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 Post subject: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #1 Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:53 pm 

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KGS: Kirby
Tygem: 커비라고해
I guess I'll do one of these... I don't have a lot of time these days, so mostly I've just been playing games now and then. I'm a little rusty.

Feel free to leave feedback.

be immersed

 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #2 Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:09 pm 

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KGS: Kirby
Tygem: 커비라고해
I won this game. But I didn't read out what would happen, and just played without caring much about whether I lived or died. Probably a bad attitude:

be immersed

 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #3 Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:23 pm 

Posts: 9550
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KGS: Kirby
Tygem: 커비라고해
I lost this game.

be immersed

 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #4 Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:39 pm 

Posts: 9550
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KGS: Kirby
Tygem: 커비라고해
I won this game.

be immersed

 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #5 Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:13 pm 

Posts: 9550
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KGS: Kirby
Tygem: 커비라고해
I won this game.

be immersed

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 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #6 Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 4:17 am 
Dies in gote

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Rank: KGS 12 kyu
Tygem: LuckyJim5
Universal go server handle: LuckyJim
I like these commented games a lot. To view them i use the Download SGF link in the webpageviewer, but for the last game it sends back Request-URI Too Large.

 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #7 Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:28 pm 

Posts: 9550
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KGS: Kirby
Tygem: 커비라고해
LuckyJim wrote:
I like these commented games a lot. To view them i use the Download SGF link in the webpageviewer, but for the last game it sends back Request-URI Too Large.

Thanks for the comment, LuckyJim. Now that I know someone is reading my games, maybe I'll be motivated to keep playing on a regular basis :-)

I also get the same error that you describe. As a workaround for now, you can copy the text hidden below, paste it into a text file, and name the file with an SGF extension:

RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[600]OT[5x20 byo-yomi]
PW[me]PB[adversary]WR[1k]BR[1k]DT[2013-06-08]C[I played white.]RE[W+13.50]
;B[bq]BL[584.948]C[B3 feels small. I'll extend with C11. F4 is kind of weaker, but seems nice to help C8.]
;B[pj]BL[581.779]C[P3 to indirectly help F4.]
;B[lq]BL[577.646]C[Hmm, he has same idea. I will pincer his pincer to help F4 more!]
;B[lo]BL[574.999]C[Now 3-3 makes b awkward. ]
;B[qo]BL[570.468]C[Seems wrong. I think I can cut at Q5.]
;B[gq]BL[513.05]C[Hmm, seems aggressive, but E3 is weak, too. I want to have some outside influence. I played C11 earlier, so maybe it's OK for him to get some profit here.]
;B[hq]BL[500.452]C[He keeps going!]
;B[ir]BL[497.612]C[K2 doesn't work to capture a stone, and actually gets captured, I think... But I feel it flows better than K3. I can get more sente in comparison.]
;B[hr]BL[492.835]C[I can L3 L4 M2, but then he can do fancy business around E3. In retrospect, maybe that's better because of the weakness it would leave in M4 area for b.]
;W[br]WL[446.222]C[Try to redeem the corner a bit. In retrospect, maybe this is slow. If I want to do something with G4, then I should jump out. Otherwise, I think O17 is better.]
;B[eq]BL[475.55]C[He can get stones, but so can I when I play F3!]
;W[eo]WL[430.576]C[In retrospect, maybe I should play E2 then G2 after his response.]
;W[gr]WL[417.24]C[I feel OK locally. Black has good shape around D5, but I am safe, and also got C11 earlier. Seems comfortable.]
;B[ms]BL[451.673]C[Doh! Didn't see this when he got M2 in.]
;B[mo]BL[434.558]C[I feel like my cut was fizzled. Maybe a bad cut. I will tenuki.]
;B[oc]BL[431.129]C[I think this is bad for b. He can play moves on top right, but K16 is beautiful for w imo.]
;B[fc]BL[427.865]C[Now I can kick naturally.]
;B[jb]BL[425]C[I have no creativity, so I play a normal response.]
;B[ch]BL[412.084]C[I think it's a bad idea for black. What's he doing? J18 is not safe!]
;W[cg]WL[210.798]C[Yada yada yada, you can have C11 area. Action is when I attack J18 and F17!]
;W[ai]WL[203.763]C[In retrospect, I shouldn't have played along with A11 et al. I should have imediately attacked J18. That's where the action is. I felt my opponent would respond to me, so I played A11 et al. That's bad.]
;W[gb]WL[192.04]C[I wonder if there's a better attacking point. ]
;B[ga]BL[396.199]C[I don't understand this move.]
;B[fa]BL[390.732]C[Decisions, decisions... I feel like enclosing around G14 or so, but I feel uncomfortable with him slipping in around D18... I should have read D18 at this point, but I was lazy.]
;W[ie]WL[126.979]C[Feelin' comfortable~]
;B[rl]BL[339.029]C[OK. So that's dead? I think I win (I screw up later, though).]
;B[ne]BL[313.06]C[Hmm, oops. Well, try to get some cash, still.]
;B[lb]BL[288.32]C[I can't see how this works for b.]
;B[fn]BL[267.579]C[I still feel like I've won.]
;B[qa]BL[248.405]C[Almost went for ko, but where are my threats?]
;B[hl]BL[201.973]C[Just trying for bonus points, now.]
;B[ik]BL[177.962]C[Maybe I can kill...?]
;B[ji]BL[175.611]C[Here, I was greedy and made big mistake. I read G9 G10 H10 H9 K10. Forgot about J11 move. I should have simply played K12 to continue to secure win.]
;B[fl]BL[141.244]C[Doh! I still don't realize that G19 now lives. I was unobservant.]
;W[rn]WL[20]OW[5]C[Still thinking I'm winning.]
;B[ka]BL[101.729]C[Wonder to myself, "why does he play here?"... Then, "Doh! Oops! It's alive, now! OMG!"]
;B[la]BL[92.546]C[*Hanging my head*]
;W[jo]WL[20]OW[5]C[Emotions die down a bit, now I'm thinking... Well, I still have lots of points. Maybe I'm still ok.]
;W[da]WL[20]OW[5]C[Rest of game is kind of boring. I win by a little after screwing up capture.]

be immersed

 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #8 Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:34 pm 

Posts: 9550
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KGS: Kirby
Tygem: 커비라고해
I lost this game.

RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[60]OT[3x10 byo-yomi]
PW[me]PB[adversary]WR[1d]BR[1k]DT[2013-06-09]C[I was white this game.]RE[B+16.50]
;B[qd]BL[45.718]C[Well, I'll play top left since it leaves possibility of nicely approaching R16 later.]
;B[gq]BL[15.766]C[Same old, same old. I'll just defend at C6.]
;B[dr]BL[6.479]C[Wait, what? He played at G3? I thought it was F3... How did I miss that?

