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 Post subject: q5go-2.1.3: Autoplay and some other minor updates
Post #1 Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 3:39 pm 
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q5go-2.1.3 is an SGF editor, IGS client and GTP interface, as well as an analysis frontend for Leela Zero. The 2.1.3 release is available in source form for Linux and as a Windows binary. Thanks to Adrian Petrescu, there is now also a Mac binary for the previous 0.8.1 release.

This is based on the old qGo by Peter Strempel and others, ported to Qt5, with many parts rewritten from the ground up. For a reasonably complete list of changes, see the release notes at the link above. The goal is to make this as complete and user-friendly an SGF editor as possible, with some useful and/or fun extra features like Go variants or export to diagrams, slides or SVG.

Version 2.1 is mostly a minor bugfix release, with the following user-visible changes:
  • A number of crashes in odd situations were fixed (such as analyzing games with komi values like 650, or handling invalid server messages).
  • It is now possible to copy/paste positions in Edit mode.
  • The batch analysis dialog has a new button to enqueue an entire directory of SGF files.
  • Engine games now allow board sizes up to 52.

Version 2.1.1 is a very minor update to also allow 52x52 in engine vs engine play.
Version 2.1.2 is a bugfix release to fix a problem when saving SGF files in locales that use a comma instead of a decimal point.
Version 2.1.3 is another minor update which adds autoplay for viewing SGF files and more support for KataGo's ruleset feature.

Screenshot of the pattern search window (new in version 2.0):
patsearch.png [ 451.63 KiB | Viewed 27257 times ]

Last edited by bernds on Wed May 04, 2022 10:30 am, edited 20 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Announcing q5Go
Post #2 Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 3:39 pm 
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The first post in this thread contains information about the current release. This post here will be updated to show information that was previously posted there, except for screenshots - I ran into an attachment limit.

Version 0.1 added export features which I expect to be of particular interest to members of this forum. It is possible to create ASCII diagrams, including move numbers, and automatically create several diagrams from one board position. It is also possible to limit the size of the diagram by selecting a rectangle. If there are any potential book authors reading this, they might be interested to know that q5go can also export vector graphics in SVG format. If there are any additional features that would be useful for that, please let me know.

A screenshot:
q5go.jpg [ 186.65 KiB | Viewed 35153 times ]
The result of the ASCII export:
Click Here To Show Diagram Code
$$ +------------------------
$$ | . . . . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . 2 8 . . . . . . .
$$ | . . X . 1 9 . . X . . .
$$ | . . 7 5 . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . 6 4 0 . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . 3 . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . X . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . . . . .[/go]

Click Here To Show Diagram Code
$$ +------------------------
$$ | . . . . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . X X 1 . . 6 . . .
$$ | . 2 X . O O . 5 X . . .
$$ | . . O O . . . 3 4 . . .
$$ | . . . X X X . . 8 . . .
$$ | . . . . O . 9 7 . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . . 0 . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . X . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . . . . .[/go]

Click Here To Show Diagram Code
$$ +------------------------
$$ | . . . . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . X X O . . X . . .
$$ | . X X . O O . O X . . .
$$ | . 7 O O . . . O X . . .
$$ | . . . X X X . . X . . .
$$ | . 5 . 2 O . O O . . . .
$$ | . 6 . 0 . . . . . X . .
$$ | . 8 1 3 4 . . . . . . .
$$ | . . 9 X . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . . . . .[/go]

Version 0.2 was mostly a maintenance release. The biggest fix was to make playing against a computer work on Windows, where I had some portability issues with Qt5's QProcess. The biggest new feature was actually inspired by the reddit thread for version 0.1. Someone suggested that the stone graphics haven't been updated in a long time, and I got motivated enough to write some code to generate a shaded 3D look which is very configurable in terms of general shape and material - I'd expect most people to find some way to generate the look for the stones that they want.

Here are some examples:
gostones2.jpg [ 150.3 KiB | Viewed 35013 times ]

These are all quite similar, but it's possible to make them look quite different.

