: thank you :)
malweth [10k?\]: thank you...

(")_(")      ~ Tarah ~

 Post subject: Re: Malweth's thoughts on 囲碁
Post #2 Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:13 pm 
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Well, I've been an off and on player since I started in 2003. Two or three months after I started Go I left for two weeks on a honeymoon (my poor wife... suffering through this and other hobbies for the last 8 years). For the most part, though, I've been active, either on KGS or at my local club (which itself is an on again off again proposition). More recently, however, I've worked on a Master's thesis in Electrical Engineering. A part-time thesis, with standard work, travel, and special projects that eat up the rest of my "free" time, is a long-term commitment. I think I managed to go 2-3 years without playing after I started this prospect in 2007. Finally, this July I completed the thesis, defended it, and finished up the paperwork to end this stage of my life. The day after I handed in the final paperwork (and about three weeks after I defended the thesis), my second daughter and third child was born.

There's something about a new baby. Constant feedings, changings, and a complete lack of sleep (in the nighttime hours, that is). At the same time, it leaves me open to study tsumego, watch games, and read books. We also treasure those times when all the kids are asleep - an excellent time for playing a game of Go (if I'm up for it at that point). I started rereading Kato's Attack & Kill, possibly my favorite single Go book. Today I found three books I'd purchased at the end of my first life of Go: the "Heart of Go Discovery Series." So I've given up on the Attack and Kill reread and have moved on to "Catching Scent of Victory" by O Rissei. I really like his style and plan to study his games (once I track down that GoGod CD).

I've also been practicing tsumego from Yi Ch'ang-ho's 6 book set. I've started back at book one, which is really kind of easy. I've also looked at books 2-4 and have found 2 and half of three to be easy while 4 is a bit difficult for me.

Finally, I'm attempting to play a minimum of three serious games a week. I like long time controls and have been using automatch to get slower games.

In "Catching Scent of Victory," which I started reading today, O Rissei begins by discussing his match versus Cho Chikun in the Meijin tournament (below):

PB[O Rissei]
BR[9 dan]
PW[Cho Chikun]
WR[9 dan]

what amazed me is that the tsuke, move 34, was sealed. O Meijin spends four pages discussing why he played some moves, but why other moves were not good and what he would have done differently. So what's amazing? That seventeen moves were played by Rissei over a full day of Go and he can still spend time discussing what he could have played better.

Go is a game of continuous improvement. Most games are built upon the basic human drive to improve. Video games and basic puzzle games, simulators, and other time wasters (I've played my fair share) use artificial means to feed a feeling of accomplishment. With Go and other games, we must work for it every step of the way, and never stop working. To me, that, of which the incidental meeting of two players across a board is only a single part, is the game of Go.

(")_(")      ~ Tarah ~

 Post subject: Re: Malweth's thoughts on 囲碁
Post #3 Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:02 pm 
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Time to play has been a problem lately. I'm doing OK on Tsumego practice and other readings.

:b1: Playing games: My new thought, just to get more games in, is to start to learn how to Blitz. I've never played Blitz (except unranked, as an interesting exercise w/ friends). So, I've created a new KGS account: WileE that will be a ranked blitz account. I expect to lose at least 5 stones this way!

:w2: Daily tsumego: This has never been a problem since reaching 3k~1k! I've been working on Yi Chang'ho's Tsumego book 1. The goal was to complete it quickly (but fully reading through each problem) with no mistakes. I manage to do about 1/3 of the book per day and have completed the volume and am moving on to book 2. Books 1-2 are easy enough to run through quickly, but after my time away from Go they're excellent review. I'd also like to work on tesuji, but I have few resources at my level.

:b3: Daily pro game(s): It's my goal to memorize one new pro game per day (at a minimum). This shouldn't be an issue, but I've been having a hard time finding time. I'll work on this more... it doesn't take more than 15-20 minutes to complete this exercise for most games.

:w4: Joseki: This isn't as high on my list. It's for free time where I don't want to read the Tsumego books. Right now I'm on Get Strong at Joseki, which will hopefully get me reading during joseki. I think one of the very kyu (and low, mid dan?) things is to not read much during the fuseki & joseki (and the broad mid-game). Only when contact fights, cutting opportunities, tesuji, life & death situations are around do most of us think about reading ahead. Clearly my blitz account won't help with this!

:b5: Time Where's the time going? 1. Baby - I can't do many of these activities if she needs anything. 2. Family - I can't ignore them either! They need a lot of attention (all 5, including the new baby, kids, dog, and my wife). That leaves an hour to three hours of time each day, with interruptions possible throughout. 3. Hikaru no Go. Yes, I've started watching it again. My son (6) is really into it and interested in Go, so I try to find time for playing with him, too. I really don't know how to teach him, though! HnG won't last more than a couple weeks and it's useful for something to do while feeding the baby.