Hmm, how do I take away his advantage? Playing C3 would let him play K3 for a good result. Maybe I'll play on the other side, and try to exploit a weakness later...]
;B[cq]BL[10]OB[3]C[Well, C6 is pretty weak, so I will help it.]
;B[lq]BL[10]OB[3]C[Hmm, maybe now is the time to exploit his weakness. E2 can be answered at F2 maybe, but E3 will be good for me. Either way, seems not that bad for white.]
;B[hq]BL[10]OB[3]C[Hmm, let's split him while I can.]
;W[hr]WL[10]OW[2]C[Now we're talkin'! I cut him off. Now I can profit from the play I saw earlier!]
;B[cp]BL[10]OB[3]C[Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm more interested in G3.]
;B[io]BL[10]OB[3]C[Hmm, I'm weak with double atari. I can probably play K5, but he just plays J6 and gets stronger. Better defend my weakness passively, then come back and attack him.]
;W[hp]WL[10]OW[2]C[I played too quickly here. Of course G5 is good for black. I should have played G5 myself.]
;B[hl]BL[10]OB[3]C[Hmm, H7 is instinct, but seems too aggressive. I'll just get cut apart. How about H9, then get influence. He might live, but I get central power!]
;W[gp]WL[10]OW[2]C[I'll take this trade. Thanks for the stones!]
;W[co]WL[10]OW[2]C[Wait, what did I just do? This game is going to fast O_O]
;B[eo]BL[10]OB[3]C[Doh! I'm way behind now. Still early enough to keep playing, but how in the world did I do that?]
;B[oq]BL[10]OB[3]C[Maybe I'll be aggressive to try to make up for my loss.]
;B[qs]BL[10]OB[3]C[Yeah... This is just getting worse. So I'm dead here. Maybe I can force him to kill me and I'll surround him.]
;W[ml]WL[10]OW[2]C[I feel OK about this. I've got outside power. He's still a little ahead probably because of my earlier mistakes. Especially dreadful were my play at C5 and my invasion at R3.]
;B[di]BL[10]OB[3]C[Hmm, he's playing well. What do I do? I guess I"ll try to live. But this game is not looking great.]
;W[hg]WL[10]OW[2]C[Hmm, looking interesting...]
;W[fc]WL[10]OW[2]C[I'm feeling not so bad. H13 and G13 are both weak, but so is K11... Not so bad.]
;W[ie]WL[10]OW[2]C[Ok, I'll pretend to go after G16, but the real target is to make K11 weak.]
;B[bd]BL[10]OB[3]C[Hm, who cares about the ko? I'll just take G17!]
;B[jb]BL[10]OB[3]C[In retrospect, I should have done F19, but I was afraid of the ko. ]
;W[pe]WL[10]OW[2]C[Well, maybe I can just take all of this as territory. Then my previous sins will be cleansed.]
;B[pj]BL[10]OB[3]C[Hmm. Let's cut him off and try to kill him. I need the points!]
;B[nm]BL[10]OB[3]C[Net, anyone?]
;W[me]WL[10]OW[2]C[Tension level rising. I'm starting to get stressed. Can I kill it all?]
;W[ng]WL[10]OW[2]C[Split them first...]
;W[mg]WL[10]OW[2]C[He's got good shape.. But there's no space for him to live, right? Should be OK.]
;W[ri]WL[10]OW[2]C[Terrible move. I was trying to take away eyespace, but S12 threatens to connect with R15. I forgot that key point. I should be more conservative and play S12 myself.]
;B[qh]BL[10]OB[3]C[Before I was planning on S9 next... But I just realized that S14 connects. I am kicking myself.]
;W[rl]WL[10]OW[2]C[Silly, silly move again. OK, he's going to live.]
;B[ir]BL[10]OB[2]C[Got some territory.. But not enough.]
;W[jr]WL[10]OW[2]C[This move was because I was afraid and didn't read well. Only 10 seconds per move, but I should have known that B M1 could simply be answered with L1. If L4, I simply play N1. If he tries to play O1, I have time to play J1.

Conclusion: This move is ridiculous, and I should play elsewhere. Maybe T17? ]
;B[re]BL[10]OB[2]C[Chance to play T17 has been eliminated.]
;W[sc]WL[10]OW[2]C[This is futile for me.. But he lived at Q10. ]
;W[sp]WL[10]OW[1]C[Had about 1 second to play, so I played T4 so I didn't lose... But in the end, I'm already behind. Of course, I had no time to count, so I kept playing and eventually lost by a decent amount.]
;B[]BL[10]OB[1]TW[jd][ld][md][nd][je][le][ne][bf][if][jf][kf][lf][mf][nf][of][ag][ig][jg][kg][lg][og][ah][bh][ch][ih][lh][ai][bi][di][ei][ii][ji][ki][aj][bj][cj][ij][jj][ak][ik][jk][kl][mm][nm][mn][on][ir][gs][is][js][ks]TB[qa][sa][ab][rb][bc][rc][sc][qi][ri][qj][sj][qk][rk][sk][rl][sl][dm][em][fm][gm][cn][en][fn][hn][ao][co][do][fo][ho][ap][bp][dp][fp][gp][hp][sp][aq][bq][dq][pq][qq][rq][sq][ar][br][pr][qr][rr][sr][as][bs][cs][os][ps][ss]C[naruto666 [1k\]: ty
me [1k\]: thanks

be immersed

 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #9 Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:11 pm 

Posts: 9550
Liked others: 1602
Was liked: 1712
KGS: Kirby
Tygem: 커비라고해
I lost this game.

RU[Japanese]SZ[19]HA[2]KM[0.50]TM[60]OT[3x10 byo-yomi]
PW[adversary]PB[me]WR[3d]BR[1d]DT[2013-06-10]AB[pd][dp]C[I played black this game.]RE[W+Time]
;W[pq]WL[57.74]C[Hmm. Should I approach Q3? Nah, I'll play normally and just take the other corner. I should try to wait for a mistake, since he's stronger.]
;B[nc]BL[49.806]C[Yes, takin' it easy.]
;W[qk]WL[54.034]C[Hmm. Chinese-like opening, if it counts in a handicap game. How should I play? Approaching at Q5 or R5 is the point of R9.

I remember a game sometime I looked at a long time ago where Cho Chikun approached at N4.

I don't review a lot of pro games, but I like N4 since I can threaten Q5 and K4 at the same time.]
;W[jp]WL[49.071]C[Hmm, I guess Q5 it is, then.]
;W[oo]WL[46.097]C[Shall I simply play Q4, assume he plays P4, then play R3? Or maybe R3 directly?

Seems very passive, and basically I throw away N4.

Maybe it's OK, because I get points, and play safely...

But it'd be a waste to not use N4 much... OK, I've decided. I'll cut at P4. He'll play Q4 almost for sure, then I'll play R5. He can't kill P4 immediately, per what I've read... So, let's do it!]
;W[on]WL[39.01]C[OK, he doesn't try to attack P4 immediately. I guess I should strengthen whatever is weaker. R5 looks OK, so how about P3?]
;B[oq]BL[10]OB[3]C[**(Post-game thinking: In retrospect, I think I should play either S3 or Q7. After all, P4 can't be immediately captured, and I think more action is on the right side.)**]
;W[pr]WL[34.873]C[Doh, that seems to be sente! I hate the cut at O3.]
;B[lr]BL[10]OB[3]C[(**Post-game thinking: In retrospect, maybe O3 is not so bad. After all, I can sacrifice O2 to get some stones in for free around N4. Additionally, it's not balanced now - R5 is looking sad.**)]
;W[rp]WL[32.704]C[Hmm. I guess I need to help these stones now. Uh oh.]
;W[mo]WL[23.662]C[Should I ignore? Well, M4 seems to make N5 M4 a good exchange for B imo. So I'll do it, even though there's pending action around Q7.]
;B[ol]BL[10]OB[3]C[Now... I hope I can live with M2 stones.]
;W[iq]WL[10.715]C[Uh oh. I don't feel like I have enough room to live. And I'm in byo-yomi. Crap...

I guess I have to make some sort of action NOW or I'm toast. J4 looks like a good point - I have no idea if it works, but I have just a few seconds to play. Let's do it.]
;B[ks]BL[10]OB[2]C[(**Post-game thinking: In retrospect, I kind of like to play M7 better than L1 right now. After playing L6, it seems sad to switch to L1.**)]
;W[nl]WL[10]OW[3]C[Ok, he tenukis. I don't know if Q7 can live, but if I play J2, I *know* this lives... So I'll do this now, and hope for the best after he moves.]
;W[ok]WL[10]OW[3]C[Yipes. Q9 looks natural, but then he can close me in. Am I dead then? Maybe I should try to mix things up and threaten to kill P6 somehow. I don't know if it works, but I'm in SD, now!]
;W[km]WL[10]OW[3]C[Hmm, sucks that he gets those stones, but I feel I can breath a little bit. I can try to break out, now.

