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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #101 Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:32 pm 
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This was Griffin a few weeks ago, dreaming of sugar plums.
20181220_235337_001_1546668413393_resized.jpg [ 886.05 KiB | Viewed 40819 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #102 Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 3:17 pm 
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LOL, and you, of all people, didn't put that huge image in hide tags :lol:


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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #103 Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 9:56 pm 
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We just moved. The first two things that I unpacked were the goban and the cat.

20190526_184149_resized.jpg [ 424.18 KiB | Viewed 40456 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #104 Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 2:16 am 

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This is my cat called Bullet in our Athens house 2 weeks ago. He is still a little kitten with lots of energy. Yesterday broke a plate by dropping it on the floor from the table.

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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #105 Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 11:38 am 
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The pile of furniture ( nicknamed 'furniture mountain' by my wife ) is slowly getting smaller.
Each time we peel away a layer, there are new opportunities for cats to claim territory.

Cats_resized.jpg [ 92.06 KiB | Viewed 40280 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #106 Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 11:34 am 
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Thought I'd share a pic of the two little fur-monsters that we just adopted:

Image-1.jpg [ 82.29 KiB | Viewed 40291 times ]

Last week, one of them -- I have no idea how -- managed to hang himself by the tail from a kitchen chair. Needless to say he was spitting mad. When I grabbed him, he bit the dickens out of my and finger. He was fine, but I got a trip to the doctor and five days of antibiotics.

It turns out that cat bites are actually quite serious: ... ns-common/

I had no idea!

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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #107 Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 12:50 am 
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This may be the last picture of Falstaff that I post. He has failing kidneys, and is essentially DNR.
He has taken to hiding a lot. Here he is hiding in a table.

Cat in table.jpg
Cat in table.jpg [ 19.98 KiB | Viewed 39781 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #108 Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 1:28 pm 
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Joaz Banbeck wrote:
This may be the last picture of Falstaff that I post. He has failing kidneys, and is essentially DNR.

Sorry to hear.

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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #109 Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:11 am 
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Just like a giant moyo, I can't resist diving into a cat pics topic.

I present to you Millenium (tan skinny one) and Sinatra (black and white chonker)! They are my fuzzy sons. Millenium likes me more, Sinatra is more my husband's. They are very needy and vocal. Millenium in particular has been known to meow at you accusingly as your hand lifts off of him between pets. You must constantly touch!

File comment: Millenium, doing what cats do best.
m2.jpg [ 66.97 KiB | Viewed 39696 times ]
File comment: Sinatra, enjoying a warm pile of my husband's freshly laundered clothes.
s1.jpg [ 44.98 KiB | Viewed 39696 times ]
File comment: The boys relaxing together in bed with me.
m and s.jpg
m and s.jpg [ 65.31 KiB | Viewed 39696 times ]

Joseki (n): 1. Japanese term meaning "when Jo lives in seki."

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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #110 Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 1:21 pm 
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Griffin wishes Happy Holidays to everyone on L19.

Xmas cat.jpg
Xmas cat.jpg [ 675.52 KiB | Viewed 39073 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #111 Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 5:33 am 
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In these dire, boardless days (well, at least no physical board!) I would much appreciate more cat'n'Go content. Unfortunately, I can't provide any myself due to the lack of felines here so please.. hit me.
No! With cat pics only, please. Thank you. :)


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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #112 Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 12:19 am 

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Our lovely cat Molly sadly passed away last month. Last autumn we noticed she had difficulty breathing and took her to the vet: she had fluid in her lung cavity and a scan showed a tumour in the abdomen which was diagnosed as lymphoma. She had weekly chemotherapy and responded well (fresh tuna steak treats helped) and was in remission at the end of the course in the new year, but cat chemo doses are not as strong as for humans so the cancer is expected to return, which it did in February along with the lung fluid. Rather than putting her through more treatment it was just palliative care now, and she even did her bucket list and caught her first bird in the garden before she got too weak.

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Her last day enjoying some time in the garden.
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But on a happier note, we now have 2 kittens, Toffee and Mocha. They are so cute and playful. It's good that we got them before the covid lockdown to keep us entertained at home.

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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #113 Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 4:33 am 
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I'm so sorry for your loss, Uberdude... But it sounds like Molly had a wonderful life, that you did everything possible for her and I hope that was and is a comfort for you.

Toffee and Mocha are both absolutely adorable! They'll surely bring a lot of life to your house. I'm looking forward very much to future updates. :)

Thank you so much for sharing!


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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #114 Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:44 pm 
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This is a recent pic of Falstaff (grey) and Griffin (orange). Falstaff is in byo-yomi.

cats resized.jpg
cats resized.jpg [ 91.32 KiB | Viewed 38026 times ]

Back in late 2018 our vet gave Falstaff 3 to 6 months due to kidney disease. She showed us how to do injections of subcutaneous fluid to mitigate the problem. He hated it. But he did show an obvious improvement, so we kept doing it. After a few weeks, my wife and I grimly began referring to it as 'waterboarding'.

He struggled so much that we were afraid that he would break the needle. So we gave him sedatives to prepare him. He hated that too. He would try to avoid the waterboarding gang when we came for him. He would stagger as far as he could until the sedatives screwed up his gait, and then he would fall over. Then he would just sit there and growl.

