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 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #61 Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:09 am 
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SinK wrote:
Robinz vs Rafa

Er, I already played Rafa in round 1 ;-)

 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #62 Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:36 am 
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Mnemonic wrote:
I'll only post my thought on my moves so reviewers can respond to them directly. Since we have better qualified persons on this forum than me I'll let them handle the review for Monadology. (Unless someone really wants to hear my stumbling)

Game 2
9: didn't really know what to do here. Would tenuki be better?
47: probably way to close to thickness.
63: wrong direction of play
79-89: Should I’ve played more aggressively here?
95: Way to early
111: I should have first cut at N3. This is no good.
153: I didn't really know how to respond to that monkey jump
157: Wired move. Didn't really think that one through.
177: I should have done this earlier.
219: useless move
223: And again :sad:

Sure, I'll give it a go. Game two:

9: As white, have a look at how black would want to respond. To help the weak stone, black probably wants something around around C9-10, right? If black plays there, white's extension will be undercut, making it less safe. As a result, I recommend playing this stone on the third line, making white's obvious response less ideal.
10: As discussed in the previous move's comments, have a look at your weak groups. The top corner is strong, the bottom weak. An extension to C9 or C10 will make your group safer while undercutting white's top group.
13: Good. This last few moves was a good idea. Find your weak group, settle it, and be ready to handle a different area.
14: Good timing. This responds well to the approach from below.
16: This makes black want to just keep extending on the fourth (!) line. Or otherwise taking a large extension on top, which looks great for black. To settle your group, I prefer taking a base with D11. That leaves you more options on the top for later.
22: I've gotten punished for this move, so I almost flinch when I see it (unless it's against me). When black has the approach move on the outside, you have to extend to P4 before you can hane. The reason is, the approach move activates the cutting point at P4. See the next comments for more.
23: You've been doing your homework. =) This is the right response. This buys you enough safety and liberties to be able to cut at P4 if you're allowed to. Now, you'll probably be able to either cut or connect to your approaching stone, both of which are better than the normal approach and invade joseki. For reference, here is the one I'm comparing against. It's the same one Mnemonic commented on:
[go]$$B Black 5 is key
$$ ------------------
$$ | . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . 8 6 7 . . . .
$$ | . . 2 3 9 W . 1 .
$$ | . . 4 X . . . . .
$$ | . . a 5 . . . . .
$$ | . . 0 . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . .'; var displayText = ""; var originalDisplayText = ""; if (myVal.length > 0) { myVal = myVal.replace(/
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" + displayText + "
Click Here To Show Diagram Code
;B[]BL[30]OB[5]TW[ge][ef][hf][if][jg][kg][kh][qh][ki][pi][qi][fj][pj][qj][ek][pk][el][em][en][on][eo][po][ep][dq][eq][dr][mr][ds][es]TB[aa][ca][da][ea][fa][ga][ha][ia][ja][ka][la][ma][na][oa][pa][qa][ra][sa][ab][cb][db][eb][fb][gb][hb][ib][jb][kb][lb][mb][nb][ob][pb][qb][rb][sb][ac][cc][ec][fc][ic][jc][kc][lc][mc][nc][oc][pc][qc][rc][sc][ad][bd][kd][ld][md][nd][od][qd][rd][sd][me][ne][oe][pe][bi][aj][bj][ak][bk][ik][jk][mk][al][bl][il][jl][kl][ll][am][bm][im][jm][km][lm][rm][sm][an][bn][jn][rn][ao][io][ko][so][ap][sp][aq][sq][qr][rr][sr][qs][rs][ss]C[dude13 [11k\]: thx
Monadology [11k\]: Thanks for the game
dude13 [11k\]: I'll post them
dude13 [11k\]: for reviews
Monadology [11k\]: ok
dude13 [11k\]: if thats ok?
dude13 [11k\]: kk
dude13 [11k\]: cya
Monadology [11k\]: take care
])').replace('', '').replace('', '') + "