*Blood pressure drops*]
;B[qj]BL[10]OB[1]C[Ahhh. I lived. But there's still fiery action here!]
;B[oi]BL[10]OB[1]C[Break him up before he defends, so I can come back and strike like the phoenix!]
;B[rj]BL[10]OB[1]C[(During white's thinking time, my thoughts were: Hmm, P11 was intended to strike back. But looking at the whole board, look at white's wall around K6. I should play C6 if I get the chance, since he's strong there.)]
;W[cn]WL[10]OW[2]C[Doh, he played there first! I want to live somehow with D4. He's super strong. I'll play B5. Seems to give corner space, and though it's usually a bad move when I don't have a stone around D10, I feel it's OK since I just want to live near his strong wall for now.]
;W[dr]WL[10]OW[2]C[E2 would normally be bad, but he's already strong at H2. Let's go with it.]
;W[es]WL[10]OW[2]C[Hmm, can kind of breath... I should play another move to secure life.. But I've got to swing things around. Let's strike back against C6. I'll play C10!

;W[bn]WL[10]OW[2]C[OK, now I need to help the group.]
;B[ep]BL[10]OB[1]C[(**Post-game thinking: This move doesn't do much. I could play C5 or B3, for example, for a better, more life-giving move. I liked E4 at the time because I could jump out. But he's totally strong in the area, so I don't feel it helps much.**)]
;B[ar]BL[10]OB[1]C[OK, one eye... Now I'm in trouble. Can I somehow connet with J4?]
;W[gr]WL[10]OW[2]C[No, that doesn't work... Hmm. I've gotta run!]
;W[dl]WL[10]OW[2]C[I should make another eye, now.]
;B[go]BL[10]OB[1]C[Oh yeah, it's sente, too!]
;B[fl]BL[10]OB[1]C[Now let's turn the tides around. Chase him!]
;W[di]WL[10]OW[2]C[OK, switch to help this stone. Gotta keep territory over here.]
;W[ef]WL[10]OW[2]C[Connectgion between C13 and D16 is weak. But I want sente. I wonder if I bump him, if it'll work...]
;W[fi]WL[10]OW[1]C[OK, don't really know what he's up to, but now I can play F16 and I feel comfortable up there.]
;B[fd]BL[10]OB[1]C[(**Post-game thinking: In retrospect, F16 is a great place to have a stone, but the fact is, I can't be playing it here. F8 is still weak, and waiting to be attacked. I should have helped F9. As a bonus, it keeps some influence in the center for black, where white is strong. I think something like H9 might be better.**)]
;W[bi]WL[10]OW[1]C[Doh, kind of weak. I guess I'll give up C10. I'll keep some liberties for the future, though.]
;W[bl]WL[10]OW[1]C[OK, now where should I play? K16 is kind of big.. Maybe I should come back to P11 where I wanted revenge before.]
;B[ni]BL[10]OB[1]C[(**Post-game thinking: In retrospect, F8 is still not as stable as I assumed. I should still play something like H9, I think.**)]
;W[mj]WL[10]OW[1]C[Difficult to kill him. Hmm. Well, S16 gives me points in sente, probably - attack and defend the corner. Haha!]
;B[rd]BL[10]OB[1]C[Feels so good to play this move~!]
;W[cc]WL[10]OW[1]C[Hmm. Can he live? Let's see...]
;B[bd]BL[10]OB[1]C[(**Post-game thinking: In retrospect, I think I should have played D19 next. I was too hasty to take away eye space.**)]
;B[jd]BL[10]OB[1]C[Whew. Lots of jumping around all over.. But I feel somewhat comfortable, now. I think I live everywhere (except for around C9, a mere 4 stones), and I've got lots of potential in the top. Keep the center in control, and I should win, I think.]
;W[hd]WL[10]OW[1]C[Hmm. Well, I can't kill it for sure. But let's use this as an opportunity to take away his center influence. I should still have more points! So jump out!]
;W[ee]WL[10]OW[1]C[Hmm, funny business. I guess I'll stay connected.]
;B[de]BL[10]OB[1]C[(**Post-game thinking: In retrospect... I'm an idiot. If he plays D15 to disconnect, I can simply play A14 and live. Any other move, and I can play D15 to connect. Therefore, I should ignore his funny business, and play something more important. I guess I should play something like H15. In the worst case, maybe I lose E18, but that shouldn't be all that bad.**)]
;W[ec]WL[10]OW[1]C[Hmm, oops. I guess I should sacrifice E18.]
;B[ed]BL[10]OB[1]C[(**Post-game thinking: In retrospect, I don't know what is the best to play here. I think he is fighting me well.**)]
;W[lc]WL[10]OW[1]C[Hmm, my head hurts. This is complicated, and I only have 10 seconds. I guess I need to be strong. K17 it is.]
;W[nb]WL[10]OW[1]C[Ug. I don't know if he can screw in the corner. I want to play somewhere around H15 or something, so I want sente. Let me have sente.]
;W[nd]WL[10]OW[1]C[Give me sente...]
;W[fc]WL[10]OW[1]C[Man, I guess I sacrifice this, now.]
;W[fa]WL[10]OW[1]C[OK, maybe I can threaten E14 to push out G15 to capture G16 in sente...?]
;W[re]WL[10]OW[1]C[Hmm, tenuki. I still want sente. R15!]
;W[pg]WL[10]OW[1]C[Wait a second, double atari should work.]
;W[ng]WL[10]OW[1]C[Hmm, I guess he doesn't care about R14. I'll take them.]
;W[ke]WL[10]OW[1]C[Hmm, maybe R14 was small. Now he's going for the center. I've gotta fight back. If he gets the entire center, that's no good..
;W[le]WL[10]OW[1]C[Hmm, I don't know how L14 can live immediately. Maybe I can first get another stone in at M9?]
;W[lj]WL[10]OW[1]C[Hmm, he's killin' me here... I guess I'll see what happens.]
;W[if]WL[10]OW[1]C[OK, let's see if I can threaten to capture him and live with L14.]
;B[hh]BL[10]OB[1]C[Take that!]
;W[gf]WL[10]OW[1]C[I think I capture him! $$. Eat it!]
;W[hi]WL[10]OW[1]C[What is he doing? I'm going to win now for sure.]
;W[gh]WL[10]OW[1]C[Um, yeah.]
;W[gn]WL[10]OW[1]C[Uh oh. This is what he was doing. This isn't as strong as I thought it was... Uh oh. Uh oh. Crap. What do I do?]
;W[gm]WL[10]OW[1]C[Uh oh. 10 seconds a move, and I need another eye. Uh oh.]
;W[gi]WL[10]OW[1]C[Capture G7 somehow??]
;W[gl]WL[10]OW[1]C[H5 is sente.. But i don't have many liberties with G5... How can this work? I've gotta try...]
;W[fo]WL[10]OW[1]C[And then... I run out of time. Doh!

(**Post-game thinking: I don't see a way to live here. There may be one, but even if there were, it's really a fluke. I left this group too weak, and I was too focused on capturing H14 to even notice at all that he was cutting off my breathing of the C2 group. I didn't think globally, and was intent only on capturing those stones up there. That was a big mistake.

Though I lost on time, even if there was a way to make life here, I don't deserve it because of having missed this global strategy.**)])

be immersed

 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #10 Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:17 pm 

Posts: 9550
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KGS: Kirby
Tygem: 커비라고해
FYI to anyone paying attention to these posts:

The comments I leave in the games are, for the most part, a reproduction of what I remember to be my thoughts at that particular time in the game.

Typically I do the following:
1.) Play the game.
2.) Get the SGF.
3.) Change the names of the players in case anyone of my opponents would care about me posting the game.
4.) Remove any in-game comments, and add what I remember thinking at that time.
5.) Post the game here.

This time, I also added some comments prefixed with "Post-game thinking", which means that this was not a thought I remember having during the game, but it's a thought that I have now that the game is over.

be immersed

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 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #11 Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:59 pm 
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Kirby wrote:
I lost this game.

... And then... I run out of time. Doh!

