I saw sudden, large rating jumps for some other people's accounts. My own account (sum) did not have them; it was only affected by global rating resettings. Now, suddenly my account has also been affected as follows:
1) I played some rated games to 2021-05-19. 2) To ca. 2021-06-30, the rating remained rather constant while I did not play rated games. 3) On ca. 2021-07-01 to 2021-07-03, my rating increased by ca. 0.58 ranks. 4) On 2021-07-04, I won one game. My rating increased by ca. 0.23 ranks to the next day.
The sudden large rating jump (3) makes no sense whatsoever. Trying to justify it by meticulous analysis of all rating data would not provide any practical sense. If the games played in (1) shall cause a large rating increment, this should occur sooner rather than later and gradually rather than sudden. The actual rating behaviour (3) amounts to the rating strategy "It is best to NOT play and wait for the rating to increase much". Not playing ought never to have a very much more positive effect on a player's rating than playing and winning.