Mnemonic wrote:
I'll only post my thought on my moves so reviewers can respond to them directly. Since we have better qualified persons on this forum than me I'll let them handle the review for Monadology. (Unless someone really wants to hear my stumbling)

Game 2
9: didn't really know what to do here. Would tenuki be better?
47: probably way to close to thickness.
63: wrong direction of play
79-89: Should I’ve played more aggressively here?
95: Way to early
111: I should have first cut at N3. This is no good.
153: I didn't really know how to respond to that monkey jump
157: Wired move. Didn't really think that one through.
177: I should have done this earlier.
219: useless move
223: And again :sad:

Sure, I'll give it a go. Game two:

9: As white, have a look at how black would want to respond. To help the weak stone, black probably wants something around around C9-10, right? If black plays there, white's extension will be undercut, making it less safe. As a result, I recommend playing this stone on the third line, making white's obvious response less ideal.
10: As discussed in the previous move's comments, have a look at your weak groups. The top corner is strong, the bottom weak. An extension to C9 or C10 will make your group safer while undercutting white's top group.
13: Good. This last few moves was a good idea. Find your weak group, settle it, and be ready to handle a different area.
14: Good timing. This responds well to the approach from below.
16: This makes black want to just keep extending on the fourth (!) line. Or otherwise taking a large extension on top, which looks great for black. To settle your group, I prefer taking a base with D11. That leaves you more options on the top for later.
22: I've gotten punished for this move, so I almost flinch when I see it (unless it's against me). When black has the approach move on the outside, you have to extend to P4 before you can hane. The reason is, the approach move activates the cutting point at P4. See the next comments for more.
23: You've been doing your homework. =) This is the right response. This buys you enough safety and liberties to be able to cut at P4 if you're allowed to. Now, you'll probably be able to either cut or connect to your approaching stone, both of which are better than the normal approach and invade joseki. For reference, here is the one I'm comparing against. It's the same one Mnemonic commented on:
[go]$$B Black 5 is key
$$ ------------------
$$ | . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . 8 6 7 . . . .
$$ | . . 2 3 9 W . 1 .
$$ | . . 4 X . . . . .
$$ | . . a 5 . . . . .
$$ | . . 0 . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . .
$$ | . . . . . . . . .[/go]

As you can see, getting to cut/kill something or connect to your approach stone is nicer than this.
25: This is why the hane to P3 is less good here. You have to go back to fix this cutting point. Black gets to connect to his approach stone, which in turn threatens to cut off R9.
32: Your group is safe, but you're not going to make a lot of territory on the right (since R6 is bulletproof). As a result, white benefits more from a running fight here than you will. If you want to do something like this, jumping ahead with O12 is faster and more efficient. However, since your group IS safe, I prefer either a constructive move on bottom (K4 looks golden) or a disruptive move on top (like L17). I prefer constructive play, so I would probably do the former, but if you feel you're behind you may have to do the latter.
47: If the bottom-left white group was entirely safe, this move would be too close. However, as this move carries some threat against it, it seems fine.
50: This group does not yet look safe. I would take B3, which has followup moves against B4, and makes your group safe, once and for all.
60: This move is only good if you can push and cut. However, if you push at J4 and cut (K5) after this, black can kill your stones with a net (BK6 WL5 BL6 WM5 BN6). Because the cut doesn't work, this move has no followup, so it gives B sente without accomplishing anything.
63: Mnem is right, the direction is wrong. Consider a jump to N7, helping the weaker group while negating white's opportunities in the middle.
69: A ponnuki is worth too much here. Rather than letting W capture, I recommend connecting at Q6. The connection threatens followups like P8, so it's fairly large. Additionally, your bottom middle group has lots of access to the middle, so W won't likely kill it.
87: This play only makes an eye if you win the ko above. Instead, if you atari at M7, you have more eyespace. Another, more aggressive option, is to take the atari at L8, which makes the ko bigger, determining the life or death of the whole kaboodle. However, don't do this unless you think you'll win the ko fight.
96: Just capture, it's the best you'll get here.
103: Remember that weak group in the middle? If W fills the ko at K7, your group only has one eye. Go back and take the ko while you can. A move there is the biggest thing for both sides at the moment (and probably was since 90).
111: While pushing at N3 is forcing, those stones are going to survive, one way or the other.
112: Wrong side. Both sides are alive, so defend the side that has more points.
120: L11 loses nothing but is much safer. That cutting point comes back to bite you later. Be wary of leaving too many cutting points near each other. This leaves L9 and L11, which are almost enough to work on their own.
125: The ko in the middle is still the biggest thing for both sides. For black, even if you lose the ko, you can use attempts to make eyes elsewhere as threats. However, if you don't play the ko at all, you may end up dead in a very large way. While everything turns out okay, it can be worth taking gote just to remove your opponent's best possible attack, especially if you're a bit ahead.
153: You played the right move, no worries. =)