(**Post-game thinking: I don't see a way to live here. There may be one, but even if there were, it's really a fluke. I left this group too weak, and I was too focused on capturing H14 to even notice at all that he was cutting off my breathing of the C2 group. I didn't think globally, and was intent only on capturing those stones up there. That was a big mistake.

Though I lost on time, even if there was a way to make life here, I don't deserve it because of having missed this global strategy.**)

I think you have unrealistic expectations for what you can read/notice in a 10-second game. Watch the 9d's, they lose track of the big picture all the time in blitz. Pros do too. But as for life in this game...
Click Here To Show Diagram Code
[go]$$Bc Life in the Final Position; 5 connects
$$ ---------------------------------------
$$ | . . O O . O . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
$$ | . O . O . O X . . . . . . O X . . . . |
$$ | . O O X O O X X X X . O . X X . . . . |
$$ | . X O X X X O O O X . . . O . X . X . |
$$ | . X X X O . X . . X O O . . . X X O . |
$$ | . . . X O . O O O O X O . . O X O O . |
$$ | . X X . X X X X X X X . . O . O X X . |
$$ | . X O O . . O X O . X . . . O . . . . |
$$ | . O X O O O O O a . . . . X X O O O . |
$$ | . O X 0 X X X O 9 b . O O O O X X X . |
$$ | . O X O O X . X X 8 . X . X O X O . . |
$$ | . O X O X X O 6 2 7 c . O O X . X . . |
$$ | . . . O . . O O X 4 O . . X . X . . . |
$$ | . O O . X X O X 1 O X . . . O . . . . |
$$ | O . O . 3 O X X O O X O O . O X X X . |
$$ | . O X X X X O O . O O X X . X O O O . |
$$ | . X . X O X X O O X X X . . X O . . . |
$$ | X O X O O O O O X . . X X X O O . . . |
$$ | . O X . O . . . . X X . . O . . . . . |
$$ ---------------------------------------[/go]

The gap at :w10: prevents White for cutting you off. Black connects at "a" next and reduces the center at the same time. Black is still in the game. If White "a" instead of 10, Black plays atari at "b", White has to capture at "c" and Black connects at 10, capturing White's center stones.

Dave Sigaty
"Short-lived are both the praiser and the praised, and rememberer and the remembered..."
- Marcus Aurelius; Meditations, VIII 21

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 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #12 Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:14 pm 
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Kirby wrote:
I lost this game (Post #8).

@216 This move was because I was afraid and didn't read well. Only 10 seconds per move, but I should have known that B M1 could simply be answered with L1. If L4, I simply play N1. If he tries to play O1, I have time to play J1.

Conclusion: This move is ridiculous, and I should play elsewhere. Maybe T17?...

First consider what happens when you tenuki and he plays J1, which is atari! :o Beyond that consider what happens if he plays M1 (more stylish!), you answer at L1, and he simply connects at N1. What is your next move? Looks like time for more tsumego to me. :blackeye:

Dave Sigaty
"Short-lived are both the praiser and the praised, and rememberer and the remembered..."
- Marcus Aurelius; Meditations, VIII 21

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 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #13 Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:38 am 

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ez4u wrote:
...Looks like time for more tsumego to me. :blackeye:

Thanks for the comments. I agree that it would be beneficial for my skill to practice tsumego. However, if I'm honest with myself and with you, I will not do this in the near future. I can make myself play a game a day, I think, but I'm not sure I have the willpower to do more than that for now.

That being said, missing an atari is kind of ridiculous, isn't it? :-)

be immersed

 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #14 Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:07 pm 

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I won this game.

RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1500]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]
PW[adversary]PB[me]WR[1k]BR[1k]DT[2013-06-11]C[I played black this game.]RE[B+Resign]
;B[pd]BL[1490.234]C[Okay, let's get this game goin'!
(*Around 10 minutes elapse*)

Hmm, what's he doing? Should I escape so I can play another game? Ah well, I'll just wait...

(*Several thoughts went through my head about the day.**)]
;W[dc]WL[1224.204]C[Wee, he finally played! I'll mix things up and play D4. Diagonal openings are supposed to be for fighting, right?]
;W[qp]WL[1213.558]C[Well, it's symmetrical. I'll just approach one. ]
;W[qm]WL[1200.75]C[Hmm, people have been playing this type of move against me lately. I don't really know how to handle it. K4? Then if he does P3 it's natural...

Ah well, let's see what he does in the other corner first.]
;W[jp]WL[1129.205]C[Hmm. All of my stones are on the 4th line. It's weird for me to play so high...

But P4 seems like my weakest stone. I guess I'll just go with the flow...]
;W[jn]WL[1114.909]C[Because of R7, M4 and P4 still seem weak. I'll jump out at M6.

He might peep at N5, but I could probably connect at M5 and there'd be aji with P4, and I could attack K6... Let's go for it.]
;W[jl]WL[1108.636]C[Hmm, where in the world do I play? M8 feels natural, but it helps his stones more than me I feel. I'm not super weak...

D4 seems like it could use help. I'll play spread out to be consistent with the rest of this odd game...]
;W[cm]WL[1098.777]C[C5 is my intuition, but then it feels like there would be weakness around 3-3. It's not solid. I could play C9, but then it makes it natural for him to jump out and get closer to connection with K6 group...

I guess I will try to just be solid in the corner soas to not help him much.]
;W[fm]WL[1087.928]C[This seems spread out and weak. Maybe I can attack it? Can I get J7 for free?]
;W[kn]WL[1077.584]C[Ug. Well, M7 isn't a terrible exchange.]
;W[hn]WL[1069.486]C[This seems wrong for white. Maybe I can push through and cause him to have weakness that I can exploit later.]
;W[gn]WL[1046.917]C[Of course I can't cut at K7 right now. He can also be fancy against G4, probably... But J8 would strengthen him.

I'll try to run without helping him. Maybe H8.]
;W[fk]WL[1032.65]C[I should run at H10. It feels a little weak with the H9 cutting point, but in the worst case I could give up J7. That would be bad, but at least I could get out.

(**Post game thinking: If I think that it's an issue to jump at H10, I should play elsewhere. The cutting stones seem very important, but I shouldn't play a move that leaves me unsure about J6's status.**)]
;W[kl]WL[1020.653]C[Well, while it's still free, I'll play J4 to help G4 a bit.]
;W[fi]WL[1000.199]C[F12 is natural, but just hurts D10. Let's see if I can do something fancy with D10 first to help out, and then come back to this battle between strings of stones.]
;W[em]WL[979.098]C[Man, he never answers my peeps. :-(]
;W[dm]WL[970.182]C[(**Post-game thinking: Well, I guess he does sometimes.**)]
;B[gm]BL[1204.718]C[Can I cut him somehow? G4 can save itself somehow, maybe.]
;B[fl]BL[1199.337]C[Now, let's see his wrath against G4.]
;B[fs]BL[1161.169]C[Yeah, kind of sucks to hurt D4 like that. At least I cut him... But this is pretty big.]
;B[gl]BL[1150.885]C[Well, I'd like to attack him further, but he can play H7 if I don't play here, then J8 and L8 would be totally safe. Attacking that later may be key to this game.]
;B[gg]BL[1142.824]C[Kill F11 somehow? At least attack it.]
;W[ef]WL[884.174]C[Hmm, can't really kill it. Maybe I can help D15 somehow.]
;W[ge]WL[807.314]C[Hmm, uh oh. Maybe I play C10. He might respond, then I can try B13 or something to try to save C13...]
;W[ci]WL[802.485]C[Wait a second! Maybe I can cut him with F12. Yeah, that might just work.]
;B[fh]BL[1025.745]C[Hmm, that looks pretty. Yes. I feel a little bit better. That bottom left corner is big, though!]
;W[nc]WL[773.723]C[Ug. How do I respond to this? This sucks. This move is great with G17 and G15. I could try to do 3-3, but ultimately, Int to attack the L8 group... M17 is unsatisfactory. He gets points, and I lose out. Q14 is also not great for attacking L8.