We tried a straitjacket. Yes, there are restraining devices made especially for cats. They work - if you can get the cat into it. It does restrict the cat's movement, but getting a cat into it ensures that the cat is thoroughly enraged, and will make vigorous use of whatever scope of movement he has. We gave up on it after two tries.

After a few weeks of that, we decided that the cure was worse than the disease, and that the kindest thing was palliative care. With a spoiled cat, palliative care can be exhausting. But our bandaid budget went back to normal.

That was over a year ago. He has gained a few ounces, and sometimes even gets to the food bowl before Griffin.

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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #115 Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:13 pm 
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Uberdude wrote:
Our lovely cat Molly sadly passed away last month....

Sorry to hear about that.

Uberdude wrote:
But on a happier note, we now have 2 kittens, Toffee and Mocha.

We expect annual pics, at least.

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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #116 Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 2:31 pm 

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Mocha and mousy put interspecies rivalry behind them:

mocha and mousy.jpg
mocha and mousy.jpg [ 106.3 KiB | Viewed 37793 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #117 Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 11:39 am 
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@ Joaz Banbeck: I'm so happy to hear that Falstaff is still around and rockin it! I still remember what you announced as probably the last post about him.. I hope he'll have many more happy years to come!

@ Uberdude: Mocha is such a sweetheart! *melts in front of the screen*


 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #118 Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 3:40 pm 
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Falstaff ( ) passed earlier this month. The kidney problems apparently strained his heart, etc... Ever since the event became inevitable about a year ago, my wife and I had been speculating on replacements.

Inspired by Uberdude's two-for-one deal, we have an informal agreement with a breeder to adopt these two in July.

Kittens - small.jpg
Kittens - small.jpg [ 34.03 KiB | Viewed 37765 times ]

They are Norwegian Forest Cats, AKA 'Wegies'. The orange one is female; the brown one male.

When we got Griffin ( ) several years ago, he was a rescue. We assumed that he was a random mixture of breeds like most rescued cats. Much to our surprise, someone had abandoned a nearly purebred Wegie.
We both like the Wegie personality - calm, friendly, independent without being aloof, kittenish playfulness that lasts into adulthood - so when the opportunity arose, we wanted more cats like him.

The important question, of course, is the naming of the cats. This is not a matter to be undertaken lightly. So I could use some help.
Any suggestions are welcome. Extra points if the name is particular to Norway, or anywhere within 500Km.

My wife is partial towards naming the orange one 'Freya', the Norse goddess associated with love and beauty. We haven't met these kittens yet, so this seems to me putting the cat before the horse.

The words 'black' and 'white' in Norwegian come out as the 'svart' and 'hvit', unpleasant names with which to burden a cat, at least to my ear.
'Sente' and 'gote', as best I can translate them, sound no better.

Any ideas?

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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #119 Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 10:41 pm 
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Based on the coloring it's intuitively obvious that the female should be "Kaya" and the male should be "Stones" (your text says brown but he looks more black and white to me)! :blackeye:

In any case, my condolences regarding Falstaff. He contributed a lot to the forum (and this thread) over the years.

Dave Sigaty
"Short-lived are both the praiser and the praised, and rememberer and the remembered..."
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 Post subject: Re: Cat pics
Post #120 Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 12:00 am 
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Joaz Banbeck wrote:
Falstaff ( ) passed earlier this month. The kidney problems apparently strained his heart, etc... Ever since the event became inevitable about a year ago, my wife and I had been speculating on replacements.

Very sorry to hear about that... *hugs* But he had the best possible time!

Joaz Banbeck wrote:
Inspired by Uberdude's two-for-one deal, we have an informal agreement with a breeder to adopt these two in July.

The important question, of course, is the naming of the cats. This is not a matter to be undertaken lightly. So I could use some help.
Any suggestions are welcome. Extra points if the name is particular to Norway, or anywhere within 500Km.

My wife is partial towards naming the orange one 'Freya', the Norse goddess associated with love and beauty. We haven't met these kittens yet, so this seems to me putting the cat before the horse. [...]

Any ideas?

I definitely wouldn't name them before meeting them and getting to know them a little but collecting candidates is a nice idea to pass the next 8 weeks until they arrive. :) I like both Kaya and Freya for the girl so far.

Had a quick look through a list of Norwegian names and I also like for the girl
Thorid (which means beautiful/peaceful goddess, female version of the name Thor)
Tinna (goes back to a very old norse name for the flintstone, which matches her beautiful coat - and yes, I know flintstones are black. But the sparks and the fire eventually.. :) )
Yva ("God is gracious")

Boy's names are a bit harder because I tried to find something short with an "i" in it because that's what I read is good for cat's names.. So far I came up with
Odin, the God of art, war, wisdom and death (and anger, it seems ^^; - but that little guy looks way too cute and cuddly for that name. But who knows with Wegies, they get HUGE.. :lol: )
Thore (which means fighter of Thor)
Ivar (which translates to something like archer)
Magnus (means great)
Leif (comes from the old Norse name Leifr and means heir, descendant or beloved)


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