Someday I want to be strong enough to earn KGS[-].

This post by Chew Terr was liked by: Monadology
 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #63 Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:26 am 
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robinz wrote:
SinK wrote:
Robinz vs Rafa

Er, I already played Rafa in round 1 ;-)


Teamovich 2

My (Dead) Study Journal

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 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #64 Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 4:59 am 
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@ Chew: thanks for the review. :)
About the ko:

Click Here To Show Diagram Code
$$ . . . . . . . . .
$$ . X . O . . . X .
$$ . X O W . . . . .
$$ . X O X O . X X O
$$ . C X 2 X 3 X O .
$$ . X a X . b b O O
$$ O X 1 X X X X . .
$$ . X O O O O . O O
$$ . . . . . . . . .[/go]

I thought that after I play 1 and 3 (a) is one eye (to make it a false eye W needs to play at :ec:, doesn't he?) and (b) are miai for my second eye. Am I reading something wrong?

While I was teaching the game to a friend of mine, my mother from the other room:
"Cutting? Killing? Poking out eyes? What the hell are you playing?"

 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #65 Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:29 pm 
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Mnemonic wrote:
@ Chew: thanks for the review. :)
About the ko:

Click Here To Show Diagram Code
$$ . . . . . . . . .
$$ . X . O . . . X .
$$ . X O W . . . . .
$$ . X O X O . X X O
$$ . C X 2 X 3 X O .
$$ . X a X . b b O O
$$ O X 1 X X X X . .
$$ . X O O O O . O O
$$ . . . . . . . . .[/go]

I thought that after I play 1 and 3 (a) is one eye (to make it a false eye W needs to play at :ec:, doesn't he?) and (b) are miai for my second eye. Am I reading something wrong?

Ah hem. Sorry about that. Looks like I did this review before I drank my morning coffee. That's embarassing.

Someday I want to be strong enough to earn KGS[-].

This post by Chew Terr was liked by: Stefany93
 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #66 Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:23 am 
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Mnemonic and I will be playing tomorrow (Saturday) at 1pm GMT.

 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #67 Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:39 am 
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We ended up playing both games and went 1-1. I really don't want to post the first game, as I played several stupid moves, including the last 5 moves or so wich cost me about 5 points. Robinz won it by 0.5 :-?

here is the second game:

And the first

While I was teaching the game to a friend of mine, my mother from the other room:
"Cutting? Killing? Poking out eyes? What the hell are you playing?"

 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #68 Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:47 am 
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lol :D

Well played Mnemonic though - I do sympathise you in the first game, and agree you probably deserved to win 2-0. I don't know why I'm playing so badly in every game in this tournament :sad: (The time limit is quicker than I'm used to, but that shouldn't make such a big difference - nevertheless I seem to keep finding myself flounering and not knowing where to play.)