(**Post-game thinking: In retrospect, maybe Q14 is not so bad for attacking L8 later.**)]
;W[md]WL[766.811]C[Hmm, O15 is normal. But I want to attack L8... I need stones on this side. I'll try something crazy.]
;W[od]WL[754.556]C[Hmm, yes. The corner is feeling painful, now.]
;W[oe]WL[750.129]C[P14 would be kind of consistent with my earlier idea... Attack L8.
But that gives him another huge corner. That just won't do. My previous plan was too aggressive. I've got to recover. I need to get something in the corner.]
;W[pb]WL[735.699]C[Hmm.. O18, N17, N18, M18, M17, M16, L17... Might be OK cause I can atari the O17 group and get the two stones at M18 and L18 if he plays it.

I wonder about the right side. I dunno.]
;W[qd]WL[726.523]C[Hmm. I could take his offer and capture O17 and move on. But his right side is looking fancy then.

I should raise the stakes. I don't know if it will work, but is life worth living if you don't live on the edge?]
;W[mc]WL[699.442]C[OK. Here we go!]
;W[le]WL[694.7]C[Uh oh. How in the world didn't I see this?

I guess ez4u was right.]
;W[rd]WL[673.594]C[Raising the stakes again!]
;B[qh]BL[828.292]C[OK... Live on the top, too, and I can be satisfied with not getting influence to attack L8.]
;W[lg]WL[623.963]C[OK. Now I need to kill something. I've just gotta.]
;W[pj]WL[587.128]C[OK, this is gonna be hard to kill. Somehow I have to indirectly kill L8.]
;B[lk]BL[775.918]C[OK, I'm not good at being indirect. But let's try to kill L8. Worst case, I can come back to P12.]
;B[on]BL[724.944]C[Will it actually work?]
;W[pq]WL[464.49]C[Hmm, stakes are high. Let's keep betting!]
;W[kr]WL[450.889]C[Hmm. Tricky. This capturing race has a number of liberties. I guess I should keep an eye.
;W[nr]WL[444.472]C[Do I have enough liberties if I fill? There's also9 the issue of saving P6 if I don't kill.

I guess I should go for the gold.]
;B[kh]BL[664.071]C[OK, have those stones. I'll take this, thank you.]
;B[sj]BL[656.89]C[Not bad, I guess. I lost M2. Feels OK.]
;W[ir]WL[387.129]C[Wait, wha...? Did he kill me? Oh no, I still have H1.]
;W[bq]WL[369.761]C[Hmm. I feel somewhat successful. I guess I should go for points.]
;W[qb]WL[316.991]C[**Actually counted the game at this point. Came to the conclusion that I felt like I was behind.**

I'm behind, so I've gotta get points in this area.]
;B[he]BL[462.162]C[OK, some points.]
;W[ic]WL[294.4]C[Hmm. Something around H18? That just won't work well if he does H14 later... I've got center points, I shouldn't be too greedy.]
;B[ia]BL[375.985]C[Oh wait, L18 stops this. Maybe L19 M19 K18 for ko, then.]
;W[ib]WL[256.468]C[Oh yeah. Woops.]
;W[cs]WL[241.388]C[Hmm. I could play it safe, but I'm behind on points. I've gotta go for the gold.]
;W[fr]WL[120.996]C[What? I think J1 is pretty big. I save M2, afterall. Maybe I'm getting closer to the gold.]
;W[ed]WL[30]OW[5]C[Hmm. Looks like bad aji around C16... But I think A7 is pretty big. If he lets me save B4, that's a lot of points!]
;W[ce]WL[30]OW[5]C[Hmm. Tricky. I guess D14 doesn't look too terrible.]
;B[qa]BL[30]OB[5]C[Rest of game is a bit uneventful.]

be immersed

 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #15 Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:01 am 
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I haven´t read all of these self-commented games, but I´m really enjoying them so far!

Minor note: in the game from post 5, his monkey jump at n1 doesn't work - you can still capture the three stones with P2. At move 160 you play P1 and they get away, unless I´m missing something. It was funny to see this sequence starting at black 21 at R5 as it's one of the few moves that I know how to punish, and one which I was told stops happening around 7k.

Patience, grasshopper.

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 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #16 Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:11 pm 

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I lost this game.

RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[600]OT[5x20 byo-yomi]
PW[adversary]PB[me]WR[1d]BR[1d]DT[2013-06-12]C[I played black this game.]RE[W+14.50]
;W[dq]WL[595.201]C[Hmm. Bottom side isn't that desirable I guess, because of D3, maybe...

I guess I'll just approach his corner. Can't be that bad.]
;W[co]WL[585.663]C[Oh, I'll try that thing.]
;W[cp]WL[583.143]C[I think Herman from L19 always talked about this kind of example. Basically I don't decde to do D6 or D7, yet. I approach at F17 and see what he does first. Based on that, I decide what to do with the C6 area (if anything).]
;W[cf]WL[575.426]C[OK, now it'd be nicer to have a stone at C12 instead of D10, so I'll pick that joseki in bottom left.]
;W[db]WL[562.169]C[I guess K16 seems kind of balanced here.]
;W[qf]WL[551.467]C[Hmm. Not much potential for moyo at top - D18 screws that up, I feel. So I don't really want to do Q14.

Similarly, O16 doesn't feel like it does much. I guess I'll pincer on the right side and get more stones there.]
;W[nd]WL[542.996]C[Meh. I should split him. The first thought is to play Q14. But I could also try O15.

See the variations for the positions I was comparing in my head.]
(;B[pf]BL[443.905]C[I'll go with this one.]
;W[pe]WL[490.707]C[P15... I should be able to live, I think. Kind of complicated after he cuts and I cut at R13. I can't back out now.]
;W[rd]WL[476.064]C[Yes, S17, then he may try to get P14 or something, but I think there's a tesuji around T15 or so.

(**Post-game thinking: See variation for the shape I was thinking of.**)]
;W[re]WL[473.824]C[Hmm, wait a second. R17 poses a problem... I screwed this up, didn't I? I guess I can do T16 sente, if he does R17, I can Q17, him R18, me Q18, him S18, me T18 for ko.

(**Post-game thinking: *Palm to face*...**)]
;W[qb]WL[430.317]C[Wait a second... He can just do T15. That's not ko. What am I thinking?]
;B[nb]BL[360.241]C[OK. Recovery-mode. I've gotta get *something* up here. This board is definitely good for w, but I've got to recover so it's not *super* good for w.

(**Post-game thinking: I'm not totally sure trying to help Q18 is the best of plans. Yes, white profited, but is it really good to run with those stones? I should have just stopped. Breathed.. And then moved on to another part of the board. Yes, I lost some. But it's still early.**)]
;B[mb]BL[354.113]C[The pain...]
;W[kd]WL[376.565]C[More pain...]
;B[oh]BL[311.077]C[Wait, can he kill me anyway? Maybe K18?]
;W[lf]WL[325.052]C[Hmm, oh well.]
;W[pn]WL[264.617]C[OK. I'm way behind. What do I do? I need to recover. I'll try to make lots of points on bottom and attack Q6.]
;W[qk]WL[257.672]C[OK, can't allow that.]
;B[qm]BL[282.144]C[(**Post-game thinking: Maybe this is too aggressive. Maybe I should take a more indirect approach.**)]
;W[rk]WL[220.509]C[Uh oh. I lost these stones. I'm just further behind, now...Maybe I can get S10 in sente, then S12 in sente, then I will have potential for eye so I can ignore P12 for now and play elsewhere.]
;W[sc]WL[168.648]C[OK... This game is hard. Where do I play now? We're in the middle game, and w definitely leads... I could defend at E11 to help against C8. So slow, though.

Biggest area is on bottom. Safe move is L3.