Version 0.3 added an analysis mode using Leela Zero or compatible programs. You can configure how to display the moves LZ suggests, with absolute or relative winrates, and from the perspective of white, black or the side to move. Shift-clicking or middle-clicking adds the variation to the game file.

There is now also a game tree display. Nodes can be collapsed and expanded, which is useful for things like Kogo's Joseki Dictionary if anyone is still using this. It's also freely draggable.

Minor changes and fixes include:
  • Some visual improvements for the user interface
  • Time warnings for online play are working again
  • When loading SGF files, unrecognized properties are now remembered and saved as per the specification
  • Faster loading of SGF files

Version 0.4 added the following features:
  • Support for rectangular boards
  • Support for toroidal boards (with an extended view option and scrolling)
  • On-line observer lists, which were dropped in the initial versions of q5go, are functioning again
  • Likewise for move time annotations

Version 0.5 added two major features: diagrams and a batch analysis. Diagrams are a standard SGF feature, but seem to be supported by few tools. What exists now in q5go is an improvement over the numbering options that were added in previous versions. Diagrams can be used for two purposes: subdividing the main line of an SGF file into multiple exportable/printable portions, and marking subvariations for display in a new pane. This is useful in particular for engine lines, and that brings us to the second new feature: batch analysis. Previously, q5go only had a live evaluation that used an engine to provide analysis as you moved around an SGF file. Batch analysis takes entire files and annotates them both with winrate information and engine lines for the top moves.
Version 0.5 also included user interface improvements: all the various elements of the board window, like the comments, game tree or evaluation graph, now live in docks that can be freely moved and resized. Other changes should improve usability on high-DPI displays.
Here is a screenshot of the batch analysis mode with variations shown as diagrams:
new-analysis.png [ 785.32 KiB | Viewed 34086 times ]

No major new features were included in version 0.6, but there were improvements and refinements in a number of places. Thanks to Fan Yang, a contributor on Github, there is better support for CJK character sets and various broken SGF files you find on Asian servers, as well as an updated Chinese translation. Other changes include:
  • An "auto-collapse" mode for the game tree, which shows only the current variation and the ones following it and collapses everything else
  • A tooltip preview for the game tree
  • A file open dialog with an SGF preview
  • An improved version of the batch analysis dialog, with a list view for finished jobs and an engine selector
  • Better stone sounds
  • An "automatic diagrams" dialog which can create figures and diagrams for an entire file
  • Image export functionality for the evaluation graph
  • Better game tree headers on Windows, working around a Qt problem

Version 0.7 contained one important bug fix over previous version (problems when loading old-style SGFs which indicate a pass by playing at 20:20), and one major new feature: Kombilo database support. You can import database paths from an existing kombilo.cfg, and then use the database in a new kind of file open dialog. It supports previews and browsing through the games. No pattern search is available, however.

Version 0.8 contained a fairly large number of improvements. The major changes were:
  • Analyzing games with multiple engines now produces sensible results. q5go remembers winrates for each engine name and komi combination and displays multiple winrate graphs.
  • For engines with fixed komi, batch analysis can now flip the position to effectively analyze with reverse komi.
  • For live analysis, it is now possible to choose the analysis engine.
  • There is a new slide export feature which combines the board and comments into a single image for use in slide shows or videos. File name sequences can be generated automatically.
  • It is now possible to choose between area and territory scoring in off-line games.
There were a few more minor changes, including:
  • The board coordinates now scale with the size of the display, their size relative to the stones is configurable in the preferences.
  • It is now possible to choose whether to tile or scale the wood background image used for the board.
  • The evaluation graph is automatically displayed when a game obtains an evaluation for the first time.

Version 0.8.1 was just a minor update to ensure compatibility with Leela Zero 0.17.