(")_(")      ~ Tarah ~

 Post subject: Re: Malweth's thoughts on 囲碁
Post #4 Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:50 am 
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malweth wrote:
:b3: Daily pro game(s): It's my goal to memorize one new pro game per day (at a minimum). This shouldn't be an issue, but I've been having a hard time finding time. I'll work on this more... it doesn't take more than 15-20 minutes to complete this exercise for most games.

:b5: Time Where's the time going?

You memorize one game a day - and you don't need time to replay the old to keep them? I can't believe that. Looks pretty hard and time consuming to me. Not replaying it a couple of times and remember most moves, but memorize them to be able to replay them weeks later.

 Post subject: Re: Malweth's thoughts on 囲碁
Post #5 Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:17 am 
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Back to :b1: from my previous post -- I managed to play 4 blitz games yesterday in quick succession. It's not as bad as I'd remembered (I'm stronger now, so maybe that's why), but I have a few observations (both good and bad):

:b1: The games are fast and short.

W+T, B+T... it's too easy to lose on time (I did figure out KGS time settings... I've never needed to before - now it beeps at 5 seconds). Combine this with Automatch and strange things can happen (me+T with zero moves played).

:w2: You must play for shape.

This is great! If you don't know solid shape, you'll learn it. Solid moves and good shape are the only thing that will get you through blitz alive.

:b3: Opponents can resort to cheap tricks.

Click Here To Show Diagram Code
$$ +---------------------------------------+
$$ | . X . X . O O X X X X X X X X O . O . |
$$ | O X . X X O X X X O O X . X O O . . . |
$$ | . O X X O O O X X X O O X . X O O O . |
$$ | X O X X X . O O O X O O O X X X X O O |
$$ | O X X O X X X O O X X O . O X . X X O |
$$ | . X O O O X . O . O . O . O X X O X X |
$$ | X X X O X O O . . O O O O O O X . . . |
$$ | O O O O . X O O O X X O . O X . . . . |
$$ | . . O . X O O X O O X X O X X X . . . |
$$ | O O . O O . O X X X . X O X O , X . . |
$$ | O X X X O O O X . X O X O O X X X X X |
$$ | O O X X X O . X . O 1 X X O . . O X O |
$$ | O X X X O O O O X X X O X O O O O O O |
$$ | X . X X X O X O X O . O O O X X X O . |
$$ | . . . . X O X X X O . O X X . X O X X |
$$ | X . X X O O O X X O X X . . X X O O O |
$$ | X X X . X O . X X O O X . . X O O . . |
$$ | . . . X X O O O X O O X X X X O O . O |
$$ | . . . X O O . X X O O O O O X O . O . |
$$ +---------------------------------------+[/go]

Where did I play? Not the correct answer at L10! Sure it's one point... against the 25 or so I was ahead.

:w4: This will help my speed reading.

I was clearly doing well, but lost on time (I hadn't figured out the beep option yet ;))

:b5: If you actually finish a game, B+40 is an "acceptable" result.

This is obnoxious, and I'm sure I'll do it too. It's the only reason I don't blame my opponent in the diagram above. He probably didn't even know he was so far behind (I had a general idea that I was ahead, but didn't know by how much - of course this is also something I need to work on ... not in blitz games).

:w6: I will be able to play a lot more games this way!

And I really won't care about my rank or wins/losses based on how I've fared so far just managing the time controls. It's just too easy to miss something when trying to manage everything in 10s/move.

(")_(")      ~ Tarah ~

 Post subject: Re: Malweth's thoughts on 囲碁
Post #6 Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:21 am 
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tapir wrote:
You memorize one game a day - and you don't need time to replay the old to keep them? I can't believe that. Looks pretty hard and time consuming to me. Not replaying it a couple of times and remember most moves, but memorize them to be able to replay them weeks later.

I find no benefit in retaining memorized games. I memorize a game and forget it by the time the next game has been memorized. This is to learn game flow, shape, and attack & defense. I also sometimes disregard moves starting at oyose, though those shapes are good to learn too.

(")_(")      ~ Tarah ~

 Post subject: Re: Malweth's thoughts on 囲碁
Post #7 Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:44 pm 
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isn't it studying pro games then instead of memorizing?? Imo memorizing is hardcore remembering it always.

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 Post subject: Re: Malweth's thoughts on 囲碁
Post #8 Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:11 am 
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You could call that long term memorization. Short term memorization, especially many of them, should hard code patterns into your head. The only additional benefit I can see to long term memorization is the ability to show someone else one or more favorite games... which I don't find to be particularly useful.

I consider studying a pro game to be looking at commentary or thinking in-depth about positions and alternate lines of play. I suppose long term memorization would allow you to study games without a kifu... an additional benefit that isn't all that useful.

(")_(")      ~ Tarah ~

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