I cannot play safely. I should be greedy, tempt him, and kill him. It's my only chance.]
;W[cl]WL[156.65]C[Hmm, he didn't take the bait. I guess I'll endure.]
;W[cj]WL[153.298]C[Normally D10, but maybe this time it's hard to profit from influence... So B10.]
;W[ka]WL[135.182]C[Only one eye to right of L19, so gotta make another eye on other side.]
;W[cj]WL[131.001]C[I guess I'll use my blunder on the right for ko threats.]
;W[gb]WL[108.619]C[Touche! This person is definitely playing better than me.

It's still early to resign, though. I'll endure.]
;W[gc]WL[88.212]C[OK... Maybe here's a light at the end of the tunnel. L16 is not super strong. Can I kill it somehow?]
;B[id]BL[20]OB[5]C[Ok, if he ignores, then maybe I'll try something like L13. I can threaten to try to kill M15, and maybe I can get back in the game.]
;W[if]WL[42.566]C[Ok, no time to worry about the life of this group. Gotta threaten him.]
;W[kh]WL[15.949]C[Hmm, difficult to keep him from getting another eye... But I'll keep threatening.]
;W[hf]WL[0.073]C[Hmm, he can probably live - he has so much room to run downward. I guess I should try to prevent that downward run.]
;W[mh]WL[20]OW[5]C[Ug. ]
;W[li]WL[20]OW[5]C[OK, enough with trying to kill him. He's alive.

I guess I need to do something about my top group, or I'm dead there, too.]
;B[fe]BL[20]OB[4]C[Threaten top and G14 simultaneously.]
;W[hh]WL[20]OW[5]C[Gotta be aggressive to live. I don't know if I can kill him, but I should try. F11?]
;W[cj]WL[20]OW[5]C[Hmm. I could ko, but I guess I should just capture while I can.]
;W[el]WL[20]OW[5]C[Hmm. Only thing that's gone OK in this game so far...

Maybe I can use this profit and now try to kill E8. I've gotta kill something. The rest of this game has been horrendous!]
;B[hk]BL[20]OB[3]C[(**Post-game thinking: I think the bottom is bigger - like J6 or something... At least if I want to try to keep attacking.]
;W[io]WL[20]OW[5]C[OK... H4, J4, G4, F4, J3. Should be OK.]
;W[iq]WL[20]OW[4]C[Hmm, OK. I guess I pusue the peep.]
;W[mq]WL[20]OW[4]C[Ug. This game is so hard. O3 is normal, but I'm behind. I can't be normal. Let's try to save K3, and keep the corner.

I want to eat the cake and take it. That's because he had a full buffet earlier.]
;B[im]BL[20]OB[3]C[Kind of not much time to think, but this looks promising. K7 is safe if he cuts at K6 because of K10.]
;W[or]WL[20]OW[4]C[Minor victory at bottom... But still on the rocks. I've gotta live in the corner, now. I remember that Q2 is a dead shape if T4 is not there. Maybe it's OK in this case...?]
;B[rs]BL[20]OB[3]C[Should be OK. T2, S2.]
;B[cr]BL[20]OB[3]C[(**Post-game thinking: Bad move. I should have played D2 locally.**)]
;W[br]WL[20]OW[4]C[Hmm. This is pretty big, but I can't just let him push me around through the end of the game. I've gotta stretch.]
;W[ck]WL[20]OW[4]C[Hmm. What can I do? Q10 is not sente... I guess I could defend B11, but I could get ko. Wait, maybe C17. If he does D17, then I can do B14, if he does B15, I can defend in sente.]
;W[cd]WL[20]OW[4]C[OK... Now where? I guess D2 is still pretty big. Feels bad to gote, but I don't know what else to do.

(**Post-game thinking: Maybe O8 area is bigger? Something like P10? That area's still not totally alive, either.**)]
;W[pi]WL[20]OW[4]C[Uh oh.]
;W[oj]WL[20]OW[4]C[Ouch. Can I O9? If he T11, I... I've got nothin'.]
;W[kl]WL[20]OW[4]C[Hmm.. This is tough. He's getting a lot of points around N8, now. Is there a miai move somewhere? Maybe N10. I can connect to both M10 and O11. Maybe that will work. Not a super reduction, but it's something.]
;W[lj]WL[20]OW[4]C[So painful to connect at O11... ]
;B[ni]BL[20]OB[2]C[(**Post-game: Maybe there's a better end-gamish move.**)]
;B[op]BL[20]OB[2]C[OK, now from bottom.]
;W[js]WL[20]OW[4]C[Hmm, I can play J1 here. J3 has only one liberty.]
;W[ks]WL[20]OW[4]C[Hmm. O2? Too soon, I think.]
;B[sg]BL[20]OB[1]C[(**Post-game thinking (actually post-move-by-a-couple-of-seconds-thinking): Doh!**)]
;B[sk]BL[20]OB[1]C[Should be sente, right? If he ignores, I O9. He O10, I N11. Then I T8. OR... I O9, heO10, I N11, he T7, and I R10 - he's in atari, I get his stones.

(**Post-game thinking: *Palm-to-face*...**)]
;W[il]WL[20]OW[3]C[OK sente... But he's missing my secret move at O9!

(**Post-game thinking: Sigh...**)]
;W[kj]WL[20]OW[3]C[Haha! Now's my chance!]
;W[sm]WL[20]OW[3]C[Oh. I can put him in atari, but I'm already in atari.

;B[ps]BL[20]OB[1]C[Rest of game is straightforward. I end up losing by 14.5. ]
(;AW[ng]AB[rc][se]C[Kind of silly, but something like this. I didn't read it well, as can be seen in the game.]))
(;AW[qe][pg]AB[qd][of][pf]C[(Or maybe P16 instead of R16)])
(;AW[ld][me]AB[rd][ne][oe]TR[qc]C[In the end, I felt this wasn't great, because R17 seemed kind of good for white later. The top is looking better for white, and black's two stones at O15 and P15 aren't super.]))

be immersed

 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #17 Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:15 pm 

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KGS: Kirby
Tygem: 커비라고해
daal wrote:
I haven´t read all of these self-commented games, but I´m really enjoying them so far!

Thanks, daal. I'm enjoying them as well, even though I've lost a few.

daal wrote:
Minor note: in the game from post 5, his monkey jump at n1 doesn't work - you can still capture the three stones with P2.

What if he plays P1 in response to P2?

daal wrote:
It was funny to see this sequence starting at black 21 at R5 as it's one of the few moves that I know how to punish, and one which I was told stops happening around 7k.

Yes, I was surprised, too.

be immersed

 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #18 Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:08 pm 

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KGS: Kirby
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I won this game.

RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[60]OT[3x10 byo-yomi]
PW[me]PB[adversary]WR[1k]BR[2k]DT[2013-06-13]C[I played white this game.
;B[pe]BL[59.11]C[Hmm. I'm kind of tired today, and I'm always afraid of an opening like Q15.

Ah well, let's see what happens.
;B[fq]BL[44.791]C[I should just be patient. Nice and easy~]
;B[fo]BL[36.325]C[Interesting choice. I guess this threatens to make the bottom big. I could play L3, but J3 doesn't give me much space for "a base" at the bottom. I could play K3, but then M3 doesn't give me much of "a base", either.

So maybe it's not about getting a base. Maybe I should just split him a bit with K4. I can mark my influence there, and move on.]
;B[lq]BL[17.161]C[K2 is my territorial instinct, but what good does that do? I think the right side is kind of big. But R4 would be so nice for him. I'll take it first.]
;B[pn]BL[6.646]C[R6 seems natural, but it just helps him build up influence. I'll try to just grab territory quick and be on my way to better things. I'll try P3.]
;B[pq]BL[10]OB[3]C[Ah, he's cutting.. I don't know if I can survive this because of all of his stones. But I'm committed, now.]
;B[qq]BL[10]OB[3]C[S4 would be really bad for me, so I should help R4. Q6 is in a great spot. I think he's doing well so far.]
;B[or]BL[10]OB[3]C[Hmm. O3, O2... I guess I could O4, but then I need to save R4. Pretty much, this stone is dead. I'll play one more, and then R7 to help this group.