Version 0.9 had a number of improvements, many of them relating to use of AI engines:
  • Support for KataGo analysis. The evaluation graph can be switched between score and win rate.
  • A new option to start a game against an engine game from the current board position.
  • A new AI vs AI play mode. The number of games to be played is configurable, and an opening book can be used.
  • It is now possible to hide/show the analysis markup of the board rather than having it displayed at all times.
  • The variant game dialog now supports removing intersections from the board, allowing new variations of the game.
  • Several bug fixes related to scoring mode when playing games on IGS.
  • There are now a few presets for the stone visual appearance to make it quicker and easier to arrive at a nice look. The darkness of the shadows can now also be configured.
  • Sounds should be a little more reliable, the samples used for stones were too short to be played on some systems.

Version 1.0 had the following major changes:
  • A greeter dialog was added, similar to the ones used by cgoban or gGo.
  • There is now a "Learn Go" button that brings up beginner tutorials in a slideshow view.
  • Engine configuration in the preferences is a little more friendly.
  • Edit mode works differently. Depending on the situation, an edited position can be appended to or inserted before the current node, or replace a previous edit.
  • The board window now has menu items for undo/redo.
  • When playing on IGS, the comments box now allows chatting even after a match has completed, making it unnecessary to find the opponent's talk tab.
  • Corrected a bug when parsing nmatch preferences on IGS.

Version 1.1 mostly added tweaks and improvements, with the following major user-visible changes:
  • Performance improvements when loading and editing very large SGF files.
  • q5go can now detect when an observed game on IGS is adjourned and restarted and follow it in the same window. This requires the server to be set to non-quiet mode.
  • When playing an engine, there is now a "Play again" button.
  • In an online match with Canadian time, time warnings can now be enabled for remaining average time, not just remaining total time.
  • In an online match, remaining seconds in low time situations can now be shown on the opponent's last placed stone.
  • Added a "Go terminology" SGF to the tutorials.
  • The greeter window now has a hint to choose "Play online" for a full set of menus.
  • The program is more helpful when detecting a broken SGF written by Jago.
  • Added more helpful error messages when editing servers in the preferences.
  • Score evaluations are now shown in the board window when analysis is on.
  • Added a feature to visualize connected stones by drawing thick lines between them. May be helpful for beginners.
  • GTP support was extended to support board sizes > 25, for KataGo.

Version 1.1.1 was mostly a bug-fix release to properly suppert saving and loading large board sizes. But there are also a few additions:
  • There is now a tool to manage and remove the information added by engine analysis from a given SGF file.
  • It is now possible to save all variations in a file into separate files.
  • It is possible to choose a path for autosaving online games.

Version 2.0 had the following major changes:
  • Pattern search is now available, similar to Kombilo. Use the settings dialog to create a suitable database.
    Unfortunately existing Kombilo databases can't be used for this because of 32/64 bit compatibility issues.
  • Database load times are reduced, and threading was added so that the user interface remains responsive.
  • Multiple online games can now be observed in a single window with clickable previews to switch between them. The old mode of one game per window is still available.
  • There is a new "Tip of the day" dialog on startup, which displays features that are maybe not easily discoverable. It can be disabled.
  • There are several new high resolution wood textures for the board to choose from.
  • When playing engines that are capable of analysis, the evaluation is now collected during the game and can be displayed live.
  • Engine configuration now allows engines to be unrestricted in board size and komi, catching up with improvements in KataGo over Leela Zero.
  • Some GTP bugs were fixed, which may improve compatibility with certain engines.
  • Window titles can now be overriden in the settings, which should help with streaming setups.
  • Performance improvements for the screen updates should now make it feasible to turn off quiet mode when online, which allows the server to send live player and game updates.
  • There is a new option to highlight the user's own chat messages in a different color.

Last edited by bernds on Fri Apr 02, 2021 9:46 am, edited 11 times in total.

This post by bernds was liked by 3 people: apetresc, ez4u, SeattleGo
 Post subject: Re: Announcing q5Go
Post #3 Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:16 am 
Lives with ko

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I've made a 0.2 release and updated the first post to contain information about it.

 Post subject: Re: Announcing q5Go-0.3: Now supports LZ analysis and game t
Post #4 Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:31 am 
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The posts have been updated for the 0.3 release.

