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International Society of Go Studies Invites Go Research
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Author:  DTrinks [ Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  International Society of Go Studies Invites Go Research

In February, the International Society of Go Studies (ISGS) was founded to carry on the vision and objectives of the former Korean Society for Baduk Studies which actively promoted Go research from 2003 to 2018. The website just recently launched and features two invitations for Go research publications.

Firstly, the ISGS announced the 1st ISGS International Go Conference would take place on August 31, 2023, in collaboration with the Department of Go Studies at Myongji University in Yongin, South Korea. The conference theme is "Go in the age of A.I.," and academics are encouraged to present their research findings on the state of Go in the A.I. era, technical innovations or distinctive characteristics of Go bots, predictions for the future evolution of Go, or other Go-related topics in the age of A.I. Through May 31, 2023, presentation proposals may be submitted by filling out the submission form. Accepted non-Korean conference speakers joining from abroad will receive 500,000 KRW in addition to complimentary meals and lodging for four days and three nights.

Secondly, scholars are invited to submit their research papers to the journal editorial team. 'Rethinking Go in the Age of A.I.' is the theme of the second issue of volume 17 of the Journal of Go Studies, which will be published in November 2023. The submission form and abstract should be sent no later than September 10, while the complete papers are requested by October 15, 2023. The Society's website ( has more information on both calls for papers.

Author:  baduk [ Mon Apr 24, 2023 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International Society of Go Studies Invites Go Research

Hello Mrs. Trinks,

Can anybody who is interested submit a paper or one need a phd to do so? Also is there a page limit? Thank you in advance!

Author:  DTrinks [ Mon Apr 24, 2023 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International Society of Go Studies Invites Go Research

Hello baduk,
thank you for your interest.
A phd is not required to submit a paper.
There is a page limit for the abstract and the paper, and a submission form that you need to submit together with the abstract. After the abstract got accepted you can submit the full paper later, please check out the requirements and deadlines here:

Go Conference: ... p?bd_num=2
Journal of Go Studies: ... p?bd_num=3

For further questions, feel free to contact the Secretary General, Kim Chaelim,
Thank you.

Author:  RobertJasiek [ Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International Society of Go Studies Invites Go Research

DTrinks wrote:
research papers to the journal editorial team. 'Rethinking Go in the Age of A.I.' is the theme of the second issue of volume 17 of the Journal of Go Studies

What is a research paper for this journal expected to be? Must it be new research never published anywhere before or can it be research previously published in a different format? I ask for these reasons:

1) I have published some of my research in a book. May I now submit extracts, summaries or - if at all, only - "conclusions suggesting related future research" to the journal?

2) The journal seems to appear twice per year and expects articles to not have appeared or submitted to a different journal. Furthermore, submissions can be rejected (of course). As a consequence, submitting one's new research to the journal greatly delays progress of the research. I would rather publish new research, for example, in the internet to enable immediate progress. If, however, the journal also accepts research previously published, e.g., in the internet or a book, there is no delay but instead, by the journal, another medium and wider readership. Does the journal only accept new research thereby delaying progress or does the journal also accept previous research thereby not delaying progress? I understand that the journal may want to be the first journal that publishes some text, but does the journal also require that a text has never been published in or submitted to media other than journals?

3) AI is the new buzzword. AI is an interesting topic for sure, but so is non-AI research. My research is non-AI. If I should submit a paper, am I expected to wait for a later issue of the journal about non-AI research or does "in the age of AI" include everything else? AI has severe limits. In my opinion, it is interesting to study research that exhibits some of the (current) limits of AI and is, in the scope of some particular non-AI research, much better than AI. In particular, mathematics has revealed truths about perfect play. Could such research be accepted for the next journal issue or would it be deemed too far off the AI topic?

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