(**Post-game thinking: Maybe it's better not to play O3 at all in this case...?**)]
;W[rs]WL[10]OW[3]C[(**Post-game thinking: I don't think this is a good move. He can ignore it, I think (see variation)...**)]
;B[om]BL[10]OB[3]C[Hmm, I want to cut P6, but P8 doesn't do much... I guess I'll jump ahead.]
;B[rl]BL[10]OB[3]C[Not bad for black, but I kind of like it. I can be completely safe with this group, and free to mess with him... I do get R10 cut off, which is my payment for that.]
;W[on]WL[10]OW[3]C[Tee hee, now I can cut.]
;W[nn]WL[10]OW[3]C[OK... Stuck my head out a bit. He is not doing bad, though. I still don't like Q15. Maybe he can F17 next, and black is looking OK. I need to turn it around.]
;B[gd]BL[10]OB[3]C[Hmm, interesting. I like his idea. He plays interestingly.]
;B[dc]BL[10]OB[3]C[This seems too greedy... I'll cut him.]
;W[gc]WL[10]OW[3]C[(**Post-game thinking: This somehow feels bad for me to play this way, and perhaps black can punish me. I don't think he punished me much the game right here, though...**)]
;B[bc]BL[10]OB[3]C[Yay, one of my favorite shapes~!]
;W[ea]WL[10]OW[2]C[Hmm. That was fun, but now he can do Q17 or maybe even P17... And he has a big moyo... I'm in trouble.]
;B[ll]BL[10]OB[2]C[Hmm, whew. This is not as big as Q17 IMO.]
;W[pc]WL[10]OW[2]C[OK, just make some territory here, then move on.]
;W[nc]WL[10]OW[2]C[I don't care if I strengthen him now. He's already strong here.]
;B[qd]BL[10]OB[2]C[Hmm, don't I ever learn with these cuts?]
;B[rf]BL[10]OB[2]C[OK, that's not workin' for me.. So maybe I can utilize R14 in some way. How should I do that? M16 is a weakness. I can exploit that, then maybe use the P15 atari to get some profit. Definitely can't Q14 or anything now. R14 is as good as dead, and I want to be able to get out with Q18.]
;B[oe]BL[10]OB[1]C[OK, not bad. I can still take at L17.]
;B[oc]BL[10]OB[1]C[I won't fall for your P18/P16 trap! If I do that, you'll just Q18, I capture, you N18, I P17, you L16, I M15, you K17..

I'm not going to do that.]
;B[ke]BL[10]OB[1]C[Hmm, OK. Maybe I can take P16 in sente.

(**Post-game thinking: Maybe P16 was slow.**)]
;W[je]WL[10]OW[2]C[Exploit N15?]
;B[lg]BL[10]OB[1]C[Ok, I want to J16, he K17, I H16. But then he can J15. I need more liberties for K14 first. So pretend to be interested in M13, then come back and strike.

(**Post-game thinking: J16 is no good, of course, since L18 has only two liberties after black does K17.**)]
;B[gf]BL[10]OB[1]C[Alas, I want to kill him... So I guess I will try to profit from my move at L13, at least minimally.]
;B[me]BL[10]OB[1]C[Hmm, clumpy. Can I kill it? N13, M12, O13 doesn't quite work since black can capture R14.]
;B[mg]BL[10]OB[1]C[Push once more and threaten Q13?]
;B[nh]BL[10]OB[1]C[I guess this doesn't really work. I'll keep pushing.

(**Post-game thinking: I should have relented when I realized it didn't work well.**)]
;B[jj]BL[10]OB[1]C[Hmm, tricky. I want to kill H17 somehow. K14 is rather weak, though. M12 is also weak. The L12 stones hurt this. I can't cut at K11, because then black uses that to force me and I lose K14.

Since black has captured Q13, M10 and M12 stones are not that important. Therefore, I should threaten L12 to strengthen K14, then come back to strike J17.]
;W[he]WL[10]OW[2]C[(**Post-game thinking: This wasn't super. The idea was that black can cut at J13 between J12 and K14, so I could use this to capture the cutting stone. But of course, I cannot protect (variation).**)]
;W[gh]WL[10]OW[2]C[Hmm, I'm stretching it thin.. Maybe I can't kill him, but can I at least get influence?]
;B[fh]BL[10]OB[1]C[Hmm. H13? Well, he can G11 next. It'd be nice to move forward with a move like J11, but there's the problem with the cut at J13, I think.

Maybe I can push with G15 and give him shortage of liberties. Then if he tries to cut, I can utilize it to protect.

(**Post-game thinking: I really should try to actually read out sequences instead of thinking of strategic concepts that might or might not work.**)]
;B[eg]BL[10]OB[1]C[Um, what? I can play F14...]
;B[ee]BL[10]OB[1]C[Hmm, he can J15 to get a group, and D16 is weak... Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

The move wasn't too bad, I guess.]
;W[gi]WL[10]OW[2]C[Well, he can kill C13 maybe. I can't protect both groups. I guess I can at least get out with this, and maybe take K10.

This is difficult...]
;W[eh]WL[10]OW[2]C[Hmm, maybe I can help C13?]
;B[fm]BL[10]OB[1]C[What? I guess he wants territory around K6... But I think it's big to take F11. I'll reduce the K6 area somehow later.]
;W[kl]WL[10]OW[2]C[OK, now reduce.]
;B[lm]BL[10]OB[1]C[Hmm. K9 helps me approach my help at G10. M9 helps if I want to potentially cut off M7. I don't know which one I want. I won't decide for now, but rather see what he does and decide later.]
;B[lo]BL[10]OB[1]C[OK, no way to kill M7, really. K9 it is. I'll see if I can cut by M4 to see if he naively does N4 next.]
;B[lk]BL[10]OB[1]C[OK, now maybe, just maybe I can kill him. Let's peep.]
;B[ep]BL[10]OB[1]C[Hmm. E3 basically destroys the corner. Actually E5 doesn't help the corner much, either. I think E5 is more helpful, though. Maybe I can snag the F7 stones somehow.]
;W[hn]WL[10]OW[2]C[Okey dokey.]
;W[in]WL[10]OW[2]C[Not bad... Maybe I can get G7 and potential to get H3 later, too. Feelin' OK!]
;B[ik]BL[10]OB[1]C[Nope! I'll cut ya!]
;B[jn]BL[10]OB[1]C[Woops, that was sente.

ez4u was right, again. :-)]
;W[io]WL[10]OW[2]C[At least I'll get this group.]
;B[cq]BL[10]OB[1]C[Hmm. I could cut off at E2. But maybe capturing J8 is bigger. I'll save what he took, and endure C3.]
;B[dm]BL[10]OB[1]C[Hmm. Let's peep at E8 to either take sente or make his move worthless. Then cut off at E2. I got both moves :-D]
;B[ck]BL[10]OB[1]C[So try to keep his eye space down...]
;B[dj]BL[10]OB[1]C[Hmm, D11 seems appealing, but what if he does E9, me D9, he F8?]
;B[bo]BL[10]OB[1]C[Hmm. I'll play C5. He can retreat at B4 or so, and I keep him cut with A6. Or if he A6, I just capture B5.]
;W[co]WL[10]OW[2]C[End of game... Feels kind of like I was sloppy, but I guess he made some mistakes, too.])
;B[oo]C[(**Post-game thinking: What would I do, now? Conclusion: I don't think S1 was great.**)]))

be immersed

 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #19 Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:07 pm 