So far there hasn't been too much of a response, which I found a little puzzling. I'm working on this because all of the other available tools annoy me to varying degrees, and I'm trying to build the perfect everyday go program for myself - and I would have expected that to be of interest to others as well. So I'm asking for feedback: if this program does not interest you, what would need to be changed or added?

For me, the 0.3 release represents the first stage of feature completeness: it has everything I regularly want. From now on, there will be some additional refinements, a few less important feature added, and perhaps a few fun things such as variants (toroidal go, non-square boards, etc.).

 Post subject: Re: q5Go-0.4: Now supports some Go variants
Post #5 Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 11:34 am 
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There is now a 0.4 release which supports rectangular boards and toroidal Go. There's at least one more variant I'd like to support in the future: boards with intersections removed (for example a square raken out in the middle). That's not quite ready yet, and there are a few other things where I've been sorting out preliminaries but the features themselves aren't implemented yet: a slide view and export feature, and perhaps a board view as a tooltip for the game tree. So, more to do for an eventual 0.5...

 Post subject: Re: q5Go-0.4: Now supports some Go variants
Post #6 Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 12:25 pm 

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I had a look at v0.4; I'm particularly interested on its features for toroidal boards. Is it possible to import SGF for a game on this sort of board?

Last edited by goPlayerJuggler on Fri Feb 01, 2019 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
 Post subject: Re: q5Go-0.4: Now supports some Go variants
Post #7 Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 12:31 pm 
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goPlayerJuggler wrote:
I had a look at v0.4; I'm particularly interested on it's features for toroidal boards. Is it possible to import SGF for a game on this sort of board?

Not a standard SGF file, since the file format doesn't support it. However, it can save and load such games in a slightly nonstandard format, and you can modify a normal SGF file: find "GM[1]" and replace it with "GM[q5go-1]", and add a "TO[3]" property to the root.

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 Post subject: Re: q5Go-0.4: Now supports some Go variants
Post #8 Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:14 pm 

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The features look nice, but can I use it to play on IGS, I have never liked GoPanda2.

North Lecale

 Post subject: Re: q5Go-0.4: Now supports some Go variants
Post #9 Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:03 pm 
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Javaness2 wrote:
The features look nice, but can I use it to play on IGS, I have never liked GoPanda2.

You can. qGo always was an IGS client, and I've retained it through q4go into q5go. Note that I replaced a lot of code in q5go-0.1, and playing matches on IGS hasn't been tested very often yet. Observing works fine (and allows for live LZ analysis, which I find nice for tournament broadcasts), and myself and at least one other person have successfully played games with earlier versions of q5go on IGS, and I played one just now. At this point I don't expect any issues.

Well, no major issues. The hoshi points kind of disappeared in this version, which I'll probably fix in a small update.

Edit: now done,

BTW, if anyone wants to help me test some of the less common IGS-specific features, like komi negotiation using nmatch, message me. That's the sort of thing I can't test with a locally running copy of NNGS since it doesn't have all the features IGS does.

 Post subject: Re: q5Go-0.5: Diagrams and batch analysis
Post #10 Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:50 am 
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There is a new 0.5 version out, with a few major new features: diagrams, better engine analysis, and user interface improvements. The first post is updated, and this link points to the latest release.

 Post subject: Re: q5Go-0.6: Previews and other refinements
Post #11 Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 3:14 pm 
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Version 0.6 is out with various improvements. The first post has been updated with up-to-date information as usual.

 Post subject: Re: q5Go-0.6: Previews and other refinements
Post #12 Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 2:31 am 
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I had an issue with the diagram function. I was analyzing a game and turned on the diagram. It worked great. However, I decided that I wanted to begin the diagram 2 moves earlier. I could not move to the position 2 moves previous and hit the diagram button to restart at the new position. The program seemed to work but after the first 2 moves it automatically started over at the beginning of the previously chosen diagram. Finally I had to quit q5Go and restart the program. Either this was a bug or there is some control for the diagram function that I was unable to find.