 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #69 Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:15 pm 

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Hi all,

Rafa and I played our first game this morning (Taiwan time)
And Rafa won it.

Here's my thoughts about the game.
This is my first time to type out the comments, so if anything went wrong plz tell me.
Really appreciate about anyone's help!!

21: Would black play C7 instead of C6 give white more pressure?

43: no idea if it's the good timing to play in, and I messed up here

56: Rafa made a misclick here :D

58:(black's main time is over)

75: I tried to extend a finally dead stone but I cannot made use of it

104: (white main time is over)

107: I think this cut is important here, but maybe both of us should play here earlier

115: white group around P12 is really in danger

125: seems like a bad move to help white go solid

133: maybe N7 is much more important as N6 group is in danger

155: bad move, still N7 (or or somewhere at BR) would certainly better

171: black connects at S6 seems better

181: I tried to kill white group Q6 but turned out impossible. Instead, play J8 to make another eye was probable.

184: This was very very hurt, and the game is over

Thank you Rafa for the game, hope I can do better in the next game
See you at Tuesday 10~13 UTC

Best regards,


 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #70 Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:06 am 
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Sorry about the delay, because of work days and time differences my and Monadology's game wont happen till Wednesday evening.

Teamovich 2

My (Dead) Study Journal

Last edited by SinK on Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #71 Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:14 pm 
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:shock: What? We're playing? When? :scratch:

While I was teaching the game to a friend of mine, my mother from the other room:
"Cutting? Killing? Poking out eyes? What the hell are you playing?"

 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #72 Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 5:00 pm 
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Mnemonic wrote:
:shock: What? We're playing? When? :scratch:

I meant Monadology, it's been a long day and all that.

Teamovich 2

My (Dead) Study Journal

 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #73 Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:40 am 
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Here´s the second game of the Viprr vs Camarao.
Thank you for the game, and thanks to Phelan for the review.

There´s always more important things than someone´s dreams.

 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #74 Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:01 am 
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I missed my appointed time to play and don't have an excuse so will be forfeiting this round.

Apologies, to Mona for messing you about like that.

Round 4 match ups and scores will be forthcoming. Watch this space.

Teamovich 2

My (Dead) Study Journal

 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #75 Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:42 am 
Dies with sente
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To me, i´d be happy to tell you that you can go ahead and reschedule your game to a more suitable time if Monadology agrees of course, this is a fun tournament not a real one (atleast to me it is) so i dont really care if i have to wait one more week for my next game :lol:

There´s always more important things than someone´s dreams.

 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #76 Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:04 pm 
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I am willing to reschedule if SinK and other tournament-goers are ok with it. In fact, I'd prefer to.

Hopefully we can work something out this weekend (though I can still play after ~5:30 PM EST/10:30 PM GMT today and tommorrow if you'd prefer). PM me or post here if you're up for it, SinK. :salute:

 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #77 Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:39 pm 
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I'd be perfectly happy for the two of you to play at any time to your own convenience. It's not important to me at all to play the next round quickly :)

 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #78 Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:53 pm 
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I am also not in the way. :) In fact, if Koroviev ever wanted to play the second game, I am up for it anytime. I was awarded a default win. That, first of all, eats at your pride, and second of all, I'm only first place because of that win.

I think all games should be taken seriously and not skipped just because of convenience.

While I was teaching the game to a friend of mine, my mother from the other room:
"Cutting? Killing? Poking out eyes? What the hell are you playing?"

 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #79 Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 10:27 am 
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I felt that I should receive some sort of forfeit for repeatedly missing my match times purely because it wastes Monadology's. If Mona is unfussed then so am I.

I'll reschedule for some other time.

Teamovich 2

My (Dead) Study Journal

 Post subject: Re: The January Tourney Thread.
Post #80 Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:09 am 
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SinK and I tied 1-1.



Woo! My first won game in this tournament!

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