Posts: 9550
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KGS: Kirby
Tygem: 커비라고해
ez4u wrote:
I think you have unrealistic expectations for what you can read/notice in a 10-second game. Watch the 9d's, they lose track of the big picture all the time in blitz. Pros do too. But as for life in this game...
Click Here To Show Diagram Code
[go]$$Bc Life in the Final Position; 5 connects
$$ ---------------------------------------
$$ | . . O O . O . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
$$ | . O . O . O X . . . . . . O X . . . . |
$$ | . O O X O O X X X X . O . X X . . . . |
$$ | . X O X X X O O O X . . . O . X . X . |
$$ | . X X X O . X . . X O O . . . X X O . |
$$ | . . . X O . O O O O X O . . O X O O . |
$$ | . X X . X X X X X X X . . O . O X X . |
$$ | . X O O . . O X O . X . . . O . . . . |
$$ | . O X O O O O O a . . . . X X O O O . |
$$ | . O X 0 X X X O 9 b . O O O O X X X . |
$$ | . O X O O X . X X 8 . X . X O X O . . |
$$ | . O X O X X O 6 2 7 c . O O X . X . . |
$$ | . . . O . . O O X 4 O . . X . X . . . |
$$ | . O O . X X O X 1 O X . . . O . . . . |
$$ | O . O . 3 O X X O O X O O . O X X X . |
$$ | . O X X X X O O . O O X X . X O O O . |
$$ | . X . X O X X O O X X X . . X O . . . |
$$ | X O X O O O O O X . . X X X O O . . . |
$$ | . O X . O . . . . X X . . O . . . . . |
$$ ---------------------------------------[/go]

The gap at :w10: prevents White for cutting you off. Black connects at "a" next and reduces the center at the same time. Black is still in the game. If White "a" instead of 10, Black plays atari at "b", White has to capture at "c" and Black connects at 10, capturing White's center stones.

I just had time to look at this sequence more in depth, and it's pretty beautiful. Thanks again for sharing.

be immersed

 Post subject: Re: Kirby's Study Journal
Post #20 Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:09 pm 

Posts: 9550
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KGS: Kirby
Tygem: 커비라고해

RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[600]OT[5x20 byo-yomi]
PW[adversary]PB[me]WR[1d]BR[1d]DT[2013-06-14]C[I played black this game.]RE[W+27.50]
;W[dc]WL[584.577]C[Hmm, I'll approach E4. Works with Q4.
;W[dq]WL[573.835]C[Hmm. On the bottom, it'd be a nice setup to do F4, he C6, then I K4. But that's gote, plus he plays C6, so it'd be hard to get in E15 nicely, too.

I'll play E15. I would like it if he plays the same joseki as here, but he'll probably pincer.]
;W[cg]WL[565.836]C[So I could play F4, but I'll end in gote... So I guess I'll do a joseki up at the top here. I'll go for territory.]
;B[cf]BL[530.159]C[I wonder if he'll B14.]
;W[be]WL[546.647]C[Hmm. I was told E17 is best here. But I prefer E14. I can't get my head around E17 being better, and I think he'll answer.]
;W[fp]WL[539.155]C[OK, sure. I get some penalty for tenuki. Can't let him have too big a moyo on left, though.]
;W[fo]WL[513.477]C[Hmm, E5 would have been honte for him. I'll try to punish him.]
;W[eo]WL[501.078]C[While I'm at it, I'll get B12 for sente. I don't know if I can keep any of these stones, but then I can try to invade later with maybe some help.]
;B[jq]BL[465.576]C[Come back and make a base.]
;W[hp]WL[485.977]C[He's expanding his moyo, I guess? I'll take the exchange. Still planning to invade later...]
;W[em]WL[473.899]C[Weird move. I won't D6, though. That's what he wants. I'll D10. Seems slightly deep, but let's go for it!]
;W[eg]WL[453.894]C[Yes... I'll answer him.]
;B[dm]BL[387.625]C[I'll live inside... His influence isn't super anyway, because I have Q16 and Q4.

(**Post-game thinking: This was a bad idea. I should probably run right now with maybe F9 or F11?**)]
;B[cn]BL[385.018]C[OK. If he does F6, I'll tenuki. Let's try to live!]
;B[ck]BL[373.482]C[OK. Threaten eye around C11, and make eye in C7. Living shouldn't be too hard.]
;W[bm]WL[331.898]C[Hmm, tricky. If I c7, he can B10 and take away eye space at some point. Maybe B6 to threaten B4 later?]
;W[bo]WL[321.67]C[OK, make an eye over here, and then make an eye around B10. Easy.

;B[bl]BL[326.65]C[(**Post-game thinking: I forgot this wasn't an eye. Silly me.**)]
;B[ao]BL[309.184]C[This is sente, I think.

(**Post-game thinking: For what?**)]
;W[aj]WL[210.401]C[Hmm, uh oh. Can I make two eyes?]
;W[ah]WL[146.816]C[Woops, forgot he could connect. It's a little late, but I guess I have to run.

(**Post-game thinking: It's tough, but maybe I should try Q10 or something. This is a disaster here, but at least I can get sente...**)]
;W[hm]WL[39.841]C[Hmm, problematic. I can't F7 in sente, because D6 is sente. Maybe I can C5, he B4, I D5, then I can try some sort of ko.]
;B[en]BL[13.66]C[Can I get in C3?]
;W[br]WL[20]OW[5]C[Hmm. Does C3 still work? No, not really.]
;W[hl]WL[20]OW[5]C[Hmm. G7 doesn't seem to work. Maybe H9, try to get some shortage of liberties on H7 somehow...

(**Post-game thinking: This is too vague. I should give up here, and move on to Q10.**)]
;B[jj]BL[20]OB[4]C[OK, lost those stones, so threaten these, and gotta be aggressive, now.]
;W[qj]WL[20]OW[5]C[Hmm. Darn, E9 lets him be free with this. At least I'll connect that, then maybe I can get forcing moves.]
;W[gh]WL[20]OW[5]C[Yes, now keep forcing!]
;B[jo]BL[20]OB[4]C[OK, now we're cooking. I've got to shorten his liberties, though. H5 has too many liberties.. But maybe there's a spark of hope?]
;W[dn]WL[20]OW[5]C[Uhhhh, so difficult.]
;W[go]WL[20]OW[5]C[Yeah, gotta keep taking his liberties... But where are my ko threats? I've gotta play a move that gives me ko threats.]
;B[cq]BL[20]OB[4]C[(**Post-game thinking:his was not a great move for ko threats like I weas trying to make. When he takes at D6, he can answer pretty much any ko threat I make locally by capturing at C7 :-p**)]
;W[ih]WL[20]OW[5]C[Well. Looks like I can't kill. But maybe I can make up for it on the right later.]
;B[il]BL[20]OB[4]C[(**Post-game thinking: I was being stubborn. I should MOVE ON.**)]

(**Post-game thinking: Given the wall at K8, it's not as much of a threat when he jumps out. I think it would be better to immediately take eyespace around S8, now.**)]
;W[oj]WL[20]OW[5]C[OK, break out then KILL KILL KILL.]
;B[oi]BL[20]OB[3]C[(**Post-game thinking: I had drank a bit too much by the time I made this move. What in the world does this do?**)]
;W[ph]WL[20]OW[4]C[OK, take what I can get, then take more!]
;W[hd]WL[20]OW[4]C[Hmm. KILL L17 KILL L17 KILL L17.]
;W[ge]WL[20]OW[4]C[Who cares about E15. KILL L17!]
;B[if]BL[20]OB[1]C[Doh, that wasn't sente :-(]
;W[gb]WL[20]OW[4]C[KILL KILL]
;W[gc]WL[20]OW[4]C[Oh yeah.]
;W[ga]WL[20]OW[4]C[Woops, still not enough liberties for G14.]
;W[hf]WL[20]OW[4]C[Doh, he remembered.

Well, at least I can N12.]
;W[he]WL[20]OW[3]C[Can I L16, M17, K19 L19 K17 or something? I dunno, I'm in SD.]
;W[ka]WL[20]OW[3]C[Hmm, no way that will work.]
;W[fa]WL[20]OW[3]C[Yatta! Ok, R6 and P6, if sente, give me Q7.

(**Post-game thinking: I was naive.**)]
;W[kq]WL[20]OW[3]C[The rest of the game is straightforward - I killed the group on the bottom, but he killed a huge group on the left, and I lost by a good amount.]

be immersed

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