Dave Sigaty
"Short-lived are both the praiser and the praised, and rememberer and the remembered..."
- Marcus Aurelius; Meditations, VIII 21

 Post subject: Re: q5Go-0.6: Previews and other refinements
Post #13 Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 5:47 am 
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ez4u wrote:
I had an issue with the diagram function. I was analyzing a game and turned on the diagram. It worked great. However, I decided that I wanted to begin the diagram 2 moves earlier. I could not move to the position 2 moves previous and hit the diagram button to restart at the new position. The program seemed to work but after the first 2 moves it automatically started over at the beginning of the previously chosen diagram. Finally I had to quit q5Go and restart the program. Either this was a bug or there is some control for the diagram function that I was unable to find.

Thanks for the report. Were you in a situation where both positions were marked as diagrams? That would have the effect that you'd see only two moves in the first diagram. If that isn't what happened, what do you mean by "it automatically started over at the beginning of the previously chosen diagram"?

 Post subject: Re: q5Go-0.6: Previews and other refinements
Post #14 Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 6:17 am 
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I guess I could not figure out how to 'unmark' the initial diagram. I just had a look based on your question and can see it. I also turned on diagrams in the view menu. I don't think that it is easy to figure out what to do since the view is off by default. A new paragraph in the might help. Or perhaps you might turn on the diagram panel when the diagram button is pushed.

Dave Sigaty
"Short-lived are both the praiser and the praised, and rememberer and the remembered..."
- Marcus Aurelius; Meditations, VIII 21

 Post subject: Re: q5Go-0.6: Previews and other refinements
Post #15 Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 7:41 am 
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ez4u wrote:
I guess I could not figure out how to 'unmark' the initial diagram.
A click on the same button again - it's a toggle. Maybe that isn't recognizable enough?
I just had a look based on your question and can see it. I also turned on diagrams in the view menu. I don't think that it is easy to figure out what to do since the view is off by default. A new paragraph in the might help. Or perhaps you might turn on the diagram panel when the diagram button is pushed.
Yeah, I had thought about that. I felt it's kind of unfriendly to suddenly change the layout of the window, but it might be the best solution, and I guess it makes sense. Perhaps with an option, default on.

 Post subject: Re: q5Go-0.7: Database support
Post #16 Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 8:06 am 
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There is now a 0.7 release with one important bug fix, as well as support for Kombilo databases.

 Post subject: Re: q5Go-0.7: Database support
Post #17 Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 11:25 am 
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This works, loading my Kombilo data flawlessly. I was hoping to see pattern search but it seems "support for Kombilo databases" simply means opening games from the database files.

 Post subject: Re: q5Go-0.7: Database support
Post #18 Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 11:58 am 
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macelee wrote:
This works, loading my Kombilo data flawlessly. I was hoping to see pattern search but it seems "support for Kombilo databases" simply means opening games from the database files.

Yes - I wrote that in the first post but maybe I should have repeated it in the bump post above yours as well.

It would be nice to have pattern search, but I looked at that code in kombilo and it looks complicated to say the least. There's also the question of how to present it in the user interface, which is usually the hardest problem when adding features. Should there be another pane or two in the board window, or should pattern search be a part of the database open dialog? I don't know at this point, but it might be something I'll look at in the future.

 Post subject: Re: q5Go-0.7: Database support
Post #19 Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 3:23 pm 
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In "Batch computer analysis" is it possible to write the win rate (difference) in the SGF file (comments)? For example the same format Lizzie uses in the analysis mode:
Move 7
46,4% (-4,5%)
(network.gz / 226 playouts)

 Post subject: Re: q5Go-0.7: Database support
Post #20 Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 4:28 pm 
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mb76 wrote:
In "Batch computer analysis" is it possible to write the win rate (difference) in the SGF file (comments)? For example the same format Lizzie uses in the analysis mode:
Move 7
46,4% (-4,5%)
(network.gz / 226 playouts)

The win rates are saved, but not in the comments. They are shown as titles for the diagrams, and in the evaluation graph, where there is a bar graph showing the move-to-move swings.

I guess I can make an option to also add some text to the comments if that seems useful?

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